Option _Explicit DEFLNG A-Z $Console:Only Dim Debug As Long Debug = -1 '$include:'../../../source/global/constants.bas' '$include:'../../../source/utilities/type.bi' sp = "@" ' Makes the output readable DIM test$, strIndex AS LONG, Index AS LONG, ele$, i AS LONG test$ = "" strIndex = 0 Index = 0 ele$ = getnextelement$(test$, Index, strIndex) Print "Empty element: "; ele$ Print "strIndex = 1: "; strIndex Print "Index = -1: "; Index Print test$ = "foo" strIndex = 0 Index = 0 ' Should return one element for 'foo' and then Index = -1 For i = 1 To 2 ele$ = getnextelement$(test$, Index, strIndex) Print "element: "; ele$ Print "strIndex: "; strIndex Print "Index: "; Index Next Print test$ = "foo@bar@baz@20202020@&HADDD" strIndex = 0 Index = 0 ' Should return the 5 individual elements, and then Index = -1 For i = 1 To 6 ele$ = getnextelement$(test$, Index, strIndex) Print "element: "; ele$ Print "strIndex: "; strIndex Print "Index: "; Index Next System '$include:'../../../source/utilities/elements.bas'