The {{KW|WINDOW}} graphics statement defines the coordinate dimensions of the current graphics viewport. {{PageSyntax}} :{{KW|WINDOW}} [[SCREEN] (x1, y1)-(x2,y2)] {{PageDescription}} * The statement allows a program to create a custom graphic coordinate system independent of the [[SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN]] mode used. * The coordinate values are defined as [[SINGLE]] precision values. * If the SCREEN option is used, row values increase from top to bottom. Negative coordinates can be used to the screen center. * If the SCREEN option is not used, row coordinates use the Cartesian system with highest row at top to lowest row at bottom. * A [[VIEW]] statement can change the viewport area. * All subsequent graphics statements will use the new coordinate system. * If no statement parameters are used, the viewport area is disabled. * Use [[CLS]] or [[CLS|CLS 1]] to clear the active WINDOW view port area. * [[RUN]] or a [[SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN]] statement will also disable the window viewport. * Note: '''QB64''' can create a custom sized window using [[_NEWIMAGE]]. ''Example:'' Using a WINDOW to amplify circle sizes. [[PMAP]] finds the corresponding WINDOW co-ordinates. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|SCREEN}} 12 {{Cl|WINDOW}} (0, 0)-(10, 10) 'uses Cartesian row co-ordinates {{Cl|PRINT}} "Click mouse to place a circle. Hit enter for next color." {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} clr = 1 {{Cl|TO}} 15 {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} {{Cl|_MOUSEBUTTON}}(1) {{Cl|THEN}} x! = {{Cl|PMAP}}({{Cl|_MOUSEX}}, 2) ' Convert mouse screen co-ordinates to window co-ordinates. y! = {{Cl|PMAP}}({{Cl|_MOUSEY}}, 3) {{Cl|CIRCLE}} (x!, y!), .2, clr {{Cl|PAINT}} {{Cl|STEP}}(0, 0), clr {{Cl|END IF}} {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|WHILE}} {{Cl|_MOUSEINPUT}} {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|INKEY$}} = {{Cl|CHR$}}(13) {{Cl|NEXT}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[PMAP]] * [[VIEW]] {{text|(graphics view port)}} * [[VIEW PRINT]] {{text|(text view port)}} * [[_NEWIMAGE]], [[_LOADIMAGE]] {{PageNavigation}}