' ' Duplicates the contents of one file into another ' ' Returns: 0 on success, 1 on error FUNCTION CopyFile& (sourceFile$, destFile$) DIM sourceFileNo, destFileNo DIM fileLength AS _INTEGER64 E = 0 sourceFileNo = FREEFILE OPEN sourceFile$ FOR BINARY AS #sourceFileNo IF E = 1 THEN GOTO errorCleanup fileLength = LOF(sourceFileNo) destFileNo = FREEFILE OPEN destFile$ FOR BINARY AS #destFileNo IF E = 1 THEN GOTO errorCleanup ' Read the file in one go buffer$ = SPACE$(fileLength) GET #sourceFileNo, , buffer$ PUT #destFileNo, , buffer$ errorCleanup: IF sourceFileNo <> 0 THEN CLOSE #sourceFileNo IF destFileNo <> 0 THEN CLOSE #destFileNo CopyFile& = E END FUNCTION ' ' Splits the filename from its path, and returns the path ' ' Returns: The path, or empty if no path FUNCTION getfilepath$ (f$) FOR i = LEN(f$) TO 1 STEP -1 a$ = MID$(f$, i, 1) IF a$ = "/" OR a$ = "\" THEN getfilepath$ = LEFT$(f$, i) EXIT FUNCTION END IF NEXT getfilepath$ = "" END FUNCTION ' ' Checks if a filename has an extension on the end ' ' Returns: True if provided filename has an extension FUNCTION FileHasExtension (f$) FOR i = LEN(f$) TO 1 STEP -1 a = ASC(f$, i) IF a = 47 OR a = 92 THEN EXIT FOR IF a = 46 THEN FileHasExtension = -1: EXIT FUNCTION NEXT END FUNCTION ' ' Strips the extension off of a filename ' ' Returns: Provided filename without extension on the end FUNCTION RemoveFileExtension$ (f$) FOR i = LEN(f$) TO 1 STEP -1 a = ASC(f$, i) IF a = 47 OR a = 92 THEN EXIT FOR IF a = 46 THEN RemoveFileExtension$ = LEFT$(f$, i - 1): EXIT FUNCTION NEXT RemoveFileExtension$ = f$ END FUNCTION ' ' Returns the extension on the end of a file name ' ' Returns "" if there is no extension ' FUNCTION GetFileExtension$ (f$) FOR i = LEN(f$) TO 1 STEP -1 a = ASC(f$, i) IF a = 47 OR a = 92 THEN EXIT FOR IF a = 46 THEN GetFileExtension$ = MID$(f$, i + 1): EXIT FUNCTION NEXT GetFileExtension$ = "" END FUNCTION ' ' Fixes the provided filename and path to use the correct path separator ' SUB PATH_SLASH_CORRECT (a$) IF os$ = "WIN" THEN FOR x = 1 TO LEN(a$) IF ASC(a$, x) = 47 THEN ASC(a$, x) = 92 NEXT ELSE FOR x = 1 TO LEN(a$) IF ASC(a$, x) = 92 THEN ASC(a$, x) = 47 NEXT END IF END SUB ' Return a pathname where all "\" are correctly escaped FUNCTION GetEscapedPath$ (path_name AS STRING) DIM buf AS STRING, z AS _UNSIGNED LONG, a AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE FOR z = 1 TO LEN(path_name) a = ASC(path_name, z) buf = buf + CHR$(a) IF a = 92 THEN buf = buf + "\" NEXT GetEscapedPath = buf END FUNCTION ' Adds a trailing \ or / to a directory name if needed FUNCTION FixDirectoryName$ (dir_name AS STRING) IF LEN(dir_name) > 0 AND RIGHT$(dir_name, 1) <> pathsep$ THEN FixDirectoryName = dir_name + pathsep$ ELSE FixDirectoryName = dir_name END IF END FUNCTION