The '''INSTR''' function searches for the first occurance of a search [[STRING]] within a string and returns the position it was found. {{PageSyntax}} :: position% = INSTR([start%,] basestring$, searchstring$) * The basestring position of the first character of the searchstring is returned by the function if found. * Position returned will be 0 if the search found no matches in the base string. * Start [[INTEGER]] position is optional. Must be at least 1 (start of a string) when used or an [[ERROR Codes|Illegal function call]] will occur. * The Start position is useful when making multiple searches in the same string. Otherwise it starts at the beginning again! * Base string and search string are any literal or variable [[STRING]] values. * The search string should be smaller than the base string! * Non-zero position return values can be used as a new start position by adding 1 to re-search the base string. * In a loop, INSTR can search an entire file for occurences of certain words. See the [[MID$ (statement)|MID$]] statement example. ''Example:'' Reading more than one instance of a word in a string using the INSTR return value as the start value plus 1. {{CodeStart}} '' '' text$ = "The cats and dogs where playing, even though dogs don't like cats." {{Cl|DO...LOOP|DO}} findcats% = {{Cl|INSTR}}(findcats% + 1, text$, "cats") ' find another occurance after {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} findcats% {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|PRINT}} "There is 'cats' in the string at position:"; findcats% {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} findcats% = 0 findmonkey% = {{Cl|INSTR}}(text$, "monkeys") ' find any occurance? PRINT findmonkey%; "'monkeys' were found so it returned:"; findmonkey% '' '' {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}}There is 'cats' in the string at position: 5 There is 'cats' in the string at position: 62 0 'monkeys' were found so INSTR returned: 0 {{OutputEnd}} : ''Explanation:'' When the INSTR return value is 0 there are no more instances of a string in a string so the search loop is exited. ''See also:'' * [[MID$]], [[MID$ (statement)]] * [[LEFT$]], [[RIGHT$]] {{PageNavigation}}