'''$ELSE''' is precompiler command, which determines which sections of code inside its blocks are included into our code for compiling. {{PageSyntax}} :: $IF variable = expression THEN... ::. :: $ELSE ::. :: $END IF * $ELSE must follow a valid $IF statement * There can only be one $ELSE in an $IF-$ELSEIF-$ELSE-$END IF block, and it must be the last block selection before the $END IF. $ELSEIF ''can not'' follow $ELSE. ''Example 1:'' {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|$IF}} WIN THEN {{Cl|CONST}} Slash = "\" {{Cl|$ELSE}} {{Cl|CONST}} Slash = "/" {{Cl|$END IF}} {{Cl|PRINT}} "The proper slash for your operating system is "; Slash {{CodeEnd}} For the above, the CONST slash is defined by the automatic internal flag (WIN), which tells us what operating system we're using. On a windows PC, the Slash will be the backslash; for any other OS it will be the forward slash. ''See also:'' * [[$LET]] * [[$IF]] * [[$ELSEIF]] * [[$END IF]] {{PageNavigation}}