{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:40:06}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:_SHL}} The [[_SHL]] function is used to shift the bits of a numerical value to the left. {{PageSyntax}} :{{Parameter|result}} = [[_SHL]]({{Parameter|numericalVariable}}, {{Parameter|numericalValue}}) {{Parameters}} * {{Parameter|numericalVariable}} is the variable to shift the bits of and can be of the following types: [[INTEGER]], [[LONG]],[[_INTEGER64]], or [[_BYTE]]. * Integer values can be signed or [[_UNSIGNED]]. * {{Parameter|numericalValue}} is the number of places to shift the bits. * While 0 is a valid value it will have no affect on the variable being shifted. {{PageDescription}} * Allows for multiplication of a value by 2 faster than normal multiplication (see example 2 below). * Bits that reach the end of a variable's bit count are dropped (when using a variable of the same type - otherwise they will carry over). * The type of variable used to store the results should match the type of the variable being shifted. ==Availability== * '''Version 1.3 and up'''. {{PageExamples}} ''Example 1:'' {{CodeStart}}A~%% = 1 'set right most bit of an{{Cl|_UNSIGNED}} {{Cl|_BYTE}} {{Cl|PRINT}} A~%% {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|_SHL}}(A~%%,7) B~%% = {{Cl|_SHL}}(A~%%,8) 'shift the bit off the left 'edge' {{Cl|PRINT}} B~%% {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} 1 128 0 {{OutputEnd}} ''Example 2:'' {{CodeStart}} A~%% = 1 {{Cl|FOR}} I%% = 0 {{Cl|TO}} 8 {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|_SHL}}(A~%%, I%%) {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|NEXT}} I%% {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 {{OutputEnd}} * Note: When directly [[PRINT]]ing to screen, the result is calculated internally using a larger variable type so the left most bit is carried to the next value. ** To avoid this store the result in a variable of the same type before printing. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_SHR]], [[INTEGER]], [[LONG]] * [[_BYTE]], [[_INTEGER64]] {{PageNavigation}}