FUNCTION Back2BackName$ (a$) IF a$ = "Keyword Reference - Alphabetical" THEN Back2BackName$ = "Alphabetical": EXIT FUNCTION IF a$ = "Keyword Reference - By usage" THEN Back2BackName$ = "By Usage": EXIT FUNCTION IF a$ = "QB64 Help Menu" THEN Back2BackName$ = "Help": EXIT FUNCTION IF a$ = "QB64 FAQ" THEN Back2BackName$ = "FAQ": EXIT FUNCTION Back2BackName$ = a$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION Wiki$ (PageName$) Help_PageLoaded$ = PageName$ 'Escape all invalid and other critical chars in filenames PageName2$ = "" FOR i = 1 TO LEN(PageName$) c = ASC(PageName$, i) SELECT CASE c CASE 32 ' '(space) PageName2$ = PageName2$ + "_" CASE 34, 38, 42, 47, 58, 60, 62, 63, 92, 124 '("&*/:<>?\|) PageName2$ = PageName2$ + "%" + HEX$(c) CASE ELSE PageName2$ = PageName2$ + CHR$(c) END SELECT NEXT 'Is this page in the cache? IF Help_IgnoreCache = 0 THEN IF _FILEEXISTS(Cache_Folder$ + "/" + PageName2$ + ".txt") THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN Cache_Folder$ + "/" + PageName2$ + ".txt" FOR BINARY AS #fh a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)) GET #fh, , a$ CLOSE #fh chr13 = INSTR(a$, CHR$(13)) removedchr13 = 0 DO WHILE chr13 > 0 removedchr13 = -1 a$ = LEFT$(a$, chr13 - 1) + MID$(a$, chr13 + 1) chr13 = INSTR(a$, CHR$(13)) LOOP IF removedchr13 THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN Cache_Folder$ + "/" + PageName2$ + ".txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh: CLOSE #fh OPEN Cache_Folder$ + "/" + PageName2$ + ".txt" FOR BINARY AS #fh PUT #fh, 1, a$ CLOSE #fh END IF Wiki$ = a$ EXIT FUNCTION END IF END IF 'check for curl IF _SHELLHIDE("curl --version") <> 0 THEN PCOPY 2, 0 result = idemessagebox("QB64", "Cannot find 'curl'.", "#Abort") PCOPY 3, 0: SCREEN , , 3, 0 EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'download message (Status Bar) IF Help_Recaching = 0 THEN a$ = "Downloading '" + PageName$ + "' page..." IF LEN(a$) > 60 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 57) + STRING$(3, 250) IF LEN(a$) < 60 THEN a$ = a$ + SPACE$(60 - LEN(a$)) COLOR 0, 3: LOCATE idewy + idesubwindow, 2 PRINT a$; PCOPY 3, 0 END IF 'url query and output arguments for curl url$ = CHR$(34) + wikiBaseAddress$ + "/index.php?title=" + PageName2$ + "&action=edit" + CHR$(34) outputFile$ = Cache_Folder$ + "/" + PageName2$ + ".txt" 'wikitext delimiters s1$ = "name=" + CHR$(34) + "wpTextbox1" + CHR$(34) + ">" s2$ = "" 'download page using curl (opt -k = allow unsecure connections in case of cert errors) SHELL _HIDE "curl -k -o " + CHR$(34) + outputFile$ + CHR$(34) + " " + url$ fh = FREEFILE OPEN outputFile$ FOR BINARY AS #fh 'get new content a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)) GET #fh, 1, a$ CLOSE #fh 'find wikitext in the downloaded page s1 = INSTR(a$, s1$) IF s1 > 0 THEN a$ = MID$(a$, s1 + LEN(s1$)): s2 = INSTR(a$, s2$): ELSE s2 = 0 IF s2 > 0 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, s2 - 1) IF s1 > 0 AND s2 > 0 AND a$ <> "" THEN 'if wikitext was found, then substitute entities & save it '--- first HTML specific WHILE INSTR(a$, "&") > 0 ' '& must be first and looped until all a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "&", "&") 'multi-escapes are resolved (eg. &lt; &amp;lt; etc.) WEND a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "<", "<") a$ = StrReplace$(a$, ">", ">") a$ = StrReplace$(a$, """, CHR$(34)) '--- then other entities a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "|", "|") a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "π", CHR$(227)) a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "θ", CHR$(233)) a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "¹", CHR$(252)) a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "²", CHR$(253)) a$ = StrReplace$(a$, " ", CHR$(255)) '--- now save it OPEN outputFile$ FOR OUTPUT AS #fh PRINT #fh, a$ CLOSE #fh ELSE 'delete page, if empty or corrupted (force re-download on next access) KILL outputFile$ a$ = "{{PageInternalError}}" + CHR$(10) +_ "* Either the requested page is not yet available in the Wiki," + CHR$(10) +_ "* or the download from Wiki failed and corrupted the page data." + CHR$(10) +_ "** You may try ''Update Current Page'' from the ''Help'' menu." + CHR$(10) END IF Wiki$ = a$ END FUNCTION SUB Help_AddTxt (t$, col, link) IF t$ = CHR$(13) THEN Help_NewLine: EXIT SUB FOR i = 1 TO LEN(t$) c = ASC(t$, i) IF Help_LockParse = 0 AND Help_LockWrap = 0 THEN 'addtxt handles all wrapping issues IF c = 32 THEN IF Help_Pos = Help_ww THEN Help_NewLine: _CONTINUE Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 32 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = col + Help_BG_Col * 16 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link AND 255 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link \ 256 Help_Wrap_Pos = Help_Txt_Len 'pos to backtrack to when wrapping content Help_Pos = Help_Pos + 1: _CONTINUE END IF IF Help_Pos > Help_ww THEN IF Help_Wrap_Pos THEN 'attempt to wrap 'backtrack, insert new line, continue b$ = MID$(Help_Txt$, Help_Wrap_Pos + 1, Help_Txt_Len - Help_Wrap_Pos) Help_Txt_Len = Help_Wrap_Pos Help_NewLine MID$(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len + 1, LEN(b$)) = b$: Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + LEN(b$) Help_Pos = Help_Pos + LEN(b$) \ 4 END IF END IF END IF 'locks = 0 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = c Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = col + Help_BG_Col * 16 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link AND 255 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link \ 256 Help_Pos = Help_Pos + 1 NEXT END SUB SUB Help_NewLine IF Help_Pos > help_w THEN help_w = Help_Pos Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 13 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = Help_BG_Col * 16 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 0 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 0 help_h = help_h + 1 Help_Line$ = Help_Line$ + MKL$(Help_Txt_Len + 1) Help_Wrap_Pos = 0 IF Help_Underline THEN w = Help_Pos Help_Pos = 1 Help_AddTxt STRING$(w - 1, 196), Help_Underline, 0 Help_Underline = 0 'keep before Help_NewLine (recursion) Help_NewLine END IF Help_Pos = 1 IF Help_Center > 0 THEN 'center overrides regular indent Help_NewLineIndent = 0 Help_AddTxt SPACE$(ASC(LEFT$(Help_CIndent$, 1))), col, 0 Help_CIndent$ = MID$(Help_CIndent$, 2) ELSEIF Help_NewLineIndent > 0 THEN Help_AddTxt SPACE$(Help_NewLineIndent), Help_Col, 0 END IF END SUB FUNCTION Help_Col 'helps to calculate the default color col = Help_Col_Normal IF Help_Italic THEN col = Help_Col_Italic IF Help_Bold THEN col = Help_Col_Bold 'Note: Bold overrides italic Help_Col = col END FUNCTION SUB WikiParse (a$) 'wiki page interpret 'clear info help_h = 0: help_w = 0: Help_Line$ = "": Help_Link$ = "": Help_LinkN = 0 Help_Txt$ = SPACE$(1000000) Help_Txt_Len = 0 Help_Pos = 1: Help_Wrap_Pos = 0 Help_Line$ = MKL$(1) 'word wrap locks (lock wrapping only, but continue parsing regularly) Help_LockWrap = 0 'parser locks (neg: soft lock, zero: unlocked, pos: hard lock) 'hard: 2 = inside code blocks, 1 = inside output blocks 'soft: -1 = inside text blocks, -2 = inside