{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:44:34}} The '''RESUME''' statement is used with '''NEXT''' or a line number or label in an error handling routine. {{PageSyntax}} : [[RESUME]] {'''NEXT'''|{{Parameter|lineLabel}}|{{Parameter|lineNumber}}} {{PageDescription}} * '''NEXT''' returns execution to the code immediately following the error. * A {{Parameter|lineLabel}} or {{Parameter|lineNumber}} is the code line to return to after an error. * If the line label or number is omitted or the line number = 0, the code execution resumes at the code that created the original error. * [[RESUME]]can only be used in ERROR handling routines. Use [[RETURN]] in normal [[GOSUB]] procedures. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[ON ERROR]], [[ERROR]] * [[RETURN]], [[ERROR Codes]] * [[FOR...NEXT]] (counter loop) {{PageNavigation}}