{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:39:22}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:_PRINTMODE (function)}} The [[_PRINTMODE (function)|_PRINTMODE]] function returns the current [[_PRINTMODE]] status as a numerical value from 1 to 3 in graphic screen modes. {{PageSyntax}} : {{Parameter|currentPrintMode}} = [[_PRINTMODE (function)|_PRINTMODE]][({{Parameter|imageHandle&}})] {{Parameters}} * If no {{Parameter|imageHandle&}} is given, the current [[_DEST|destination]] [[SCREEN]] page or image is assumed. {{PageDescription}} * Returns a status value from 1 to 3 designating the current mode setting: ** '''1''': mode is _KEEPBACKGROUND ** '''2''': mode is _ONLYBACKGROUND ** '''3''': mode is _FILLBACKGROUND '''(default)''' * '''The [[_PRINTMODE]] statement and function can only be used in graphic screen modes, not SCREEN 0''' {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_PRINTMODE]] * [[_LOADFONT]] * [[_NEWIMAGE]] * [[_PRINTSTRING]] {{PageNavigation}}