The '''ON KEY(n)''' statement defines a line number or label to go to when a specified key is pressed. QB64 can reference a [[SUB]]. {{PageSyntax}} :: ON KEY(n) {{{KW|GOSUB}} {''linelabel''|''linenumber''}|{{KW|SUB}}procedure} * Predefined and user defined KEY event number assignments to use with ON KEY(n): {{WhiteStart}} '''1 to 10'''.............Reserved '''F1 to F10''' function keys only. '''11, 12, 13 and 14'''...Reserved '''Up, Left, Right and Down''' numeric keypad arrows only '''15 to 29'''............'''user-defined keys''' using value: [[CHR$]](keyflag) + [[CHR$]]([[Keyboard scancodes|scancode]]) '''30 and 31'''...........Reserved '''F11 and F12''' function keys only. {{WhiteEnd}} * See the [[KEY n]] page for user defined key or key combination presses and F function softkey assignments. * [[GOSUB]] with a ''linelabel'' or ''linenumber'' or a [[SUB]] procedure can be used in '''QB64'''. Don't use [[CALL]]! ''Example 1:'' Using ON KEY with [[GOSUB]] to execute code. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|KEY(n)|KEY(1) ON}} {{Cl|ON KEY(n)|ON KEY}}(1) {{Cl|GOSUB}} trap {{Cl|PRINT}} "Press F1 to quit!" {{Cl|DO}}:{{Cl|LOOP}} 'never ending loop trap: {{Cl|PRINT}} "You pressed F1 like I told you to :)" {{Cl|END}} {{Cl|RETURN}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} ''Example 2:'' Setting multiple ON KEY statements to send different values to a [[SUB]] procedure. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} n = 1 {{Cl|TO}} 10 {{Cl|KEY n|KEY}} n, {{Cl|STR$}}(n) ' assigns soft key as a numerical string {{Cl|ON KEY(n)|ON KEY}}(n) Funct n 'designate SUB procedure and parameter value passed {{Cl|KEY(n)|KEY}}(n) ON ' turns each key event monitor on {{Cl|NEXT}} {{Cl|KEY n|KEY}} ON 'displays F1 to F10 soft key assignments at bottom of screen DO {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|INKEY$}} = {{Cl|CHR$}}(27) {{Cl|END}} {{Cl|SUB}} Funct (num%) {{Cl|CLS}}' clears the screen and refreshes bottom soft key list {{Cl|PRINT}} "You pressed F"; {{Cl|LTRIM$}}({{Cl|STR$}}(num%)) {{Cl|END SUB}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} ''See also:'' * [[KEY(n)]], [[KEY n]] {{text|(soft key)}} * [[ON...GOSUB]], [[Scancodes]] * [[_KEYHIT]], [[_KEYDOWN]] {{PageNavigation}}