{{DISPLAYTITLE:_UNSIGNED}} [[_UNSIGNED]] defines a numerical value as being positive using '''QB64''' only. ''TYPE'' {{PageSyntax}} ::: [[DIM]] variable [[AS]] [{{KW|UNSIGNED}}] ''datatype'' ::: variable [[AS]] [{{KW|_UNSIGNED}}] ''datatype'' ''_DEFINE'' {{PageSyntax}} ::: {{KW|_DEFINE}} {{Parameter|LetterRange}} {{KW|AS}} [{{KW|_UNSIGNED}}] {{Parameter|datatype}} {{PageDescription}} * When {{KW|_UNSIGNED}} values use negative values the result subtracts from the highest value of the number's type keeping it positive. * Datatype can be any of the following: [[INTEGER]], [[LONG]], [[_BIT]], [[_BYTE]], [[_INTEGER64]], [[_OFFSET]] *'''[[SINGLE]], [[DOUBLE]] and [[_FLOAT]] variable types cannot be _UNSIGNED!''' * {{KW|_UNSIGNED}} can be used in a {{KW|_DEFINE}} statement to set undefined variable name first letters as all positive only values. * Can also be used in {{KW|DIM}} statements or Subprocedure parameter definitions following {{KW|AS}}. * {{KW|_UNSIGNED}} allows larger positive numerical variable value limits than signed ones. * The Unsigned variable type suffix used is the '''tilde ~''' before the number's own type suffix: variablename~& <center>How negative values affect the {{KW|_UNSIGNED}} value returned by a {{KW|_BYTE}} (8 bits). </center> {{WhiteStart}} 00000001 - unsigned & signed are both 1     01111111 - unsigned & signed are both 127   11111111 - unsigned is 255 but signed is -1 11111110 - unsigned is 254 but signed is -2 11111101 - unsigned is 253 but signed is -3 {{WhiteEnd}} ''Example 1:'' When a signed '''QB64''' [[INTEGER]] value exceeds 32767, the value may become a negative value: {{CodeStart}} '' '' i% = 38000 {{Cl|PRINT}} i% '' '' {{CodeEnd}}{{OutputStart}}-27536 {{OutputEnd}} :''Explanation:'' Use an [[_UNSIGNED]] [[INTEGER]] or a ~% variable type suffix for only positive integer values up to 65535. ''Example 2:'' In '''QB64''' [[_UNSIGNED]] [[INTEGER]] values greater than 65535 cycle over again from zero: {{CodeStart}} '' '' i~% = 70000 {{Cl|PRINT}} i~% '' '' {{CodeEnd}}{{OutputStart}} 4464 {{OutputEnd}} :''Explanation:'' In QB64 an unsigned integer value of 65536 would be 0 with values increasing by the value minus 65536. ''Example 3:'' Demonstrating how _UNSIGNED variables expand the [[INTEGER]] range. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|DIM}} n {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|_UNSIGNED}} {{Cl|INTEGER}} {{Cl|DIM}} pn {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|_UNSIGNED}} {{Cl|INTEGER}} {{Cl|LOCATE}} 3, 6: {{Cl|PRINT}} "Press Esc to exit loop" {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} n = 1 {{Cl|TO}} 80000 {{Cl|_LIMIT}} 10000 ' 6.5 second loop {{Cl|LOCATE}} 12, 37: {{Cl|PRINT}} n ' display current value {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} n > 0 {{Cl|THEN}} pn = n ' find highest value {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} n = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} Count = Count + 1: {{Cl|LOCATE}} 14, 37: {{Cl|PRINT}} "Count:"; Count; "Max:"; pn {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} {{Cl|INP}}(&H60) = 1 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|EXIT|EXIT FOR}} ' escape key exit {{Cl|NEXT}} n {{Cl|END}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} Press Esc to exit loop 65462 Count: 13 Max: 65535 {{OutputEnd}} ''Explanation:'' The maximum value can only be 65535(32767 + 32768) so the FOR loop repeats itself. Remove the [[_UNSIGNED]] parts and run it again. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[DECLARE]], [[SUB]], [[FUNCTION]] * [[DIM]], [[_DEFINE]] * [[DEFSTR]], [[DEFLNG]], [[DEFINT]], [[DEFSNG]], [[DEFDBL]] * [[INTEGER]], [[LONG]], [[_INTEGER64]] * [[ABS]], [[SGN]] * [[Variable Types]] {{PageNavigation}}