fixed blocks '=> all parser locks also imply a wrapping lock '=> hard locks almost every parsing except utf-8 substitution and line breaks '=> soft allows all elements not disrupting the current block, hence only ' paragraph creating things are locked (eg. headings, lists, rulers etc.), ' but text styles, links and template processing is still possible Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0 Help_Underline = 0 Help_BG_Col = 0 Help_Center = 0: Help_CIndent$ = "" Help_DList = 0 link = 0: elink = 0: cb = 0: nl = 1 col = Help_Col 'Syntax Notes: ' '''=bold ' ''=italic ' {{macroname|macroparam}} or simply {{macroname}} ' eg. {{KW|PRINT}}=a key word, a link to a page ' {{Cl|PRINT}}=a key word in a code example, will be printed in bold and aqua ' {{Parameter|expression}}=a parameter, in italics ' {{PageSyntax}} {{PageParameters}} {{PageDescription}} {{PageExamples}} ' {{CodeStart}} {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} {{OutputEnd}} ' {{PageSeeAlso}} {{PageNavigation}} {{PageLegacySupport}} ' {{PageQBasic}} {{PageAvailability}} ' [[SPACE$]]=a link to wikipage called "SPACE$" ' [[INTEGER|integer]]=a link, link's name is on left and text to appear is on right ' *=a dot point ' **=a sub(ie. further indented) dot point ' "=a quotation mark ' :=indent (if beginning a new line) ' CHR$(10)=new line character prefetch = 20 DIM c$(prefetch) FOR ii = 1 TO prefetch c$(ii) = SPACE$(ii) NEXT i = INSTR(a$, " 0 a$ = LEFT$(a$, i - 1) + MID$(a$, INSTR(i + 1, a$, ">") + 1) i = INSTR(a$, "") IF INSTR(wla$, "#toc") > 0 OR INSTR(wla$, "to Top") > 0 THEN i = i + LEN(wla$) + 9 'ignore TOC links and nested center ELSE Help_Center = 1: Help_CIndent$ = wikiBuildCIndent$(wla$) Help_AddTxt SPACE$(ASC(LEFT$(Help_CIndent$, 1))), col, 0 'center content Help_CIndent$ = MID$(Help_CIndent$, 2) END IF GOTO charDone END IF s$ = "" IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1 Help_Center = 0 Help_NewLine GOTO charDone END IF s$ = "

" THEN wla$ = wikiLookAhead$(a$, ii + 1, "

") IF INSTR(wla$, "#toc") > 0 OR INSTR(wla$, "to Top") > 0 THEN i = ii + LEN(wla$) + 4 'ignore TOC links and nested center ELSEIF INSTR(MID$(a$, i, ii - i), "center") > 0 THEN Help_Center = 1: Help_CIndent$ = wikiBuildCIndent$(wla$) Help_AddTxt SPACE$(ASC(LEFT$(Help_CIndent$, 1))), col, 0 'center (if in style) Help_CIndent$ = MID$(Help_CIndent$, 2) i = ii END IF EXIT FOR END IF NEXT GOTO charDone END IF s$ = "

" IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1 Help_Center = 0 Help_NewLine GOTO charDone END IF s$ = " 0 THEN text$ = RIGHT$(link$, LEN(link$) - i2) link$ = LEFT$(link$, i2 - 1) END IF IF INSTR(link$, "#") THEN 'local page links not supported yet Help_AddTxt text$, 8, 0 GOTO charDone END IF Help_LinkN = Help_LinkN + 1 Help_Link$ = Help_Link$ + "PAGE:" + link$ + Help_Link_Sep$ IF Help_BG_Col = 0 THEN Help_AddTxt text$, Help_Col_Link, Help_LinkN ELSE Help_AddTxt text$, Help_Col_Bold, Help_LinkN END IF GOTO charDone END IF link$ = link$ + c$ GOTO charDone END IF IF Help_LockParse <= 0 THEN 'keep text AS IS in Code/Output blocks 'External links IF c = 91 THEN '"[" IF (c$(6) = "[http:" OR c$(7) = "[https:") AND elink = 0 THEN elink = 2 elink$ = "" GOTO charDone END IF END IF IF elink = 2 THEN IF c$ = " " THEN elink = 1 GOTO charDone END IF elink$ = elink$ + c$ GOTO charDone END IF IF elink >= 1 THEN IF c$ = "]" THEN elink = 0 elink$ = " " + elink$ Help_LockWrap = 1: Help_Wrap_Pos = 0 Help_AddTxt elink$, 8, 0 Help_LockWrap = 0 elink$ = "" GOTO charDone END IF END IF END IF 'Templates IF c = 123 THEN '"{" IF c$(5) = "{{Cb|" OR c$(5) = "{{Cl|" OR