{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:40:44}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:_TRIM$}} The [[_TRIM$]] function removes both leading and trailing space characters from a [[STRING]] value. {{PageSyntax}} :{{Parameter|return$}} = [[_TRIM$]]({{Parameter|text$}}) {{PageDescription}} * Shorthand to using [[LTRIM$]]([[RTRIM$]]("text")) * {{Parameter|text$}} is the [[STRING]] value to trim. * If {{Parameter|text$}} contains no leading or trailing space characters, it is returned unchanged. * Convert fixed length [[STRING]] values by using a different {{parameter|return$}} variable. {{PageExamples}} ''Example: Demonstrating how _TRIM$(text$) can replace LTRIM$(RTRIM$(text$)): {{CodeStart}} text$ = {{Cl|SPACE$}}(10) + "some text" + {{Cl|SPACE$}}(10) {{Cl|PRINT}} "[" + text$ + "]" {{Cl|PRINT}} "[" + {{Cl|RTRIM$}}(text$) + "]" {{Cl|PRINT}} "[" + {{Cl|LTRIM$}}(text$) + "]" {{Cl|PRINT}} "[" + {{Cl|LTRIM$}}({{Cl|RTRIM$}}(text$)) + "]" {{Cl|PRINT}} "[" + {{Cl|_TRIM$}}(text$) + "]" {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}}[ some text ] [ some text] [some text ] [some text] [some text] {{OutputEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[RTRIM$]], [[LTRIM$]] {{PageNavigation}} [[Category:Latest]]