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mirror of https://github.com/QB64-Phoenix-Edition/QB64pe.git synced 2024-07-03 12:21:20 +00:00

Fix to precompiler to work inside $INCLUDE files

This commit is contained in:
SteveMcNeill 2016-03-08 20:53:35 -05:00
parent d9aa69afb9
commit 9761af33d5

View file

@ -2870,6 +2870,94 @@ DO
a3u$ = UCASE$(a3$)
'precompiler commands should always be executed FIRST.
IF LEFT$(a3u$, 5) = "$LET " THEN GOTO finishednonexec 'we dealt with this basically in the prepass
' so we could define CONST and such and have them available for later IDE passes
IF a3u$ = "$END IF" OR a3u$ = "$ENDIF" THEN
IF DefineElse(ExecCounter) = 0 THEN a$ = "$END IF without $IF": GOTO errmes
DefineElse(ExecCounter) = 0 'We no longer have an $IF block at this level
ExecCounter = ExecCounter - 1
layout$ = "$END IF"
controltype(controllevel) = 0
controllevel = controllevel - 1
GOTO finishednonexec
IF LEFT$(a3u$, 4) = "$IF " THEN
temp$ = LTRIM$(MID$(a3u$, 4)) 'strip off the $IF and extra spaces
temp$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(temp$, LEN(temp$) - 4)) 'and strip off the THEN and extra spaces
temp = INSTR(temp$, "=")
ExecCounter = ExecCounter + 1
ExecLevel(ExecCounter) = -1 'default to a skip value
DefineElse(ExecCounter) = 1 '1 says we have an $IF statement at this level
result = EvalPreIF(temp$, a$)
IF a$ <> "" THEN GOTO errmes
IF result <> 0 THEN
ExecLevel(ExecCounter) = ExecLevel(ExecCounter - 1) 'So we inherit the execlevel from above
IF ExecLevel(ExecCounter) = 0 THEN DefineElse(ExecCounter) = DefineElse(ExecCounter) OR 4 'Else if used and conditon found
controllevel = controllevel + 1
controltype(controllevel) = 6
IF temp = 0 THEN layout$ = "$IF " + temp$ + " THEN": GOTO finishednonexec 'no = sign in the $IF statement, so we're going to assume the user is doing something like $IF flag
l$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(temp$, temp - 1)): r$ = LTRIM$(MID$(temp$, temp + 1))
layout$ = "$IF " + l$ + " = " + r$ + " THEN"
GOTO finishednonexec
IF a3u$ = "$ELSE" THEN
IF DefineElse(ExecCounter) = 0 THEN a$ = "$ELSE without $IF": GOTO errmes
IF DefineElse(ExecCounter) AND 2 THEN a$ = "$IF block already has $ELSE statement in it": GOTO errmes
DefineElse(ExecCounter) = DefineElse(ExecCounter) OR 2 'set the flag to declare an $ELSE already in this block
IF DefineElse(ExecCounter) AND 4 THEN 'If we executed code in a previous IF or ELSE IF statement, we can't do it here
ExecLevel(ExecCounter) = -1 'So we inherit the execlevel from above
ExecLevel(ExecCounter) = ExecLevel(ExecCounter - 1) 'If we were processing code before, code after this segment is going to be SKIPPED
layout$ = "$ELSE"
lhscontrollevel = lhscontrollevel - 1
GOTO finishednonexec
IF LEFT$(a3u$, 5) = "$ELSE" THEN
temp$ = LTRIM$(MID$(a3u$, 6))
IF LEFT$(temp$, 3) = "IF " THEN
IF DefineElse(ExecCounter) = 0 THEN a$ = "$ELSE IF without $IF": GOTO errmes
IF DefineElse(ExecCounter) AND 2 THEN a$ = "$ELSE IF cannot follow $ELSE": GOTO errmes
IF RIGHT$(temp$, 5) <> " THEN" THEN a$ = "$ELSE IF without THEN": GOTO errmes
IF DefineElse(ExecCounter) AND 4 THEN 'If we executed code in a previous IF or ELSE IF statement, we can't do it here
ExecLevel(ExecCounter) = -1
temp$ = LTRIM$(MID$(temp$, 3)) 'strip off the IF and extra spaces
