$CONSOLE:ONLY CONST const__OR = 1 OR 2 CONST const__AND = 3 AND 1 CONST const__NOT = NOT 2 CONST const__XOR = 2 XOR 3 CONST const__EQV = 10 EQV 5 CONST const__IMP = 20 IMP 50 CONST const__mod = 20 MOD 3 CONST const__add = 2 + 3 CONST const__sub = 2 - 3 CONST const__div = 6 / 3 CONST const__idiv = 7 \ 3 CONST const__mult = 7 * 20 CONST const_pow = 3 ^ 10 CONST const__negate = -20 CONST const__eq = 2 = 2 CONST const__neq = 2 <> 3 CONST const__neq2 = 2 >< 3 CONST const__leq = 2 <= 3 CONST const__leq2 = 2 =< 3 CONST const__geq = 2 >= 3 CONST const__geq2 = 2 => 3 CONST const__gt = 2 > 3 CONST const__lt = 2 < 3 ' The left side which has no parens to indicate order should still equal the ' right side which has parens to enforce order. CONST const__oporder1 = (2 ^ 2 * 2) = ((2 ^ 2) * 2) CONST const__oporder2 = (2 ^ 2 + 2) = ((2 ^ 2) + 2) CONST const__oporder3 = (NOT 2 + 3) = (NOT (2 + 3)) CONST const__oporder4 = (-2 ^ 2) = (-(2 ^ 2)) CONST const__oporder5 = (NOT 2 ^ 3) = (NOT (2 ^ 3)) CONST const__oporder6 = (3 * 6 / 2) = ((3 * 6) / 2) CONST const__oporder7 = (3 * 10 \ 3) = ((3 * 10) \ 3) ' Many levels of parens CONST const__parens = (2 ^ (3 * (4 - (2 - (10 / (20 / 2)))))) CONST const__str = "foobar" CONST const__str2 = "foobar" + "foobar2" CONST const__str3 = const__str + const__str2 CONST const__str4 = (const__str + (const__str2)) CONST const__unsignedint = 2~&& * 5~&& PRINT const__OR PRINT const__AND PRINT const__NOT PRINT const__XOR PRINT const__EQV PRINT const__IMP PRINT const__mod PRINT const__add PRINT const__sub PRINT const__div PRINT const__idiv PRINT const__mult PRINT const_pow PRINT const__negate PRINT const__eq PRINT const__neq PRINT const__neq2 PRINT const__leq PRINT const__leq2 PRINT const__geq PRINT const__geq2 PRINT const__gt PRINT const__lt PRINT const__oporder1 PRINT const__oporder2 PRINT const__oporder3 PRINT const__oporder4 PRINT const__oporder5 PRINT const__oporder6 PRINT const__oporder7 PRINT const__parens PRINT const__str PRINT const__str2 PRINT const__str3 PRINT const__str4 PRINT const__unsignedint SYSTEM