The '''DEF FN''' statement defines a non-recursive function in the main module that can use the module's variable values. {{PageSyntax}} :[[DEF FN]]{{Parameter|name}} [({{Parameter|parameterList}})] = {{Parameter|expression}} ::or, :[[DEF FN]]{{Parameter|name}} [({{Parameter|parameterList}})] ::[{{Parameter|statements}}] ::[[DEF FN|FN]]{{Parameter|name}} = {{Parameter|expression}} ::[{{Parameter|statements}}] :END DEF {{PageDescription}} *'''[[Keywords currently not supported by QB64|Currently NOT supported in QB64!]]''' * {{Parameter|name}} is the name of the function. * {{Parameter|parameterList}} is a comma-separated list of one or more parameters, similar to [[SUB]] and [[FUNCTION]] statements. * {{Parameter|expression}} is any numerical or string value to return from the function. * Function can be created anywhere in a module. Not in [[SUB]] procedures. * Function can NOT be defined in recursive(repeated) parts of a program. Declare it once only! * Function returns should be assigned to a variable when an alteration to the return value is necessary. * Function references should only be made AFTER the declaration. * Multi-line function definitions MUST end with '''END DEF'''. * To leave a DEF Fn function early use '''EXIT DEF'''. * This type of function can share values in module level code. To keep values local to the procedure use [[STATIC]]. * Parameters cannot be from arrays, records or fixed length strings! * Fn must prefix the function name inside of the procedure and in a call. * Other variable names or procedures cannot begin with FN or fn in Qbasic! * Qbasic Help recommends creating real [[FUNCTION]]s over DEF FN functions because of the above limitations. {{PageExamples}} :Function to get the base 10 logarithm of a number value. {{CodeStart}}{{Cl|DEF FN}}Log10#(x) = {{Cl|LOG}}(x) / {{Cl|LOG}}(10.#) {{Cl|PRINT}} FNLog10#(10) {{Cl|PRINT}} FNLog10#(100) {{Cl|PRINT}} FNLog10#(1000) {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} 1 2 3 {{OutputEnd}} :Demonstrates the multi-line syntax by drawing a circle: {{CodeStart}}{{Cl|CONST}} PI# = 3.141592653589793# {{Cl|DEF FN}}DegreesToRadians# (degrees#) radians# = degrees# * (PI# / 180#) FNDegreesToRadians# = radians# {{Cl|DEF FN|END DEF}} {{Cl|SCREEN}} 13 {{Cl|WINDOW}} (-1, -1)-(1, 1) {{Cl|CLS}} {{Cl|FOR}} degree% = 0 TO 360 x# = {{Cl|COS}}(FNDegreesToRadians#(degree%)) y# = {{Cl|SIN}}(FNDegreesToRadians#(degree%)) {{Cl|PSET}} (x#, y#) {{Cl|NEXT}} degree% {{CodeEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[FUNCTION]], [[SUB]] * [[DEFSTR]], [[DEFINT]] * [[DEFSNG]], [[DEFLNG]] * [[DEFDBL]] * [[_DEFINE]] {{PageNavigation}}