The '''_MOUSESHOW''' statement displays the mouse cursor. {{PageSyntax}} ::: '''_MOUSESHOW''' ''Usage:'' * Simply use the statement whenever [[_MOUSEHIDE]] has been used previously. * This statement can also disable [[_MOUSEMOVEMENTX]] or [[_MOUSEMOVEMENTY]] relative mouse movement reads. * The mouse cursor will not interfere with any print or graphic screen changes in '''QB64'''. * _MOUSEHIDE statements do not accumulate like they did with [[ABSOLUTE]] or [[INTERRUPT]] in Qbasic. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_MOUSEHIDE]] * [[_MOUSEINPUT]] * [[_MOUSEMOVE]] * [[_MOUSEX]], [[_MOUSEY]] * [[_MOUSEBUTTON]] * [[_MOUSEMOVEMENTX]], [[_MOUSEMOVEMENTY]] * [[_DEVICES]], [[_DEVICE$]] {{PageNavigation}}