temp$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(temp$, LEN(temp$) - 4)) 'and strip off the THEN and extra spaces
result = EvalPreIF(temp$, a$)
IF a$ <> "" THEN GOTO errmes
IF result <> 0 THEN
ExecLevel(ExecCounter) = ExecLevel(ExecCounter - 1) 'So we inherit the execlevel from above
IF ExecLevel(ExecCounter) = 0 THEN DefineElse(ExecCounter) = DefineElse(ExecCounter) OR 4 'Else if used and conditon found
lhscontrollevel = lhscontrollevel - 1
temp = INSTR(temp$, "=")
IF temp = 0 THEN layout$ = "$ELSEIF " + temp$ + " THEN": GOTO finishednonexec 'no = sign in the $IF statement, so we're going to assume the user is doing something like $IF flag
l$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(temp$, temp - 1)): r$ = LTRIM$(MID$(temp$, temp + 1))
layout$ = "$ELSEIF " + l$ + " = " + r$ + " THEN"
GOTO finishednonexec
IF ExecLevel(ExecCounter) THEN 'don't check for any more metacommands except the one's which worth with the precompiler
layoutdone = 0
GOTO finishednonexec 'we don't check for anything inside lines that we've marked for skipping
'$INSTALLFILES [src_relative_to_bas_path_like_include] [IN dst_relative_to_application_root]
'$INSTALLFOLDER [src_relative_to_bas_path_like_include] [IN dst_relative_to_application_root]
metacommand$ = ""
@ -3030,52 +3118,15 @@ DO
GOTO finishednonexec
IF LEFT$(a3u$, 5) = "$LET " THEN GOTO finishednonexec 'we dealt with this basically in the prepass
' so we could define CONST and such and have them available for later IDE passes
IF a3u$ = "$END IF" OR a3u$ = "$ENDIF" THEN
layout$ = "$END IF"
controltype(controllevel) = 0
controllevel = controllevel - 1
GOTO finishednonexec
IF LEFT$(a3u$, 4) = "$IF " THEN
temp$ = LTRIM$(MID$(a3u$, 4)) 'strip off the $IF and extra spaces
temp$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(temp$, LEN(temp$) - 4)) 'and strip off the THEN and extra spaces
temp = INSTR(temp$, "=")
controllevel = controllevel + 1
controltype(controllevel) = 6
IF temp = 0 THEN layout$ = "$IF " + temp$ + " THEN": GOTO finishednonexec 'no = sign in the $IF statement, so we're going to assume the user is doing something like $IF flag
l$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(temp$, temp - 1)): r$ = LTRIM$(MID$(temp$, temp + 1))
layout$ = "$IF " + l$ + " = " + r$ + " THEN"
GOTO finishednonexec
IF a3u$ = "$ELSE" THEN
layout$ = "$ELSE"
lhscontrollevel = lhscontrollevel - 1
GOTO finishednonexec
IF LEFT$(a3u$, 5) = "$ELSE" THEN
temp$ = LTRIM$(MID$(a3u$, 6))
IF LEFT$(temp$, 3) = "IF " THEN
lhscontrollevel = lhscontrollevel - 1
temp$ = LTRIM$(MID$(temp$, 3)) 'strip off the IF and extra spaces
temp$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(temp$, LEN(temp$) - 4)) 'and strip off the THEN and extra spaces
temp = INSTR(temp$, "=")
IF temp = 0 THEN layout$ = "$ELSE IF " + temp$ + " THEN": GOTO finishednonexec 'no = sign in the $IF statement, so we're going to assume the user is doing something like $IF flag
l$ = RTRIM$(LEFT$(temp$, temp - 1)): r$ = LTRIM$(MID$(temp$, temp + 1))
layout$ = "$ELSE IF " + l$ + " = " + r$ + " THEN"
GOTO finishednonexec
END IF 'QB64 Metacommands
IF ExecLevel(ExecCounter) THEN
layoutdone = 0
GOTO finishednonexec 'we don't check for anything inside lines that we've marked for skipping
linedataoffset = DataOffset