c$(5) = "{{KW|" THEN 'just nice wrapped links i = i + 4 ' 'KW is deprecated (but kept for existing pages) link = 1 link$ = "" GOTO charDone END IF IF c$(2) = "{{" THEN 'any other templates i = i + 1 cb = 1 cb$ = "" GOTO charDone END IF END IF IF cb = 1 THEN IF c$ = "|" OR c$(2) = "}}" THEN IF c$(2) = "}}" THEN i = i + 1 cb = 0: cbo$ = "" IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'keep text AS IS in all blocks 'Standard section headings (section color, h3 w/o underline, h2 with underline) 'Recommended order of main page sections (h2) with it's considered sub-sections (h3) IF cb$ = "PageSyntax" THEN cbo$ = "Syntax:" IF cb$ = "PageLegacySupport" THEN cbo$ = "Legacy support" 'sub-sect IF cb$ = "PageParameters" OR cb$ = "Parameters" THEN cbo$ = "Parameters:" 'w/o Page suffix is deprecated (but kept for existing pages) IF cb$ = "PageDescription" THEN cbo$ = "Description:" IF cb$ = "PageQBasic" THEN cbo$ = "QBasic/QuickBASIC" 'sub-sect IF cb$ = "PageNotes" THEN cbo$ = "Notes" 'sub-sect IF cb$ = "PageErrors" THEN cbo$ = "Errors" 'sub-sect IF cb$ = "PageUseWith" THEN cbo$ = "Use with" 'sub-sect IF cb$ = "PageAvailability" THEN cbo$ = "Availability:" IF cb$ = "PageExamples" THEN cbo$ = "Examples:" IF cb$ = "PageSeeAlso" THEN cbo$ = "See also:" 'Independent main page end sections (centered, no title) IF cb$ = "PageCopyright" THEN cbo$ = "Copyright" IF cb$ = "PageNavigation" THEN cbo$ = "" 'ignored for built-in help 'Internally used templates (not available in Wiki) IF cb$ = "PageWelcome" THEN cbo$ = "Welcome:" IF cb$ = "PageCommunity" THEN cbo$ = "Community:" IF cb$ = "PageInternalError" THEN cbo$ = "Sorry, an error occurred:" '---------- IF cbo$ <> "" THEN IF RIGHT$(cbo$, 1) = ":" THEN Help_Underline = Help_Col_Section Help_AddTxt cbo$, Help_Col_Section, 0: Help_NewLine IF cbo$ = "Copyright" THEN Help_NewLine: Help_AddTxt "1991-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc.", 7, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt "This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License.", 7, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt "", 15, 0: Help_NewLine END IF END IF END IF IF cb$ = "CodeStart" AND Help_LockParse = 0 THEN IF Help_Txt_Len >= 8 THEN IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 3) <> 13 THEN Help_NewLine IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 7) <> 13 THEN Help_NewLine END IF Help_BG_Col = 1: Help_LockParse = 2 Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww - 15, 196) + " Code Block " + STRING$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine 'Skip non-meaningful content before section begins ws = 1 FOR ii = i + 1 TO LEN(a$) IF ASC(a$, ii) = 10 THEN EXIT FOR IF ASC(a$, ii) <> 32 AND ASC(a$, ii) <> 39 THEN ws = 0 NEXT IF ws THEN i = ii END IF IF cb$ = "CodeEnd" AND Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN IF nl = 0 THEN Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col END IF IF LEFT$(cb$, 11) = "OutputStart" AND Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'does also match new OutputStartBGn templates IF Help_Txt_Len >= 8 THEN IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 3) <> 13 THEN Help_NewLine IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 7) <> 13 THEN Help_NewLine END IF Help_BG_Col = 2: Help_LockParse = 1 Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww - 17, 196) + " Output Block " + STRING$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine 'Skip non-meaningful content before section begins ws = 1 FOR ii = i + 1 TO LEN(a$) IF ASC(a$, ii) = 10 THEN EXIT FOR IF