{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:44:16}} The [[PRINT (file statement)|PRINT #]] statement prints numeric or string expressions to a sequential file, IO port or device. {{PageSyntax}} ::: '''PRINT #''fileNumber&''''', [ [{{Parameter|expression}}] [{;|,] ... ] {{Parameters}} * {{Parameter|fileNumber&}} is the file number of a file or device opened for writing. See {{KW|OPEN}}. * {{Parameter|expression}} is a numeric or string expression to be written to the file. Quotes will be removed from strings. * The print statement can be followed by a [[semicolon]] to stop the print cursor or a [[comma]] to tab the next print. ''Usage:'' * [[STRING]] values will be stripped of leading and trailing quotation marks when printed to the file. Use [[CHR$]](34) to add quotes to a file. * {{Parameter|separator}} is used to separate multiple expressions and specifies how the file cursor is to be moved before writing the next expression. It can be one of the following: ** semi-colon (;) - specifies that the print cursor stop immediately after the print. A subsequent print will start there. ** comma (,) - specifies that the file cursor is to move to the next 14-column tab-stop. If the file cursor is at column 56 or greater, it is moved to the next file row at column 1. * If {{Parameter|separator}} is not used at the end of the expression list, the file cursor moves to the next file row at column 1. * PRINT # can use the '''+ concatenation''' operator or semicolons to combine strings. * [[SPC]]({{Parameter|n%}}) - specifies that {{Parameter|n%}} space characters will be written in a print. * [[TAB]]({{Parameter|column%}}) - specifies that the file cursor is to move to a column number {{Parameter|column%}}. If the file cursor is beyond that column, it is moved to that column on the next file row. * When printing literal or variable numerical values the following rules apply: ** If the value is positive, the number is prefixed with a space character, otherwise, the number is prefixed with a negative sign (-). ** If the value is an [[INTEGER]] (whole number), no decimal point or fractional part will be written. ** If the value is not an integer (whole number) and has zero for a coefficient, no leading zero is written. For example, -0.123 is written as "-.123 " ** If a numeric literal is in scientific notation, the number is also written in scientific notation. [[PRINT USING (file statement)|PRINT #, USING]] can return actual rounded numerical values in string form. ** The numerical value is always followed by a space character unless [[STR$]] is used to convert it to a string value. * Whenever [[PRINT (file statement)|PRINT #]] moves the file cursor to a new file row, a carriage return character ({{KW|CHR$|CHR$(13)}}) followed by a line feed character ({{KW|CHR$|CHR$(10)}}) is written. The combination are referred to as the "CRLF" character. * '''Note: [[RANDOM]] and [[BINARY]] files are not affected by PRINT # statements to them and will create a syntax error in QB64!''' ''Example:'' Prints data to a text file sequentially and reads it back to the program screen as one line of text. {{CodeStart}} filename$ = "testfile.dat" x = 1: y = 2: z$ = "Three" {{Cl|OPEN}} filename$ {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} {{Cl|OUTPUT}} {{Cl|AS}} #1 'opens and clears an existing file or creates new empty file {{Cl|PRINT (file statement)|PRINT}} #1, x, y, z$ {{Cl|CLOSE}} #1 {{Cl|PRINT}} "File created with data. Press a key!" K$ = {{Cl|INPUT$}}(1) 'press a key {{Cl|OPEN}} filename$ {{Cl|FOR (file statement)|FOR}} {{Cl|INPUT (file mode)|INPUT}} {{Cl|AS}} #2 'opens a file to read it {{Cl|LINE INPUT (file statement)|LINE INPUT}} #2, text$ {{Cl|CLOSE}} #2 {{Cl|PRINT}} text$ {{Cl|WRITE}} text$ {{Cl|END}} {{CodeEnd}} : ''File content:'' [[PRINT (file statement)|PRINT]] string file values will not include the enclosing quotation marks but can be read by [[LINE INPUT (file statement)|LINE INPUT]] as text. {{TextStart}} 1 2 Three {{TextEnd}} : ''Screen output:'' [[PRINT]] string values will not display enclosing quotation marks. [[WRITE]] screen displays will. {{OutputStart}} 1 2 Three " 1 2 Three" {{OutputEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[SPC]], [[SPACE$]], [[TAB]] * [[PRINT USING (file statement)|PRINT #, USING]] * [[PRINT]] * [[WRITE (file statement)|WRITE #]], [[INPUT (file statement)|INPUT #]] * [[LINE INPUT (file statement)|LINE INPUT #]] * [[OPEN]], [[LPRINT]], [[WRITE]] {{PageNavigation}}