{{DISPLAYTITLE:_RGBA32}} The [[_RGBA32]] function ALWAYS returns the 32-bit ''RGBA'' color value with specified red, green, blue and alpha component intensities. {{PageSyntax}} :color32value~& = '''_RGBA32('''{{Parameter|red&}}, {{Parameter|green&}}, {{Parameter|blue&}}, {{Parameter|alpha&}}''')''' {{PageDescription}} * The value returned is ALWAYS a 32 bit [[_UNSIGNED]] [[LONG]] color value. * '''Return variable types MUST be [[LONG]] or resulting color may lose the [[_BLUE]] value!''' * {{Parameter|red&}} specifies the red component intensity from 0 to 255. * {{Parameter|green&}} specifies the green component intensity from 0 to 255. * {{Parameter|blue&}} specifies the blue component intensity from 0 to 255. * {{Parameter|alpha&}} specifies the [[_ALPHA|''alpha'']] component transparency value from 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque). * Alpha or intensity values outside of the valid range of 0 to 255 are clipped. * Returns [[LONG]] 32 bit hexadecimal values from '''&H00{{text|00|red}}{{text|00|green}}{{text|00|blue}}''' to '''&HFF{{text|FF|red}}{{text|FF|green}}{{text|FF|blue}}''' with varying [[_ALPHA]] transparency. * When [[LONG]] values are [[PUT]] to file, the ARGB values become BGRA. Use [[LEFT$]]([[MKL$]](colorvalue&), 3) to place 3 colors. * '''NOTE: Default 32 bit backgrounds are clear black or [[_RGBA]](0, 0, 0, 0)! Use [[CLS]] to make the black opaque!''' ''Example:'' Changing the [[ALPHA]] value to fade an image in and out using a 32 bit PNG image! {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN}} {{Cl|_NEWIMAGE}}(600, 400, 32) img& = {{Cl|_LOADIMAGE}}("qb64.png") 'use any 24/32 bit image '//Turn off auto display {{Cl|_DISPLAY}} ' Fade in {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} i% = 255 {{Cl|TO}} 0 {{Cl|STEP}} -5 {{Cl|_LIMIT}} 20 'control fade speed {{Cl|_PUTIMAGE}} (0, 0)-(600, 400), img& {{Cl|LINE}} (0, 0)-(600, 400), {{Cl|_RGBA}}(0, 0, 0, i%), BF 'increase black box transparency {{Cl|_DISPLAY}} {{Cl|NEXT}} ' Fade out {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} i% = 0 {{Cl|TO}} 255 {{Cl|STEP}} 5 {{Cl|_LIMIT}} 20 'control fade speed {{Cl|_PUTIMAGE}} (0, 0)-(600, 400), img& {{Cl|LINE}} (0, 0)-(600, 400), {{Cl|_RGBA}}(0, 0, 0, i%), BF 'decrease black box transparency {{Cl|_DISPLAY}} {{Cl|NEXT}} {{Cl|END}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} {{small|Code by Unseen Machine}} :''Note:'' The QB64.PNG bee image used is available at the top of the QB64 forum: http://www.qb64.net/forum/index.php {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_RGB32]], [[_RGBA]], [[_RGB]] * [[_RED32]], [[_GREEN32]], [[_BLUE32]] * [[HEX$ 32 Bit Values]], [[POINT]] * [[SAVEIMAGE]] {{text|(bitmap creator)}} * [http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colornames.asp Hexadecimal Color Values] {{PageNavigation}}