The '''ACCESS''' clause is used in a networking {{KW|OPEN}} statement. DOS 3.1 or above only! {{PageSyntax}} :OPEN "file.dat" FOR APPEND ['''ACCESS {READ|WRITE}'''] AS #1 {{PageDescription}} ''Valid Options:'' *Default: When specified, all other processes are denied file access. *READ: When specified, read access is denied to other file procedures. *WRITE: When specified, write access is denied to other file procedures. *READ WRITE: When specified any access is denied to other file procedures. ''Limitations:'' * Requires that the DOS '''SHARED.EXE''' program be run for QBasic to use networking access modes. *If another process already has access to a specified file, program access is denied for that file OPEN access. A "Permission Denied" error 70 will be returned. A network program must be able to handle a denial of access error. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[LOCK]], [[LOCK (access)]] * [[OPEN]] * [[ON ERROR]] {{PageNavigation}}