{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:41:24}} The [[CINT]] function rounds decimal point numbers up or down to the nearest [[INTEGER]] value. {{PageSyntax}} : {{Parameter|value%}} = [[CINT]]({{Parameter|expression}}) {{Parameters}} * {{Parameter|expression}} is any [[TYPE]] of literal or variable numerical value or mathematical calculation. {{PageDescription}} * Values greater than .5 are rounded up. Values lower than .5 are rounded down. * ''Warning:'' Since [[CINT]] is used for integer values, the input values cannot exceed 32767 to -32768! * Use [[CLNG]] for [[LONG]] integer values exceeding [[INTEGER]] limitations. * Note: When decimal point values are given to BASIC functions requiring [[INTEGER]]s the value will be [[CINT]]ed. {{PageExamples}} ''Example:'' Shows how CINT rounds values up or down as in "bankers' rounding". {{CodeStart}} a% = {{Cl|CINT}}(1.49): b% = {{Cl|CINT}}(1.50): c = 11.5 {{Cl|COLOR}} c: {{Cl|PRINT}} a%, b%, c {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}}{{text|1 2 11.5|red}} {{OutputEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_ROUND]], [[_CEIL]] * [[CLNG]], [[CSNG]], [[CDBL]] * [[INT]], [[FIX]] {{PageNavigation}}