{{DISPLAYTITLE:_TITLE}} The [[_TITLE]] statement provides the program name in the title bar of the QB64 program window. {{PageSyntax}} ::: [[_TITLE]] {{Parameter|Text$}} {{Parameters}} * The text can be any literal or variable [[STRING]] or [[ASCII]] character value. {{PageDescription}} * The title can be changed anywhere in a program procedure. * The title bar will say "Untitled" if a title is not used. * Change the title of the [[$CONSOLE]] windows created using: [[SHELL]] "title consoletitle" * '''Note: A [[_DELAY|delay]] may be required before the title may be set or after when used by a Windows API. ''Example 1:'' How to create the window title bar. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|_TITLE}} "My New Program" '' '' {{CodeEnd}} ''Example 2:'' How to find the currently running program module name and current path using a Windows API Library. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|_TITLE}} "My program" {{Cl|_DELAY}} 5 '5 second delay {{Cl|_TITLE}} {{Cl|MID$}}(TITLE$, 1, {{Cl|INSTR}}(TITLE$, ".") - 1) {{Cl|PRINT}} PATH$ {{Cl|FUNCTION}} TITLE$ '=== SHOW CURRENT PROGRAM {{Cl|SHARED}} PATH$ {{Cl|DECLARE LIBRARY}} 'Directory Information using KERNEL32 provided by Dav {{Cl|FUNCTION}} GetModuleFileNameA ({{Cl|BYVAL}} Module {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|LONG}}, FileName {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|STRING}}, {{Cl|BYVAL}} nSize {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|LONG}}) {{Cl|DECLARE LIBRARY|END DECLARE}} FileName$ = {{Cl|SPACE$}}(256) Result = GetModuleFileNameA(0, FileName$, {{Cl|LEN}}(FileName$)) {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} Result {{Cl|THEN}} PATH$ = {{Cl|LEFT$}}(FileName$, Result) start = 1 DO posit = {{Cl|INSTR}}(start, PATH$, "\") {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} posit {{Cl|THEN}} last = posit start = posit + 1 {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} posit = 0 TITLE$ = {{Cl|MID$}}(PATH$, last + 1) PATH$ = {{Cl|LEFT$}}(PATH$, last) {{Cl|ELSE}} TITLE$ = "": PATH$ = "" {{Cl|END IF}} {{Cl|END FUNCTION}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} : ''Note:'' The actual module file name is returned. Not necessarily the Title value. The value returned can be used however. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_ICON]] {{text|(Icons can be used in GL only!)}} * [[_DELAY]] * [[ASCII]] {{PageNavigation}}