ASC(a$, ii) <> 32 AND ASC(a$, ii) <> 39 THEN ws = 0 NEXT IF ws THEN i = ii END IF IF cb$ = "OutputEnd" AND Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN IF nl = 0 THEN Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col END IF IF cb$ = "TextStart" AND Help_LockParse = 0 THEN IF Help_Txt_Len >= 8 THEN IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 3) <> 13 THEN Help_NewLine IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 7) <> 13 THEN Help_NewLine END IF Help_BG_Col = 6: Help_LockParse = -1 Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww - 15, 196) + " Text Block " + STRING$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine 'Skip non-meaningful content before section begins ws = 1 FOR ii = i + 1 TO LEN(a$) IF ASC(a$, ii) = 10 THEN EXIT FOR IF ASC(a$, ii) <> 32 AND ASC(a$, ii) <> 39 THEN ws = 0 NEXT IF ws THEN i = ii END IF IF cb$ = "TextEnd" AND Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN IF nl = 0 THEN Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col END IF IF (cb$ = "FixedStart" OR cb$ = "WhiteStart") AND Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'White is deprecated (but kept for existing pages) IF Help_Txt_Len >= 8 THEN IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 3) <> 13 THEN Help_NewLine IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 7) <> 13 THEN Help_NewLine END IF Help_BG_Col = 6: Help_LockParse = -2 Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww - 16, 196) + " Fixed Block " + STRING$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine 'Skip non-meaningful content before section begins ws = 1 FOR ii = i + 1 TO LEN(a$) IF ASC(a$, ii) = 10 THEN EXIT FOR IF ASC(a$, ii) <> 32 AND ASC(a$, ii) <> 39 THEN ws = 0 NEXT IF ws THEN i = ii END IF IF (cb$ = "FixedEnd" OR cb$ = "WhiteEnd") AND Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN 'White is deprecated (but kept for existing pages) IF nl = 0 THEN Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col END IF IF RIGHT$(cb$, 5) = "Table" AND Help_LockParse <= 0 THEN 'keep text AS IS in Code/Output blocks Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "ษออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "บ ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "The original help page has a table here, please ", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " บ", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "บ ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "use the ", 15, 0: ii = Help_BG_Col: Help_BG_Col = 3: Help_AddTxt " View on Wiki ", 15, 0: Help_BG_Col = ii: Help_AddTxt " button in the upper right", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " บ", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "บ ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "corner to load the page into your browser. ", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " บ", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "ศออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ", 8, 0 END IF GOTO charDone END IF cb$ = cb$ + c$ 'reading maro name GOTO charDone END IF 'cb=1 IF c$(2) = "}}" THEN 'probably the end of a text section of macro'd text i = i + 1 GOTO charDone END IF IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'keep text AS IS in all blocks 'Custom section headings (current color, h3 w/o underline, h2 with underline) ii = 0 IF c$(5) = " === " THEN ii = 4 IF c$(4) = "=== " THEN ii = 3 IF c$(4) = " ===" THEN ii = 3 IF c$(3) = "===" THEN ii = 2 IF ii > 0 THEN i = i + ii: GOTO charDone ii = 0 IF c$(4) = " == " THEN ii = 3 IF c$(3) = "== " THEN