{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:38:47}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:_MK$}} The [[_MK$]] function can convert any numerical type into an [[ASCII]] [[STRING]] value that can be converted back using [[_CV]]. {{PageSyntax}} :{{Parameter|string_value$}} = [[_MK$]]({{Parameter|numericalType}}, {{Parameter|numericalValue}}) {{Parameters}} * {{Parameter|numericalType}} is any QB64 numerical type: [[INTEGER]], [[LONG]], [[SINGLE]], [[DOUBLE]], [[_INTEGER64]], [[_BYTE]] or [[_BIT]]. * Whole integer values can be signed or [[_UNSIGNED]]. * {{Parameter|numericalValue}} must match the {{Parameter|numericalType}} used. {{PageDescription}} * Supports converting any QBasic or '''QB64''' numerical value into a string value. * Some resulting [[ASCII]] string characters might not be able to be printed to the screen. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_CV]] {{text|(QB64 conversion function)}} * [[MKI$]], [[CVI]], [[INTEGER]] * [[MKL$]], [[CVL]], [[LONG]] * [[MKS$]], [[CVS]], [[SINGLE]] * [[MKD$]], [[CVD]], [[DOUBLE]] * [[MKSMBF$]], [[CVSMBF]] {{text|(Microsoft Binary Format)}} * [[MKDMBF$]], [[CVDMBF]] {{text|(Microsoft Binary Format)}} * [[PDS(7.1) Procedures#CURRENCY|CURRENCY]] {{PageNavigation}}