{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:40:17}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:_SNDOPEN}} The [[_SNDOPEN]] function loads a sound file into memory and returns a [[LONG]] handle value above 0. {{PageSyntax}} : {{Parameter|soundHandle&}} = [[_SNDOPEN]]({{Parameter|fileName$}}) {{PageDescription}} * Returns a [[LONG]] {{Parameter|soundHandle&}} value to the sound file in memory. '''A zero value means the sound could not be loaded.''' * The literal or variable [[STRING]] sound {{Parameter|fileName$}} can be '''WAV, OGG or MP3''' file types. * '''Always check the handle value returned is greater than zero before attempting to play the sound.''' * The handle can be used by most of the _SND sound playing functions and statements in QB64 except [[_SNDPLAYFILE]] which plays a sound file directly from the disk and does not use a handle value. * Handles can be closed with [[_SNDCLOSE]] when the sound is no longer necessary. * If a WAV sound file won't play, try it using the Windows [[Windows_Libraries#Play_WAV_Sounds|Play WAV sounds library]] to check it or convert the sound file to OGG. {{PageExamples}} ''Snippet 1:'' Loading a sound file to use in the program later. Only load it once and use the handle any time you want. {{CodeStart}} h& = {{Cl|_SNDOPEN}}("dog.wav") IF h& = 0 THEN BEEP ELSE {{Cl|_SNDPLAY}} h& 'check for valid handle before using! {{CodeEnd}} ''Snippet 2:'' Playing a sound from 2 different speakers based on program results. {{CodeStart}} Laff& = {{Cl|_SNDOPEN}}("KONGlaff.ogg") 'load sound file and get LONG handle value {{Cl|IF}} LaffX! < -1 {{Cl|THEN}} LaffX! = -1 'set full volume to left speaker {{Cl|IF}} LaffX! > 1 {{Cl|THEN}} LaffX! = 1 'set full volume to right speaker {{Cl|_SNDBAL}} Laff&, LaffX! 'balance sound to left or right speaker {{Cl|_SNDPLAY}} Laff& 'play sound {{CodeEnd}} ''Example:'' Playing a file and controlling playback: {{CodeStart}} s& = {{Cl|_SNDOPEN}}("song.ogg") {{Cl|PRINT}} "{{Cl|READ}}Y"; s& {{Cl|_SNDPLAY}} s& {{Cl|_SNDLOOP}} s& xleft = -1 xright = 1 DO k$ = {{Cl|INKEY$}} {{Cl|SELECT CASE}} k$ {{Cl|CASE}} "f" xleft = xleft - 0.1 {{Cl|_SNDBAL}} s&, xleft, , , 1 {{Cl|CASE}} "g" xleft = xleft + 0.1 {{Cl|_SNDBAL}} s&, xleft, , , 1 {{Cl|CASE}} "h" xright = xright - 0.1 {{Cl|_SNDBAL}} s&, xright, , , 2 {{Cl|CASE}} "j" xright = xright + 0.1 {{Cl|_SNDBAL}} s&, xright, , , 2 {{Cl|CASE}} "n" volume = volume - 0.1 {{Cl|_SNDVOL}} s&, volume {{Cl|CASE}} "m" volume = volume + 0.1 {{Cl|_SNDVOL}} s&, volume {{Cl|CASE}} "p" {{Cl|_SNDPAUSE}} s& {{Cl|CASE}} " " {{Cl|_SNDPLAY}} s& {{Cl|CASE}} "i" {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|_SNDPLAYING}}(s&) {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|_SNDPAUSED}}(s&) {{Cl|SLEEP}} {{Cl|CASE}} "b" {{Cl|_SNDSETPOS}} s&, 110 {{Cl|CASE}} "l" {{Cl|_SNDLIMIT}} s&, 10 {{Cl|PRINT}} "LIM" {{Cl|SLEEP}} {{Cl|CASE}} "k" {{Cl|_SNDSTOP}} s& {{Cl|CASE}} "c" {{Cl|_SNDCLOSE}} s& {{Cl|SLEEP}} s2& = {{Cl|_SNDOPEN}}("song.ogg") {{Cl|CASE}} "d" s2& = {{Cl|_SNDCOPY}}(s&) {{Cl|_SNDPLAY}} s2& {{Cl|END SELECT}} {{Cl|LOCATE}} 1, 1 {{Cl|PRINT}} xleft, xright, volume, {{Cl|_SNDGETPOS}}(s&); " " LOOP {{CodeEnd}}{{small|Code by Johny B}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_SNDCLOSE]], [[_SNDPLAY]], [[_SNDSTOP]] * [[_SNDPAUSE]], [[_SNDLOOP]], [[_SNDLIMIT]] * [[_SNDSETPOS]], [[_SNDGETPOS]] * [[_SNDPLAYING]], [[_SNDPAUSED]] * [[_SNDCOPY]], [[_SNDPLAYCOPY]] * [[_SNDBAL]], [[_SNDLEN]], [[_SNDVOL]] * [[_SNDPLAYFILE]] {{text|(plays a named sound file directly and closes)}} * [[_SNDRAW]], [[_SNDRATE]], [[_SNDRAWLEN]] {{text|(raw sounds without files)}} {{PageNavigation}}