{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:41:46}} The [[CVS]] function decodes a 4-byte [[STRING]] generated by [[MKS$]] (or read from a file) to [[SINGLE]] numeric values. {{PageSyntax}} : {{Parameter|result!}} = [[CVS]]({{Parameter|stringData$}}) {{PageDescription}} * ''CV'' functions ([[CVD]], [[CVS]], [[CVI]], [[CVL]], [[CVDMBF]], [[CVSMBF]]) are used to convert values encoded by ''MK$'' functions ([[MKD$]], [[MKS$]], [[MKI$]], [[MKL$]], [[MKDMBF$]], [[MKSMBF$]]). * '''QB64''' has [[_CV]] and [[_MK$]] functions which can also deal with extended [[Data types|data types]]. * [[SINGLE]] values can range up to 7 decimal point digits. Decimal point accuracy depends on whole value places taken. {{PageExamples}} ''Example 1:'' Showcases the reduced space to store an encoded number. {{CodeStart}} a! = 700.2213 {{Cl|PRINT}} "Value of a!:"; a! b$ = {{Cl|MKDMBF$}}(a!) {{Cl|PRINT}} "Value of a# encoded using MKS$: "; b$ {{Cl|PRINT}} "The string above, decoded using CVS:"; {{Cl|CVS}}(b$) {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} Value of a!: 700.2213 Value of a# encoded using MKS: *♫/D The string above, decoded using CVS: 700.2213 {{OutputEnd}} :Since the representation of a single-precision number can use up to 7 ASCII characters (seven bytes), writing to a file using [[MKS$]] conversion, and then reading back with the [[CVS]] conversion can save up to 3 bytes of storage space. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[MKD$]], [[MKI$]], [[MKS$]], [[MKL$]], [[MKDMBF$]], [[MKSMBF$]] * [[CVI]], [[CVD]], [[CVL]], [[CVDMBF]], [[CVSMBF]] * [[_CV]], [[_MK$]] {{PageNavigation}}