{{KW|CDBL}} converts a value to the closest {{KW|DOUBLE}}-precision value. {{PageSyntax}} :: doublevalue = '''CDBL('''''expression''''')''' {{Parameters}} * The ''expression'' is any [[TYPE]] of literal or variable numerical value or mathematical calculation. {{PageDescription}} * Rounds to the closest [[DOUBLE]] floating decimal point value. * Also can be used to define a value as {{KW|DOUBLE}}-precision up to 15 decimals. ''Example:'' Prints a double-precision version of the single-precision value stored in the variable named A. {{CodeStart}} A = 454.67 {{Cl|PRINT}} A; {{Cl|CDBL}}(A) {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} 454.67 454.6700134277344 {{OutputEnd}} : The last 11 numbers in the double-precision number change the value in this example, since A was previously defined to only two-decimal place accuracy. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[CINT]], [[CLNG]] * [[CSNG]], [[_ROUND]] {{PageNavigation}}