ii = 2 IF c$(3) = " ==" THEN ii = 2 IF c$(2) = "==" THEN ii = 1 IF ii > 0 THEN i = i + ii: Help_Underline = col: GOTO charDone END IF IF Help_LockParse <= 0 THEN 'keep text AS IS in Code/Output blocks 'Bold & Italic styles IF c$(3) = "'''" THEN i = i + 2 IF Help_Bold = 0 THEN Help_Bold = 1 ELSE Help_Bold = 0 col = Help_Col GOTO charDone END IF IF c$(2) = "''" THEN i = i + 1 IF Help_Italic = 0 THEN Help_Italic = 1 ELSE Help_Italic = 0 col = Help_Col GOTO charDone END IF END IF IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'keep text AS IS in all blocks 'Rulers IF c$(4) = "----" AND nl = 1 THEN i = i + 3 Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww, 196), 8, 0 GOTO charDone END IF 'Definition lists IF c$ = ";" AND nl = 1 THEN 'definition (new line only) Help_Bold = 1: col = Help_Col: Help_DList = 1 IF c$(3) = ";* " THEN i = i + 2: Help_DList = 3 'list dot belongs to description IF c$(2) = ";*" THEN i = i + 1: Help_DList = 2 'list dot belongs to description GOTO charDone END IF IF c$ = ":" AND Help_DList > 0 THEN 'description (same or new line) Help_Bold = 0: col = Help_Col IF nl = 0 THEN Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt " ", col, 0 Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 3 IF Help_DList > 1 THEN Help_AddTxt CHR$(4) + " ", 15, 0 Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 2 END IF Help_DList = 0 GOTO charDone END IF IF c$ = ":" AND nl = 1 THEN 'independent description w/o definition (new line only) Help_AddTxt " ", col, 0 Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 3 GOTO charDoneKnl 'keep nl state for possible
    list bullets END IF 'Unordered lists IF nl = 1 THEN IF c$(3) = "** " THEN i = i + 2 Help_AddTxt " " + CHR$(4) + " ", 15, 0 Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 5 GOTO charDone END IF IF c$(2) = "* " THEN i = i + 1 Help_AddTxt CHR$(4) + " ", 15, 0 Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 2 GOTO charDone END IF IF c$(2) = "**" THEN i = i + 1 Help_AddTxt " " + CHR$(4) + " ", 15, 0 Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 5 GOTO charDone END IF IF c$ = "*" THEN Help_AddTxt CHR$(4) + " ", 15, 0 Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 2 GOTO charDone END IF END IF END IF IF Help_LockParse <= 0 THEN 'keep text AS IS in Code/Output blocks 'Tables (ignored) IF c$(2) = "{|" THEN i = i + 1 FOR ii = i TO LEN(a$) - 1 IF MID$(a$, ii, 2) = "|}" THEN i = ii + 1: EXIT FOR NEXT Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "ษออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "บ ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "The original help page has a table here, please ", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " บ", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "บ ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "use the ", 15, 0: ii = Help_BG_Col: Help_BG_Col = 3: Help_AddTxt " View on Wiki ", 15, 0: Help_BG_Col = ii: Help_AddTxt " button in the upper right", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " บ", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "บ ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "corner to load the page into your browser. ", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " บ", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "ศออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ", 8, 0 GOTO charDone END IF END IF 'Unicodes IF ((c AND &HE0~%%) = 192) AND ((ASC(c$(2), 2) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) THEN '2-byte UTF-8 i = i + 1 FOR ii = 0 TO wpUtfReplCnt IF wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = c$(2) + MKI$(&H2020) THEN Help_AddTxt RTRIM$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl), col, 0: EXIT FOR END IF NEXT GOTO charDone END IF IF ((c AND &HF0~%%) = 224) AND ((ASC(c$(2), 2) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) AND ((ASC(c$(3), 3) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) THEN '3-byte UTF-8 i = i + 2 FOR ii = 0 TO wpUtfReplCnt IF wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = c$(3) + CHR$(0) THEN Help_AddTxt RTRIM$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl), col, 0: EXIT FOR END IF NEXT GOTO charDone END IF IF ((c AND &HF8~%%) = 240) AND ((ASC(c$(2), 2) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) AND ((ASC(c$(3), 3) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) AND ((ASC(c$(4), 4) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) THEN '4-byte UTF-8 i = i + 3 FOR ii = 0 TO wpUtfReplCnt IF wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = c$(4) THEN Help_AddTxt RTRIM$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl), col, 0: EXIT FOR END IF NEXT GOTO charDone END IF 'Line breaks IF c = 10 OR c$(4) = "
    " OR c$(6) = "
    " THEN IF c$(4) = "
    " THEN i = i + 3 IF c$(6) = "
    " THEN i = i + 5 Help_NewLineIndent = 0 IF Help_LockParse > -2 THEN 'everywhere except in fixed blocks IF Help_Txt_Len >= 8 THEN 'allow max. one blank line (ie. collapse multi blanks to just one) IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 3) = 13 AND ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 7) = 13 THEN IF Help_Center > 0 THEN Help_CIndent$ = MID$(Help_CIndent$, 2) 'drop respective center indent Help_DList = 0: Help_Bold = 0: col = Help_Col 'definition list incl. style ends after blank line GOTO skipMultiBlanks END IF END IF END IF Help_AddTxt CHR$(13), col, 0 skipMultiBlanks: IF Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN 'in all blocks reset styles at EOL Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0 col = Help_Col END IF nl = 1 GOTO charDoneKnl 'keep just set nl state END IF Help_AddTxt CHR$(c), col, 0 charDone: nl = 0 charDoneKnl: 'done, but keep nl state i = i + 1 LOOP 'Trim Help_Txt$ Help_Txt$ = LEFT$(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) + CHR$(13) 'chr13 stops reads past end of content IF Help_PageLoaded$ = "Keyword Reference - Alphabetical" THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN "internal\help\links.bin" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh a$ = SPACE$(1000) FOR cy = 1 TO help_h 'isolate and REVERSE select link l = CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, (cy - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)) x = l x2 = 1 c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) oldlnk = 0 lnkx1 = 0: lnkx2 = 0 DO UNTIL c = 13 ASC(a$, x2) = c lnk = CVI(MID$(Help_Txt$, x + 2, 2)) IF oldlnk = 0 AND lnk <> 0 THEN lnkx1 = x2 IF (lnk = 0 OR ASC(Help_Txt$, x + 4) = 13) AND lnkx1 <> 0 THEN lnkx2 = x2: IF lnk = 0 THEN lnkx2 = lnkx2 - 1 IF lnkx1 <> 3 THEN GOTO ignorelink IF ASC(a$, 1) <> 254 THEN GOTO ignorelink 'retrieve lnk info lnk2 = lnk: IF lnk2 = 0 THEN lnk2 = oldlnk l1 = 1 FOR lx = 1 TO lnk2 - 1 l1 = INSTR(l1, Help_Link$, Help_Link_Sep$) + 1 NEXT l2 = INSTR(l1, Help_Link$, Help_Link_Sep$) - 1 l$ = MID$(Help_Link$, l1, l2 - l1 + 1) 'assume PAGE l$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - 5) a2$ = MID$(a$, lnkx1, lnkx2 - lnkx1 + 1) IF INSTR(a2$, "(") THEN a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, "(") - 1) IF INSTR(a2$, " ") THEN a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, " ") - 