Option _Explicit DEFLNG A-Z $Console:Only Dim Debug As Long Debug = -1 '$include:'../../../source/global/constants.bas' '$include:'../../../source/utilities/type.bi' sp = "@" ' Makes the output readable Dim i As Long, value As String, typ As Long typ = elementGetStringValue&(createElementString$("foobar"), value) PRINT "foobar element: " + value FOR i = 1 to 30 ' Skip newline characters IF i >= 10 AND i <= 13 THEN _CONTINUE typ = elementGetStringValue&(createElementString$("foobar" + CHR$(i) + "baz"), value) PRINT "foobar element"; i PRINT value NEXT FOR i = 126 to 255 typ = elementGetStringValue&(createElementString$("foobar" + CHR$(i) + "baz"), value) PRINT "foobar element"; i PRINT value NEXT DIM s$ FOR i = 0 TO 255 s$ = s$ + CHR$(i) NEXT typ = elementGetStringValue&(createElementString$(s$), value) PRINT "all chars: "; FOR i = 1 TO LEN(value) PRINT HEX$(ASC(value, i)); " "; NEXT System '$include:'../../../source/utilities/elements.bas'