{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:38:19}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:_LASTAXIS}} The [[_LASTAXIS]] function returns the number of axis a specified number INPUT device on your computer has. {{PageSyntax}} : {{Parameter|axisCount%}} = [[_LASTAXIS]]({{Parameter|deviceNumber}}) {{PageDescription}} * Returns the number of axis that can be read on a specified device number within the number of [[_DEVICES]] found. * A valid number can be sent to the [[_AXIS]] function to find any relative axis movements. * The devices are listed in a numerical order determined by the OS and can be read by the [[DEVICE$]] function. * '''The [[_DEVICES]] function must be read before using _LASTAXIS or an [[ERROR Codes|"Illegal Function Call" error]] will occur.''' * Devices include keyboard(1), mouse(2), joysticks, game pads and multiple stick game controllers. {{PageExamples}} ''Example:'' Checking for the system's input devices and number of axis. {{CodeStart}} devices = {{Cl|_DEVICES}} 'MUST be read in order for other 2 device functions to work! PRINT "Number of input devices found ="; devices FOR i = 1 TO devices PRINT {{Cl|_DEVICE$}}(i) IF {{Cl|INSTR}}({{Cl|_DEVICE$}}(i), "[AXIS]") THEN PRINT "Axis:"; {{Cl|_LASTAXIS}}(i) NEXT {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}}Number of input devices found = 2 [KEYBOARD][BUTTON] [MOUSE][BUTTON][AXIS][WHEEL] Axis: 2 {{OutputEnd}} :Note: The [[STRIG]]/[[STICK]] commands won't read from the keyboard or mouse device the above example lists. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_LASTBUTTON]], [[_LASTWHEEL]] * [[_AXIS]], [[_BUTTON]], [[_WHEEL]] * [[_DEVICE$]], [[_DEVICES]] * [[_MOUSEBUTTON]] * [[STRIG]], [[STICK]] * [[ON STRIG(n)]], [[STRIG(n)]] {{PageNavigation}} [[Category:Latest]]