{{DISPLAYTITLE:_ATAN2}} The '''_ATAN2''' function returns the radian angle between the positive x-axis of a plane and the point given by the coordinates (x, y). {{PageSyntax}} ::: angle! = '''_ATAN2(''' ''y'', ''x''''')''' {{Parameters}} * ''y'' is the vertical axis position(row) as a positive, zero or negative floating point value. * ''x'' is the horizontal axis position(column) as a positive, zero or negative floating point value. {{PageDescription}} * The [[DOUBLE]] radian angle returned is '''positive''' for upper row values where y > 0. ::* _ATAN2(y, x) = [[ATN]](y# / x#) when x > 0 ::* _ATAN2(y, x) = [[ATN]](y# / x#) + [[_PI]] when x < 0 ::* _ATAN2(y, x) = [[_PI]] / 2 when x = 0 * The [[DOUBLE]] radian angle returned is 0 when x > 0 and [[_PI]] when x < 0 where y = 0 * The [[DOUBLE]] radian angle returned is '''negative''' for lower row values where y < 0. ::* _ATAN2(y, x) = [[ATN]](y# / x#) when x > 0 ::* _ATAN2(y, x) = [[ATN]](y# / x#) - [[_PI]] when x < 0 ::* _ATAN2(y, x) = -[[_PI]] / 2 when x = 0 * _ATAN2(0, 0) is undefined and the function returns 0 instead of a division error. {{PageErrors}} * Note: With [[ATN]](y / x), x can never be 0 as that would create a Division by Zero [[ERROR Codes|error]] 11 or #IND. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[ATN]] {{text|(arctangent)}} * [[_PI]] {{text|(QB64 function)}} * [[Mathematical Operations]] * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2 Atan2 reference] {{PageNavigation}}