FUNCTION gl2qb_type_convert$ (a$, symbol$, typ, ctyp$) symbol$ = "" 'unsigned int IF a$ = "GLenum" THEN b$ = "_UNSIGNED LONG": symbol$ = "~&": typ = ULONGTYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "uint32" IF a$ = "GLbitfield" THEN b$ = "_UNSIGNED LONG": symbol$ = "~&": typ = ULONGTYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "uint32" IF a$ = "GLuint" THEN b$ = "_UNSIGNED LONG": symbol$ = "~&": typ = ULONGTYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "uint32" 'int IF a$ = "GLint" THEN b$ = "LONG": symbol$ = "&": typ = LONGTYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "int32" IF a$ = "GLsizei" THEN b$ = "LONG": symbol$ = "&": typ = LONGTYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "int32" 'unsigned char IF a$ = "GLboolean" THEN b$ = "_UNSIGNED _BYTE": symbol$ = "~%%": typ = UBYTETYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "uint8" IF a$ = "GLubyte" THEN b$ = "_UNSIGNED _BYTE": symbol$ = "~%%": typ = UBYTETYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "uint8" 'char IF a$ = "GLbyte" THEN b$ = "_BYTE": symbol$ = "%%": typ = BYTETYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "int8" 'unsigned short IF a$ = "GLushort" THEN b$ = "_UNSIGNED INTEGER": symbol$ = "~%": typ = UINTEGERTYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "uint16" 'short IF a$ = "GLshort" THEN b$ = "INTEGER": symbol$ = "%": typ = INTEGERTYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "int16" 'float IF a$ = "GLfloat" THEN b$ = "SINGLE": symbol$ = "!": typ = SINGLETYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "float" IF a$ = "GLclampf" THEN b$ = "SINGLE": symbol$ = "!": typ = SINGLETYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "float" 'double IF a$ = "GLdouble" THEN b$ = "DOUBLE": symbol$ = "#": typ = DOUBLETYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "double" IF a$ = "GLclampd" THEN b$ = "DOUBLE": symbol$ = "#": typ = DOUBLETYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "double" 'void IF a$ = "GLvoid" THEN b$ = "_OFFSET": symbol$ = "%&": typ = OFFSETTYPE - ISPOINTER: ctyp$ = "ptrszint" 'typedef unsigned int GLenum; 'typedef unsigned char GLboolean; 'typedef unsigned int GLbitfield; 'typedef signed char GLbyte; 'typedef short GLshort; 'typedef int GLint; 'typedef int GLsizei; 'typedef unsigned char GLubyte; 'typedef unsigned short GLushort; 'typedef unsigned int GLuint; 'typedef float GLfloat; 'typedef float GLclampf; 'typedef double GLdouble; 'typedef double GLclampd; 'typedef void GLvoid; IF b$ = "" THEN PRINT "Unknown type:" + a$: END gl2qb_type_convert$ = b$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION readchunk$ (a$, last_character$) a$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(a$)) FOR x = 1 TO LEN(a$) c = ASC(a$, x) IF c = 32 OR c = 44 OR c = 40 OR c = 41 THEN last_character$ = CHR$(c): readchunk$ = LEFT$(a$, x - 1): a$ = LTRIM$(RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - x)): EXIT FUNCTION NEXT readchunk$ = a$: last_character$ = "": a$ = "" END FUNCTION SUB gl_scan_header IF GL_KIT THEN hk = FREEFILE: OPEN "internal\c\parts\core\gl_header_for_parsing\temp\gl_kit.bas" FOR OUTPUT AS #hk IF GL_KIT THEN PRINT #hk, "DECLARE LIBRARY" d = 0: a2$ = "" h = FREEFILE OPEN "internal\c\parts\core\gl_header_for_parsing\gl.h" FOR BINARY AS #h DO UNTIL EOF(h) LINE INPUT #h, a$ IF LEN(a$) THEN a$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(a$)) IF LEFT$(a$, 8) = "#define " THEN a2$ = "" a$ = a$ + " " FOR x = 1 TO LEN(a$) c = ASC(a$, x) IF c = 32 THEN FOR x2 = 1 TO LEN(a2$) c2 = ASC(a2$, x2) IF c2 >= 65 AND c2 <= 90 THEN GOTO define_ok IF c2 >= 48 AND c2 <= 57 AND x2 <> 1 THEN GOTO define_ok IF c2 = 95 THEN GOTO define_ok GOTO define_not_ok define_ok: NEXT value$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - x))) IF LEN(value$) = 0 THEN GOTO define_not_ok IF LEFT$(value$, 2) = "0x" THEN value&& = VAL("&H" + RIGHT$(value$, LEN(value$) - 2) + "&&") 'PRINT a2$, value&& d = d + 1: GL_DEFINES(d) = a2$: GL_DEFINES_VALUE(d) = value&& ELSEIF ASC(value$) >= 48 AND ASC(value$) <= 57 THEN value&& = VAL(value$) 'PRINT a2$, value&& d = d + 1: GL_DEFINES(d) = a2$: GL_DEFINES_VALUE(d) = value&& ELSE 'PRINT a2$, value$, "?" FOR i = 1 TO d IF GL_DEFINES(i) = value$ THEN d = d + 1: GL_DEFINES(d) = a2$: GL_DEFINES_VALUE(d) = GL_DEFINES_VALUE(i) 'PRINT a2$, GL_DEFINES_VALUE(i) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT END IF GOTO got_define define_not_ok: a2$ = "" ELSE a2$ = a2$ + CHR$(c) END IF NEXT got_define: END IF '#define IF RIGHT$(a$, 1) = ";" THEN a2$ = readchunk(a$, l$): IF a2$ <> "WINGDIAPI" GOTO discard ret_type$ = readchunk(a$, l$) IF ret_type$ = "const" THEN ret_type$ = readchunk(a$, l$) is_func = 0: IF ret_type$ <> "void" THEN is_func = 1 a2$ = readchunk(a$, l$) IF a2$ = "*APIENTRY" THEN ret_type$ = ret_type$ + "*": a2$ = "APIENTRY" IF a2$ <> "APIENTRY" THEN GOTO discard GL_COMMANDS_LAST = GL_COMMANDS_LAST + 1 c = GL_COMMANDS_LAST hc$ = "" hd$ = "" need_helper_function = 0 IF is_func THEN GL_COMMANDS(c).subfunc = 1 IF GL_KIT THEN PRINT #hk, "FUNCTION "; ELSE GL_COMMANDS(c).subfunc = 2 IF GL_KIT THEN PRINT #hk, "SUB "; END IF proc_name$ = readchunk(a$, l$) GL_COMMANDS(c).cn = "_" + proc_name$: IF GL_KIT THEN PRINT #hk, proc_name$; GL_COMMANDS(c).callname = proc_name$ GL_COMMANDS(c).ret = 0 IF is_func THEN pointer = 0: IF RIGHT$(ret_type$, 1) = "*" THEN pointer = 1 IF pointer THEN t$ = "_OFFSET": s$ = "&&" GL_COMMANDS(c).ret = OFFSETTYPE - ISPOINTER hd$ = hd$ + "ptrszint " need_helper_function = 1 ELSE t$ = gl2qb_type_convert(ret_type$, s$, typ, ctyp$) GL_COMMANDS(c).ret = typ hd$ = hd$ + ctyp$ + " " END IF IF GL_KIT THEN PRINT #hk, s$; hc$ = hc$ + "return (" + ctyp$ + ")(" + ret_type$ + ")" ELSE hd$ = hd$ + "void " END IF IF GL_KIT THEN PRINT #hk, "("; hc$ = hc$ + proc_name$ + "(" hd$ = hd$ + "call_" + proc_name$ + "(" GL_COMMANDS(c).args = 0 GL_COMMANDS(c).arg = "" DO var_type$ = readchunk(a$, l$) IF var_type$ = "" AND l$ = "(" THEN var_type$ = readchunk(a$, l$) 'space between fun name and "("? IF var_type$ = "const" THEN var_type$ = readchunk(a$, l$) IF var_type$ = "void" OR var_type$ = "" THEN GOTO no_arguments IF l$ <> "," AND l$ <> ")" THEN var_name$ = readchunk(a$, l$) IF LEFT$(var_name$, 1) = "*" THEN var_type$ = var_type$ + "*": var_name$ = RIGHT$(var_name$, LEN(var_name$) - 1) IF LEFT$(var_name$, 1) = "*" THEN var_type$ = var_type$ + "*": var_name$ = RIGHT$(var_name$, LEN(var_name$) - 1) 'Note: could be a pointer to a pointer ELSE var_name$ = "no_name" END IF var_type_backup$ = var_type$ pointer = 0 IF RIGHT$(var_type$, 1) = "*" THEN var_type$ = LEFT$(var_type$, LEN(var_type$) - 1) pointer = 1 END IF IF RIGHT$(var_type$, 1) = "*" THEN var_type$ = LEFT$(var_type$, LEN(var_type$) - 1) pointer = 2 END IF IF pointer = 2 THEN qb_type$ = "_OFFSET" 'it's the offset of an offset ELSE qb_type$ = gl2qb_type_convert$(var_type$, s$, typ, ctyp$) END IF 'IF pointer THEN need_helper_function = 1 need_helper_function = 1 IF GL_KIT THEN IF pointer = 0 THEN PRINT #hk, "BYVAL "; PRINT #hk, var_name$ + " AS " + qb_type$; IF l$ <> ")" THEN PRINT #hk, ","; END IF IF pointer = 0 THEN arg$ = MKL$(typ) END IF IF pointer = 1 THEN 'all pointers convert to BYVAL _OFFSET arg$ = MKL$(OFFSETTYPE - ISPOINTER) ctyp$ = "ptrszint" END IF IF pointer = 2 THEN 'all pointers-to-pointers convert to xxx"BYREF"xxx BYVAL _OFFSET arg$ = MKL$(OFFSETTYPE - ISPOINTER) ctyp$ = "ptrszint" '***this is important or you lose the ability to specify any offset, only the offset of a variable of type ' _OFFSET ' arg$ = MKL$(OFFSETTYPE) ' ctyp$ = "ptrszint*" END IF GL_COMMANDS(c).args = GL_COMMANDS(c).args + 1 MID$(GL_COMMANDS(c).arg, (GL_COMMANDS(c).args - 1) * 4 + 1, 4) = arg$ 'z$ = GL_COMMANDS(c).arg 'MID$(z$, (GL_COMMANDS(c).args - 1) * 4 + 1, 4) = arg$ 'GL_COMMANDS(c).arg = z$ letter$ = CHR$(96 + GL_COMMANDS(c).args) hc$ = hc$ + "(" + var_type_backup$ + ")" + letter$ hd$ = hd$ + ctyp$ + " " + letter$ IF l$ <> ")" THEN hc$ = hc$ + ",": hd$ = hd$ + "," LOOP UNTIL l$ = ")" no_arguments: hd$ = hd$ + "){" hc$ = hc$ + ");" IF GL_KIT THEN PRINT #hk, ")" h$ = hd$ + CRLF + "if (!sub_gl_called) error(270);" + CRLF + hc$ + CRLF + "}" + CRLF IF need_helper_function THEN 'do we need the helper function for this command? GL_HELPER_CODE = GL_HELPER_CODE + h$ GL_COMMANDS(c).callname = "call_" + proc_name$ END IF IF proc_name$ = "glGetString" THEN GL_COMMANDS(c).ret = STRINGTYPE GL_COMMANDS(c).callname = "( char* )" + RTRIM$(GL_COMMANDS(c).callname) END IF END IF END IF discard: LOOP CLOSE #h IF GL_KIT THEN PRINT #hk, "END DECLARE" GL_DEFINES_LAST = d REDIM _PRESERVE GL_DEFINES(d) AS STRING 'PRINT "Defines:"; GL_DEFINES_LAST REDIM _PRESERVE GL_COMMANDS(GL_COMMANDS_LAST) AS