{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:36:42}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:_CLIPBOARD$ (statement)}} The [[_CLIPBOARD$ (statement)|_CLIPBOARD$]] statement copies the [[STRING]] value into the system clipboard. {{PageSyntax}} :[[_CLIPBOARD$ (statement)|_CLIPBOARD$]] = {{Parameter|string_expression$}} {{PageDescription}} * {{Parameter|string_expression$}} is the string value to be sent to the clipboard. * The string value will replace everything previously in the clipboard. * Assemble long text into one string variable value before using this statement. * Add CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) CRLF characters to move to a new clipboard line. * When copying text files, end line CRLF characters 13 and 10 do not have to be added. * Numerical values can be converted to strings using [[STR$]], [[_MK$]], [[MKI$]], [[MKL$]], [[MKS$]], [[MKD$]], [[HEX$]] or [[OCT$]]. * The clipboard can be used to copy, paste and communicate between running programs. {{PageExamples}} ''Example:'' Set 2 lines of text in the clipboard using a carriage return to end text lines {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|DIM}} CrLf AS {{Cl|STRING}} * 2 'define as 2 byte STRING CrLf = {{Cl|CHR$}}(13) + {{Cl|CHR$}}(10) 'carriage return & line feed {{Cl|_CLIPBOARD$ (statement)|_CLIPBOARD$}} = "This is line 1" + CrLf + "This is line 2" {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|_CLIPBOARD$}} 'display what is in the clipboard {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}}This is line 1 This is line 2 {{OutputEnd}} :''Note:'' The text in the clipboard could also be sent to a file using [[PRINT (file statement)|PRINT #1]] [[_CLIPBOARD$]]. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_CLIPBOARD$]] (function) * [[_CLIPBOARDIMAGE (function)]], [[_CLIPBOARDIMAGE]] (statement) * [[CHR$]], [[ASCII]] (code table) {{PageNavigation}}