1) IF INSTR(a2$, "...") THEN a3$ = RIGHT$(a2$, LEN(a2$) - INSTR(a2$, "...") - 2) skip = 0 IF UCASE$(LEFT$(a3$, 3)) <> "_GL" THEN FOR ci = 1 TO LEN(a3$) ca = ASC(a3$, ci) IF ca >= 97 AND ca <= 122 THEN skip = 1 IF ca = 44 THEN skip = 1 NEXT END IF IF skip = 0 THEN PRINT #fh, a3$ + "," + l$ a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, "...") - 1) END IF skip = 0 IF UCASE$(LEFT$(a2$, 3)) <> "_GL" THEN FOR ci = 1 TO LEN(a2$) ca = ASC(a2$, ci) IF ca >= 97 AND ca <= 122 THEN skip = 1 IF ca = 44 THEN skip = 1 NEXT END IF IF skip = 0 THEN PRINT #fh, a2$ + "," + l$ oa2$ = a2$ a2$ = l$ IF INSTR(a2$, "(") THEN a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, "(") - 1) IF INSTR(a2$, " ") THEN a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, " ") - 1) IF INSTR(a2$, "...") THEN a3$ = RIGHT$(a2$, LEN(a2$) - INSTR(a2$, "...") - 2) skip = 0 IF UCASE$(LEFT$(a3$, 3)) <> "_GL" THEN FOR ci = 1 TO LEN(a3$) ca = ASC(a3$, ci) IF ca >= 97 AND ca <= 122 THEN skip = 1 IF ca = 44 THEN skip = 1 NEXT END IF IF skip = 0 THEN PRINT #fh, a3$ + "," + l$ a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, "...") - 1) END IF skip = 0 IF UCASE$(LEFT$(a2$, 3)) <> "_GL" THEN FOR ci = 1 TO LEN(a2$) ca = ASC(a2$, ci) IF ca >= 97 AND ca <= 122 THEN skip = 1 IF ca = 44 THEN skip = 1 NEXT END IF IF skip = 0 AND a2$ <> oa2$ THEN PRINT #fh, a2$ + "," + l$ ignorelink: lnkx1 = 0: lnkx2 = 0 END IF x = x + 4: c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) x2 = x2 + 1 oldlnk = lnk LOOP NEXT CLOSE #fh END IF END SUB FUNCTION wikiBuildCIndent$ (a$) wikiBuildCIndent$ = "": IF a$ = "" THEN EXIT FUNCTION org$ = a$: b$ = "" 'eliminate internal links FOR i = 1 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, i, 2) = "[[" THEN FOR ii = i + 2 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, ii, 1) = "|" THEN i = ii + 1: EXIT FOR IF MID$(org$, ii, 2) = "]]" THEN i = i + 2: EXIT FOR NEXT END IF IF MID$(org$, i, 2) = "]]" THEN i = i + 2 b$ = b$ + MID$(org$, i, 1) NEXT org$ = b$: b$ = "" 'eliminate templates FOR i = 1 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, i, 2) = "{{" THEN FOR ii = i + 2 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, ii, 1) = "|" THEN i = ii + 1: EXIT FOR IF MID$(org$, ii, 2) = "}}" THEN i = i + 2: EXIT FOR NEXT END IF IF MID$(org$, i, 1) = "|" THEN FOR ii = i + 1 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, ii, 2) = "}}" THEN i = ii: EXIT FOR NEXT END IF IF MID$(org$, i, 2) = "}}" THEN i = i + 2 b$ = b$ + MID$(org$, i, 1) NEXT org$ = b$: b$ = "" 'eliminate text styles and ext. links FOR i = 1 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, i, 3) = "'''" THEN i = i + 3 IF MID$(org$, i, 2) = "''" THEN i = i + 2 IF MID$(org$, i, 1) = "[" THEN i = i + 1 IF MID$(org$, i, 1) = "]" THEN i = i + 1 b$ = b$ + MID$(org$, i, 1) NEXT b$ = b$ + CHR$(10) i = 1: st = 1: br = 0: res$ = "" WHILE i <= LEN(b$) ws = INSTR(i, b$, " "): lb = INSTR(i, b$, CHR$(10)) IF lb > 0 AND (ws > lb OR lb - st <= Help_ww) THEN SWAP ws, lb IF ws > 0 AND ws - st <= Help_ww THEN br = ws: i = ws + 1 IF ASC(b$, ws) <> 10 AND i <= LEN(b$) THEN _CONTINUE END IF IF br = 0 THEN br = lb ci = (Help_ww - (br - st)) \ 2: IF ci < 0 THEN ci = 0 res$ = res$ + CHR$(ci) i = br + 1: st = br + 1: br = 0 WEND wikiBuildCIndent$ = res$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION wikiLookAhead$ (a$, i, token$) wikiLookAhead$ = "": IF i >= LEN(a$) THEN EXIT FUNCTION j = INSTR(i, a$, token$) IF j = 0 THEN wikiLookAhead$ = MID$(a$, i) ELSE wikiLookAhead$ = MID$(a$, i, j - i) i = j + 1 END IF END FUNCTION