{{DISPLAYTITLE:_MOUSEMOVE}} The '''_MOUSEMOVE''' statement moves the mouse pointer to a new position on the screen as determined by the column and row coordinates. {{PageSyntax}} :::'''_MOUSEMOVE''' ''column%'', ''row%'' {{Parameters}} * [[INTEGER]] ''column'' is the horizontal pixel coordinate to place the mouse pointer and can be any value from 0 to [[_WIDTH (function)|_WIDTH]](0) - 1. * [[INTEGER]] ''row'' is the vertical pixel position to place the mouse pointer and can be any value from 0 to [[_HEIGHT]](0) - 1 {{PageDescription}} * Maximum coordinate values are based on a program's current [[SCREEN]] mode resolution or the pixel size set by [[_NEWIMAGE]]. * [[SCREEN]] 0 uses text block coordinates. '''Coordinates off of the screen will create an "Illegal Function Call" [[ERROR Codes|ERROR]]!''' * Can be used to position the pointer to a default dialog button or move the cursor away from a button so it is not clicked twice. * Does NOT require [[_MOUSEINPUT]] to be used, but all moves will be remembered and can be read by mouse functions. ''Example:'' How to move the mouse cursor using remembered mouse movements. Press any key to quit. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|SCREEN}} 12 i = {{Cl|_MOUSEINPUT}} 'start reading mouse events before INPUT to hold in memory {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|INPUT}} "Move the mouse pointer and make a few clicks, then press Enter!", dummy$ {{Cl|_MOUSEMOVE}} 1, 1 DO: {{Cl|_LIMIT}} 30 count = count + 1 i = {{Cl|_MOUSEINPUT}} x = {{Cl|_MOUSEX}}: y = {{Cl|_MOUSEY}} b = {{Cl|_MOUSEBUTTON}}(1) {{Cl|PRINT}} count, x, y, b {{Cl|_MOUSEMOVE}} x, y {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} i = 0 {{Cl|OR (boolean)|OR}} {{Cl|INKEY$}} > "" {{Cl|PRINT}} "Done!" '' '' {{CodeEnd}} : ''Explanation:'' The [[_MOUSEINPUT]] function will hold previous and _MOUSEMOVE events so press any key when you want to quit. : '''Note: [[INPUT]], [[INPUT$]] and [[LINE INPUT]] will allow continued reading of mouse events while awaiting program user input!''' : It is recommended that a [[WHILE]] [[_MOUSEINPUT]]: [[WEND]] loop be used immediately after to clear stored mouse events. ''See also:'' * [[_MOUSEX]], [[_MOUSEY]] * [[_NEWIMAGE]], [[_SCREENIMAGE]] * [[DECLARE LIBRARY|MouseMove]] {{text|(SDL Library Function)}} {{PageNavigation}}