diff --git a/source/qb64.bas b/source/qb64.bas index f55047e94..d81534c12 100644 --- a/source/qb64.bas +++ b/source/qb64.bas @@ -12284,10 +12284,8 @@ IF Debug THEN PRINT #9, "Finished generation of code for saving/sharing common a FOR closeall = 1 TO 255: CLOSE closeall: NEXT OPEN tmpdir$ + "temp.bin" FOR OUTPUT LOCK WRITE AS #26 'relock -errorcompilelog$ = tmpdir$ + "errorcompilelog.txt" compilelog$ = tmpdir$ + "compilelog.txt" -OPEN errorcompilelog$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1: CLOSE #1 'Clear log OPEN compilelog$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1: CLOSE #1 'Clear log IF idemode = 0 AND NOT QuietMode THEN @@ -12645,7 +12643,7 @@ IF os$ = "WIN" THEN NEXT If No_C_Compile_Mode = 0 THEN - SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c " + makeline$ + " 1>> " + compilelog$ + " 2>> " + errorcompilelog$ + SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c " + makeline$ + " 1>> " + compilelog$ + " 2>&1" IF idemode THEN 'Restore fg/bg colors @@ -12878,7 +12876,7 @@ IF os$ = "LNX" THEN END IF IF No_C_Compile_Mode = 0 THEN - SHELL _HIDE makeline$ + " 1>> " + compilelog$ + " 2>> " + errorcompilelog$ + SHELL _HIDE makeline$ + " 1>> " + compilelog$ + " 2>&1" IF idemode THEN 'Restore fg/bg colors dummy = DarkenFGBG(0) @@ -12916,7 +12914,7 @@ END IF IF compfailed THEN IF idemode THEN - idemessage$ = "C++ Compilation failed " + CHR$(0) + "(Check " + _TRIM$(compilelog$) + " And " + _TRIM$(errorcompilelog$) + ")" + idemessage$ = "C++ Compilation failed " + CHR$(0) + "(Check " + _TRIM$(compilelog$) + ")" GOTO ideerror END IF IF compfailed THEN diff --git a/tests/compile_tests.sh b/tests/compile_tests.sh index b75c9998a..e17245dd7 100755 --- a/tests/compile_tests.sh +++ b/tests/compile_tests.sh @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ show_failure() { cat "$RESULTS_DIR/$1-compile_result.txt" cat "$RESULTS_DIR/$1-compilelog.txt" - cat "$RESULTS_DIR/$1-errorcompilelog.txt" } show_incorrect_result() @@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ do "$QB64" -x "./tests/compile_tests/$test/test.bas" -o "$EXE" 1>$RESULTS_DIR/$test-compile_result.txt ERR=$? cp_if_exists ./internal/temp/compilelog.txt $RESULTS_DIR/$test-compilelog.txt - cp_if_exists ./internal/temp/errorcompilelog.txt $RESULTS_DIR/$test-errorcompilelog.txt (exit $ERR) assert_success_named "Compile" "Compilation Error:" show_failure $test diff --git a/tests/dist_tests.sh b/tests/dist_tests.sh index b72c34a93..dc95a8ec9 100755 --- a/tests/dist_tests.sh +++ b/tests/dist_tests.sh @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ show_failure() { cat "$RESULTS_DIR/$1-compile_result.txt" cat "$RESULTS_DIR/$1-compilelog.txt" - cat "$RESULTS_DIR/$1-errorcompilelog.txt" } for basFile in $TEST_CASES/*.bas @@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ do ./qb64 -x "$TEST_CASES/$test.bas" -o "$outputExe" 1>$RESULTS_DIR/$test-compile_result.txt ERR=$? cp_if_exists ./internal/temp/compilelog.txt $RESULTS_DIR/$test-compilelog.txt - cp_if_exists ./internal/temp/errorcompilelog.txt $RESULTS_DIR/$test-errorcompilelog.txt (exit $ERR) assert_success_named "compile" "Compilation Error:" show_failure $test diff --git a/tests/qbasic_tests.sh b/tests/qbasic_tests.sh index f257d9265..34e977134 100755 --- a/tests/qbasic_tests.sh +++ b/tests/qbasic_tests.sh @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ show_failure() { cat "$RESULTS_DIR/$1-compile_result.txt" cat "$RESULTS_DIR/$1-compilelog.txt" - cat "$RESULTS_DIR/$1-errorcompilelog.txt" } for sourceFile in $(find ./tests/qbasic_testcases/n54/ -name '*.bas') \ @@ -35,7 +34,6 @@ do "$QB64" -x "$sourceFile" -o "./$EXES_DIR/$test-output.exe" 1>$RESULTS_DIR/$test-compile_result.txt ERR=$? cp_if_exists ./internal/temp/compilelog.txt $RESULTS_DIR/$test-compilelog.txt - cp_if_exists ./internal/temp/errorcompilelog.txt $RESULTS_DIR/$test-errorcompilelog.txt (exit $ERR) assert_success_named "Compile" "Compilation Error:" show_failure $test