{{QBDLDATE:05-20-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:16:58}} The {{KW|SWAP}} statement is used to exchange two variable or array element values. {{PageSyntax}} :{{KW|SWAP}} {{Parameter|variable1}}, {{Parameter|variable2}} {{PageDescription}} * {{Parameter|variable1}} and {{Parameter|variable2}} are any type variables whose values will be exchanged. * If either {{Parameter|variable1}} or {{Parameter|variable2}} is an array, then an element in the array must be designated. * {{KW|SWAP}} can be used with string or number variable values. Both must be of the same type. * SWAP is often used to sort array elements into greater or lesser numerical or cumulative [[ASCII]] [[STRING]] values. * SWAP can be used in page flipping to change between source and destination pages. ''Example 1:'' A simple SWAP of [[STRING|string]] values. {{CodeStart}} a$ = "one" b$ = "two" {{Cl|SWAP}} a$, b$ {{Cl|PRINT}} a$ {{Cl|PRINT}} b$ {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}}two one {{OutputEnd}} ''Example 2:'' Creating Cryptograms by scrambling EVERY capital letter in the alphabet. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|DIM}} Letter$(65 {{Cl|TO}} 90) {{Cl|RANDOMIZE}} {{Cl|TIMER}} {{Cl|CLS}} {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} a = 65 {{Cl|TO}} 90 'set ASCII codes and letters in order Letter$(a) = {{Cl|CHR$}}(a) 'create capitalized characters {{Cl|NEXT}} a {{Cl|COLOR}} 11: {{Cl|LOCATE}} 10, 10 {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} i = 65 {{Cl|TO}} 90 {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} Letter$(i) = {{Cl|CHR$}}(i) {{Cl|THEN}} 'find characters the same as the {{Cl|ASCII}} code index {{Cl|DO...LOOP|DO}}: j = {{Cl|INT}}({{Cl|RND}} * 26) + 65: {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|WHILE}} j = i 'loop until j <> i {{Cl|SWAP}} Letter$(i), Letter$(j) 'swap corresponding letter characters {{Cl|END IF}} {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|CHR$}}(i); " "; 'print normal alphabetical order {{Cl|NEXT}} {{Cl|COLOR}} 14: {{Cl|LOCATE}} 12, 10 {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} a = 65 {{Cl|TO}} 90 'display new alphabetical order {{Cl|PRINT}} Letter$(a); " "; {{Cl|NEXT}} text$ = "This is how a normal sentence would look before being encrypted." {{Cl|COLOR}} 11: {{Cl|LOCATE}} 20, 5: {{Cl|PRINT}} text$ L = {{Cl|LEN}}(text$) {{Cl|DIM}} Code(L) 'place ASCII code solution into an array {{Cl|COLOR}} 14: {{Cl|LOCATE}} 22, 5 {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} i = 1 {{Cl|TO}} L Code(i) = {{Cl|ASC}}({{Cl|UCASE$}}(text$), i) 'in QB64, ASC can read by character position {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} Code(i) >= 65 {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} Code(i) <= 90 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|PRINT}} Letter$(Code(i)); {{Cl|ELSE}} {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|CHR$}}(Code(i)); {{Cl|NEXT}} {{Cl|END}} {{CodeEnd}} {{small|Code by Ted Weissgerber}} :'' Explanation:'' The Letter$ [[STRING]] [[Arrays|array]] is first created with the letters matching the [[ASCII]] code index value. Every index is '''swap'''ped when the letter matches it's index code until every letter is different. The Code array holds the text code solution. ''Example 3:'' A very quick array sorting SUB procedure using recursion sorts 10 thousand numbers in milliseconds. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|DEFINT}} A-Z {{Cl|DIM}} {{Cl|SHARED}} swap2 {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|LONG}} 'Demo only {{Cl|DIM}} array(10000) {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|SINGLE}} 'array can hold any type of value {{Cl|RANDOMIZE}} {{Cl|TIMER}} {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} i = 0 {{Cl|TO}} 10000 array(i) = {{Cl|RND}} * 1000 'populate array with random values to sort {{Cl|NEXT}} start = {{Cl|LBOUND}}(array) 'lowest element finish = {{Cl|UBOUND}}(array) 'highest element swap2 = 0 'count swaps for demo only start! = {{Cl|TIMER}}(.001) {{Cl|CALL}} QuickSort(start, finish, array()) ending! = {{Cl|TIMER}}(.001) tmp$ = " array(0)= ##.##### array(5000)= ###.#### array(10000)= ###.####" {{Cl|PRINT USING}} tmp$; array(0); array(5000); array(10000) {{Cl|PRINT USING}} " Elapsed time: #.###### seconds with #######, swaps"; ending! - start!; swap2& {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} n = 0 {{Cl|TO}} 10000 'check array sort order {{Cl|IF}} array(n) >= max! {{Cl|THEN}} 'max should match the array type max! = array(n) {{Cl|ELSE}} {{Cl|BEEP}} {{Cl|PRINT}} "Bad sort order!" {{Cl|EXIT}} {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} {{Cl|END IF}} {{Cl|NEXT}} {{Cl|END}} {{Cl|SUB}} QuickSort (start {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|INTEGER}}, finish {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|INTEGER}}, array() {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|SINGLE}}) {{Cl|DIM}} Hi {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|INTEGER}}, Lo {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|INTEGER}}, Middle {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|SINGLE}} Hi = finish: Lo = start Middle = array((Lo + Hi) / 2) 'find middle of array {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|WHILE}} array(Lo) < Middle: Lo = Lo + 1: {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|WHILE}} array(Hi) > Middle: Hi = Hi - 1: {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|IF}} Lo <= Hi {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|SWAP}} array(Lo), array(Hi) swap2 = swap2 + 1 'count swaps for demo only Lo = Lo + 1: Hi = Hi - 1 {{Cl|END IF}} 'If homework, you will fail {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} Lo > Hi {{Cl|IF}} Hi > start {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|CALL}} QuickSort(start, Hi, array()) {{Cl|IF}} Lo < finish {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|CALL}} QuickSort(Lo, finish, array()) {{Cl|END SUB}} {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} array(0)= 0.20200 array(5000)= 525.8505 array(10000)= 999.6196 Elapsed time: 0.023438 seconds with 33,759 swaps {{OutputEnd}} :'''NOTE:''' The ''swap2'' shared value is used to count the swaps for the demo and can be removed from the SUB procedure for speed. ''See also:'' * [[RND]], [[RANDOMIZE]] * [[CHR$]], [[ASC]] * [[ASCII]], [[Arrays]] {{PageNavigation}}