# QB64 Phoenix Edition - Changelog Upcoming version is currently identified as v2.1, but that number may change before release. ## New features ### All platforms - Implement the `_Bin$` function as counterpart to `&B` prefixed number strings. Usage is analog to the legacy OCT$ and HEX$ functions. - Save Watch Panel position and size. - Add `$NOPREFIX` support for `$COLOR`. - Allow changing color of menu panels and dialogs (Options->IDE Colors). - Add support to different number formats in Watch Panel and Watch List dialog (dec/hex/oct/bin). ## Fixes ### All platforms - Fix function `LOC` returning wrong values when used on physical files. - Fix glitch in syntax highlighter mistaking variable names with scientific notation. - Fix Variable List dialog's "Add All" button not properly considering the active filter. - Fix wiki update feature. - Fix issue with Sub/Function parameters in `Declare` blocks with `$NoPrefix`. - Fix issue with Sub/Function parameters without types after `As`. - Fix issue with capitalization of array names in `LBound/UBound` calls. - Fix capitalization of 'To' in `Case` statements. - Fix indentation issue in disabled precompiler blocks. - Fix crash when a variable was deleted between `$Debug` sessions. - Reenables selecting a line by clicking the line number bar when `$Debug` is not used and the `Auto-add $Debug metacommand` feature is disabled. ### Linux - Fix building static libraries when installation path contains spaces.