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The [[&O]] prefix denotes that an integer value is expressed in a Octal base 8 format.
: {{Parameter|a&}} = [[&O]]377
* The base 8 numbering system uses octal digit values of 0 to 7 only.
* Leading zero values can be omitted just like in decimal values as they add nothing to the return value.
* Decimal values returned can be any '''signed''' [[INTEGER]], [[LONG]] integer, or [[_INTEGER64]] value so use those type of variables when converting directly as shown above in the Syntax. The program [[ERROR Codes|"overflow"]] error limits are listed as:
:* [[_BYTE]]: 3 octal digits or a decimal value range from -128 to 127. [[_UNSIGNED]]: 0 to 255.
:* [[INTEGER]]: 6 octal digits or a decimal value range from -32,768 to 32,767. [[_UNSIGNED]]: 0 to 65535.
:* [[LONG]]: 11 octal digits or a decimal value range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. [[_UNSIGNED]]: 0 to 4294967295.
:* [[_INTEGER64]]: 22 octal digits or decimal values from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
:* [[_UNSIGNED]] [[_INTEGER64]]: 0 to 18446744073709551615.
* The maximum octal value for each numerical type is the maximum number of digits listed above, each valued at '''7''' (except the first digit).
** If the maximum number of digits is used, then the first digit (usually the highest significant position) may not be maxed out to '''7''', but only up to '''3''' ([[_BYTE]] and [[LONG]]) and up to '''1''' ([[INTEGER]] and [[_INTEGER64]]).
* Convert octal to [[LONG]] values by appending the values with the suffix '''&'''. Example: [[&O]]100000 = -32768: [[&O]]100000'''&''' = 32768
* To convert octal strings returned from [[OCT$]] with [[VAL]] you need to prefix the string with [[&O]] (for example, if the string is "377" you should do {{InlineCode}}{{Cl|VAL}}("&O377"){{InlineCodeEnd}} or {{InlineCode}}{{Cl|VAL}}("&O" + octvalue$){{InlineCodeEnd}}.
;Example 1:The maximum octal values of decimal value -1 in each numerical type are:
c&& = -1: d& = -1: e% = -1: f%% = -1
oc$ = {{Cl|OCT$}}(f%%)
{{Cl|PRINT}} "Max octal {{Cl|_BYTE}} = "; oc$; " with"; {{Cl|LEN}}(oc$); "digits ="; {{Cl|VAL}}("{{Cl|&O}}" + oc$)
oc$ = {{Cl|OCT$}}(e%)
{{Cl|PRINT}} "Max octal {{Cl|INTEGER}} = "; oc$; " with"; {{Cl|LEN}}(oc$); "digits ="; {{Cl|VAL}}("{{Cl|&O}}" + oc$)
oc$ = {{Cl|OCT$}}(d&)
{{Cl|PRINT}} "Max octal {{Cl|LONG}} = "; oc$; " with"; {{Cl|LEN}}(oc$); "digits ="; {{Cl|VAL}}("{{Cl|&O}}" + oc$)
oc$ = {{Cl|OCT$}}(c&&)
{{Cl|PRINT}} "Max octal {{Cl|_INTEGER64}} = "; oc$; " with"; {{Cl|LEN}}(oc$); "digits ="; {{Cl|VAL}}("{{Cl|&O}}" + oc$)
oc$ = {{Cl|OCT$}}(9223372036854775807)
{{Cl|PRINT}} "Max {{Cl|_INTEGER64}} value = "; oc$; " with"; {{Cl|LEN}}(oc$); "digits"
oc$ = {{Cl|OCT$}}(-9223372036854775808)
{{Cl|PRINT}} "Min {{Cl|_INTEGER64}} value = "; oc$; " with"; {{Cl|LEN}}(oc$); "digits"
Max octal _BYTE = 377 with 3 digits = 255
Max octal INTEGER = 177777 with 6 digits = 65535
Max octal LONG = 37777777777 with 11 digits = 4294967295
Max octal _INTEGER64 = 1777777777777777777777 with 22 digits =-1
Max _INTEGER64 value = 777777777777777777777 with 21 digits
Min _INTEGER64 value = 1000000000000000000000 with 22 digits
* [[_BIN$]], [[HEX$]], [[OCT$]], [[STR$]]
* [[&B]] (binary), [[&H]] (hexadecimal), [[VAL]]
* [[Base Comparisons]]