$CONSOLE:ONLY ON ERROR GOTO ehandler 'Test setting with = ENVIRON "FOO=BAR" PRINT ENVIRON$("FOO") 'Test settings with space ENVIRON "VAR VAL" PRINT ENVIRON$("VAR") 'Test setting value with spaces with = separator ENVIRON "ABC=DEF GHI" PRINT ENVIRON$("ABC") 'Test setting value with spaces with space separator ENVIRON "JKL MNO PQR" PRINT ENVIRON$("JKL") 'Test overwriting existing ENVIRON "X=XY" ENVIRON "X=ZZZ" PRINT ENVIRON$("X") 'Test unset variable with = separator ENVIRON "NAME=LUKE" ENVIRON "NAME=" PRINT "["; ENVIRON$("NAME"); "]" 'Test unset variable with space separator ENVIRON "TEXT BOO" ENVIRON "TEXT " PRINT "["; ENVIRON$("TEXT"); "]" 'Test no separator ENVIRON "NOSEP" SYSTEM ehandler: print "Error"; ERR; "line"; _ERRORLINE RESUME NEXT