{{DISPLAYTITLE:_D2G}} The '''_D2G''' function converts a DEGREE value into a GRADIENT value. {{PageSyntax}} :: result = [[_D2G]](''num'') *(Only available in QB64-GL, from Dirty Builds after 06/20/2014. Previous versions of QB64 don't support this command.) ''Example:'' Coverting Degrees into Gradient. {{CodeStart}} INPUT "Give me an angle in Degrees ", D R = _D2G(D) PRINT "That angle in Gradient is "; R {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} Give me an angle in Degrees 60 That angle in Gradient is 66.66666 {{OutputEnd}} ''See also:'' * [[_D2R]] * [[_G2D]], [[_G2R]] * [[_R2D]], [[_R2G]] {{PageNavigation}}