#REDIRECT [[DECLARE LIBRARY]] The [[ALIAS]] clause in a [[DECLARE LIBRARY]] statement block tells the program the name of the procedure used in the external library. {{PageSyntax}} : SUB ''pseudoname'' [[ALIAS]] ''actualname'' [(''parameters'')] {{Parameters}} * The ''pseudo name'' is the name of the [[SUB]] or [[FUNCTION]] the QB64 program will use. * The ''actual name'' is the same procedure name as it is inside of the DLL library. * QB64 must use all parameters of imported procedures including optional ones. {{PageDescription}} * The ALIAS name clause is optional as the original library procedure name can be used. * The procedure name does not have to be inside of quotes when using [[DECLARE LIBRARY]]. * QB64 does not support optional parameters. ==QBasic/QuickBASIC== * In Qbasic ALIAS was originally only used in a [[DECLARE (non-BASIC statement)]] library declarations. {{PageExamples}} ''Example:'' Instead of creating a SUB with the Library statement inside of it, just rename it: {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|DECLARE LIBRARY}} {{Cl|SUB}} MouseMove {{Cl|ALIAS}} glutWarpPointer ({{Cl|BYVAL}} xoffset&, {{Cl|BYVAL}} yoffset&) {{Cl|DECLARE LIBRARY|END DECLARE}} {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|_SCREENEXISTS}}: {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|PRINT}} "Hit a key..." {{Cl|SLEEP}} MouseMove 1, 1 {{CodeEnd}} :''Explanation:'' When a Library procedure is used to represent another procedure name use ALIAS instead. Saves creating a SUB! Just place your name for the procedure first with the actual Library name after ALIAS. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[SUB]], [[FUNCTION]] * [[DECLARE LIBRARY]], [[BYVAL]] * [[DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY]] * [[DECLARE (non-BASIC statement)]] {{PageNavigation}}