{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:38:35}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:_MEMEXISTS}} The [[_MEMEXISTS]] function returns true (-1) if the memory block variable name specified exists in memory and false (0) if it does not. {{PageSyntax}} : {{Parameter|result}} = [[_MEMEXISTS]]({{Parameter|memBlock}}) {{PageDescription}} * The {{Parameter|memBlock}} variable name must have been created using [[DIM]] memBlock [[AS]] [[_MEM]] type ([[DIM]]. * The function verifies that the memory variable exists in memory before using a passed block, to avoid generating QB64 errors. * Typically, this function is used by a [[DECLARE LIBRARY|LIBRARY]] [[SUB]] or [[FUNCTION]] which accepts a [[_MEM]] structure as input, to avoid an error. {{Parameter|See Also:}} * [[_MEM (function)]] * [[_MEMELEMENT]], [[_MEMCOPY]] * [[_MEMIMAGE]], [[_MEMNEW]] * [[_MEMGET]], [[_MEMPUT]] * [[_MEMFILL]], [[_MEMFREE]] {{PageNavigation}} [[Category:Latest]]