diff --git a/source/ide/ide_methods.bas b/source/ide/ide_methods.bas index b498457ba..6a0fd3bc2 100644 --- a/source/ide/ide_methods.bas +++ b/source/ide/ide_methods.bas @@ -674,12 +674,12 @@ FUNCTION ide2 (ignore) LOCATE idewy - 2, 2 PRINT "Location: "; COLOR 11, 1 - IF path.exe$ = "" THEN path.exe$ = getfilepath$(COMMAND$(0)) - IF RIGHT$(path.exe$, 1) <> pathsep$ THEN path.exe$ = path.exe$ + pathsep$ - IF POS(0) + LEN(path.exe$) > idewx THEN - PRINT "..."; RIGHT$(path.exe$, idewx - 15); + location$ = lastBinaryGenerated$ + IF path.exe$ = "" THEN location$ = _STARTDIR$ + pathsep$ + location$ + IF POS(0) + LEN(location$) > idewx THEN + PRINT "..."; RIGHT$(location$, idewx - 15); ELSE - PRINT path.exe$; + PRINT location$; END IF statusarealink = 3 END IF @@ -1418,7 +1418,7 @@ FUNCTION ide2 (ignore) CASE 3 '3- Link to the output folder when "Output EXE to source #folder" is checked: IF INSTR(_OS$, "WIN") THEN - SHELL _DONTWAIT "explorer /select," + QuotedFilename$(path.exe$ + file$ + extension$) + SHELL _DONTWAIT "explorer /select," + QuotedFilename$(lastBinaryGenerated$) ELSEIF INSTR(_OS$, "MAC") THEN SHELL _DONTWAIT "open " + QuotedFilename$(path.exe$) ELSE