GL_idstruct 'PRINT "Commands:"; GL_COMMANDS_LAST IF GL_KIT THEN FOR i = 1 TO GL_DEFINES_LAST PRINT #hk, "CONST " + GL_DEFINES(i) + "="; GL_DEFINES_VALUE(i) NEXT END IF 'FOR i = 1 TO GL_COMMANDS_LAST ' PRINT ".cn="; GL_COMMANDS(i).cn ' PRINT ".callname="; GL_COMMANDS(i).callname ' PRINT ".subfunc="; GL_COMMANDS(i).subfunc ' PRINT ".args="; GL_COMMANDS(i).args ' _CONTROLCHR OFF ' PRINT ".arg=[" + RTRIM$(GL_COMMANDS(i).arg) + "]" ' _CONTROLCHR ON ' PRINT ".ret="; GL_COMMANDS(i).ret 'NEXT IF GL_KIT THEN CLOSE #hk fh = FREEFILE OPEN "internal\c\parts\core\gl_header_for_parsing\temp\gl_helper_code.h" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh PRINT #fh, GL_HELPER_CODE CLOSE #fh END SUB SUB gl_include_content 'add constants FOR d = 1 TO GL_DEFINES_LAST 'IF ASC(GL_DEFINES(d)) <> 95 THEN ' GL_DEFINES(d) = "_" + GL_DEFINES(d) 'END IF constlast = constlast + 1 IF constlast > constmax THEN constmax = constmax * 2 REDIM _PRESERVE constname(constmax) AS STRING REDIM _PRESERVE constcname(constmax) AS STRING REDIM _PRESERVE constnamesymbol(constmax) AS STRING 'optional name symbol REDIM _PRESERVE consttype(constmax) AS LONG 'variable type number REDIM _PRESERVE constinteger(constmax) AS _INTEGER64 REDIM _PRESERVE constuinteger(constmax) AS _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64 REDIM _PRESERVE constfloat(constmax) AS _FLOAT REDIM _PRESERVE conststring(constmax) AS STRING REDIM _PRESERVE constsubfunc(constmax) AS LONG REDIM _PRESERVE constdefined(constmax) AS LONG END IF i = constlast constname(i) = qb64prefix$ + GL_DEFINES(d) constcname(i) = qb64prefix$ + GL_DEFINES(d) constnamesymbol(i) = "&&" consttype(i) = INTEGER64TYPE - ISPOINTER constinteger(i) = GL_DEFINES_VALUE(d) constsubfunc(i) = 0 'global constdefined(i) = 1 'add to hash table HashAdd constcname(i), HASHFLAG_CONSTANT, i NEXT 'add subs/functions FOR c = 1 TO GL_COMMANDS_LAST DIM g AS GL_idstruct ' TYPE GL_idstruct ' cn AS STRING * 64 'case sensitive version of n ' subfunc AS INTEGER 'if function=1, sub=2 ' callname AS STRING * 64 ' args AS INTEGER ' arg AS STRING * 80 'similar to t ' ret AS LONG 'the value it returns if it is a function (again like t) ' END TYPE g = GL_COMMANDS(c) reginternalsubfunc = 1 clearid id.ccall = 1 '*** important for handling string returns correctly *** id.n = RTRIM$( IF qb64prefix_set = 1 THEN id.n = MID$(RTRIM$(, 2) s = g.subfunc id.subfunc = s id.callname = RTRIM$(g.callname) id.args = g.args id.arg = g.arg id.ret = g.ret regid reginternalsubfunc = 0 NEXT 'add inline function definitions 'SUB gluPerspective (BYVAL fovy#, BYVAL aspect#, BYVAL zNear#, BYVAL zFar#) reginternalsubfunc = 1 clearid id.n = qb64prefix$ + "gluPerspective" id.subfunc = 2 'sub id.callname = "gluPerspective" id.args = 4 id.arg = MKL$(DOUBLETYPE - ISPOINTER) + MKL$(DOUBLETYPE - ISPOINTER) + MKL$(DOUBLETYPE - ISPOINTER) + MKL$(DOUBLETYPE - ISPOINTER) regid reginternalsubfunc = 0 END SUB