CHDIR ".\programs\samples\misc" '/=================================================================\ ' (C) David Joffe 1997 e-mail: ' DJ Software; April '97 '------------------------------------------------------------------- ' VGA Sokoban v1.0, for QBasic! '------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -[ The object of the game: ]---------------------------------- ' You are a Pacman derivative; you must push all the crate-type ' blocks onto the destination-type blocks. There are 90 levels, ' which I got from XSokoban, a sokoban for the X Window System. ' -------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' You can do whatever you want with this program, on the single ' preferred condition that if you create any derivative works, ' I would like to be credited, at minimum with a link to my ' website. ' ' Please send me bug-reports and any other feedback; i.e. tell ' me you like it or hate it or have no opinion about it, but just ' tell me something! ' ' New levels: I would love it if you create new levels (or even ' new sprites) if you would send them to me; they will probably ' be included in later versions, in which case you will get credit. ' ' The savegame file format is a really tough one to crack, but ' see if you can give it a go ;-) '\=================================================================/ ' Draw a rectangle with highlights. DECLARE SUB DrawBox (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, col1%, col2%, bgfill%) ' Default data type to integer for fastest processing DEFINT A-Z ' To hold sprites DIM Graphics(1 TO 2000) ' The following piece of code first tries for VGA; if that fails, ' it tries EGA. If that fails, it leaves. ON ERROR GOTO TryEGA SCREEN 13 GOTO GraphicsSuccess TryEGA: ON ERROR GOTO NoGraphics SCREEN 7 GOTO GraphicsSuccess NoGraphics: COLOR 15, 0: CLS PRINT "You don't seem to have graphics capable hardware." PRINT "There is a text version available though." PRINT GOTO ContactMessage GraphicsSuccess: ON ERROR GOTO 0 ' Draw the graphics and GET it RESTORE GraphicsData FOR i = 0 TO 23 FOR j = 0 TO 10 FOR k = 0 TO 10 READ n PSET (k, j), n NEXT k NEXT j GET (0, 0)-(10, 10), Graphics(i * 80 + 1) NEXT i ' Constants DIM SHARED NUMLEVELS NUMLEVELS = 90 DIM SHARED LEVELFILENAME AS STRING LEVELFILENAME$ = "djsok.dat" DIM SHARED OFSX OFSX = 6 DIM SHARED OFSY OFSY = 6 ' Dimensions of playing area DIM SHARED MAXX MAXX = 20 DIM SHARED MAXY MAXY = 17 ' Set this to 1 to enable cheats; then pressing "$" advances a level DIM SHARED CHEATSENABLED CHEATSENABLED = 0 ' Search string: position of a character in string is used as the ' index for Colour array dereferencing and for how to handle that ' type of character in the game GameData$ = "ÛÐÆÈÒºÉ̵¼ÍÊ»¹ËÎð è²" ' Offsets into GameData$ of certain important character types DIM SHARED POSCRATE POSCRATE = 19 DIM SHARED POSSPACE POSSPACE = 18 DIM SHARED POSCRATEATDEST POSCRATEATDEST = 20 DIM SHARED POSDEST POSDEST = 17 DIM SHARED POSHERO POSHERO = 21 ' Certain important character types CharCrate$ = MID$(GameData$, POSCRATE, 1) CharCrateAtDest$ = MID$(GameData$, POSCRATEATDEST, 1) CharDest$ = MID$(GameData$, POSDEST, 1) ' Data structures DIM TempMap(0 TO MAXY + 1) AS STRING * 22 DIM Map(0 TO MAXY + 1) AS STRING * 22 ' Initialize screen COLOR 15: CLS ' Level should be set to 0 here to make entry point level 1 Level = 0 Won = 1 '===========================================================[ BEGIN MAIN ]== MainLoop: ' Get keypress a$ = INKEY$ ' Reset level or advance level IF Won = 1 OR UCASE$(a$) = "R" THEN IF (UCASE$(a$) <> "R") AND (Level >= 1) THEN COLOR 15 LOCATE 19, 2: PRINT "Press a key ..."; WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND END IF IF (UCASE$(a$) <> "R") THEN Level = Level + 1 IF (Level > NUMLEVELS) THEN GOTO FinishedGame GOSUB LoadLevel GOSUB Drawlevel GOTO MovePlayer END IF ' Player pressed nothing IF a$ = "" THEN GOTO MainLoop ' Player pressed escape IF a$ = CHR$(27) THEN GOTO EndGame ' Save game IF UCASE$(a$) = "S" THEN GOSUB SaveGame ' Cheat to advance to next level IF a$ = "$" AND CHEATSENABLED = 1 THEN Won = 1: GOTO MainLoop ' Load game IF UCASE$(a$) = "L" THEN GOSUB LoadGame ' About IF UCASE$(a$) = "A" THEN GOSUB About ' Up, down, left and right respectively IF a$ = CHR$(0) + "H" THEN xd = 0: yd = -1: GOTO MovePlayer IF a$ = CHR$(0) + "P" THEN xd = 0: yd = 1: GOTO MovePlayer IF a$ = CHR$(0) + "K" THEN xd = -1: yd = 0: GOTO MovePlayer IF a$ = CHR$(0) + "M" THEN xd = 1: yd = 0: GOTO MovePlayer GOTO MainLoop '=============================================================[ END MAIN ]== MovePlayer: ' read character directly in front of player character$ = MID$(Map$(y + yd), x + xd + 1, 1) n = INSTR(GameData$, character$) ' If it's a wall, then leave graphicsOffset = 0 IF n <= 16 THEN graphicsOffset = -1: GOTO DrawHero ' If there is a crate in front of us, find the character two positions ' away in front of us IF ((character$ = CharCrate$) OR (character$ = CharCrateAtDest$)) THEN character2$ = MID$(Map$(y + yd + yd), x + xd + xd + 1, 1) n2 = INSTR(GameData$, character2$) ' If the character 2 away from us is a wall or a crate, leave IF n2 <= 16 OR character2$ = CharCrate$ OR character2$ = CharCrateAtDest$ THEN GOTO MainLoop ' Else we can move the crate in front of us LOCATE y + yd + yd + 1, x + xd + xd + 1 ' If we're moving a crate onto a destination-type block IF (character2$ = CharDest$) THEN MID$(Map$(y + yd + yd), x + xd + xd + 1, 1) = CharCrateAtDest$ PUT ((x + xd + xd - 1) * 11 + OFSX, (y + yd + yd - 1) * 11 + OFSY), Graphics((POSCRATEATDEST - 1) * 80 + 1), PSET NumPushes = NumPushes + 1: GOSUB ShowNumPushes ' If we're moving it from a destination-type block onto another dest-type IF character$ = CharCrateAtDest$ THEN MID$(Map$(y + yd), x + xd + 1, 1) = CharDest$ ELSE ' we're moving it onto a dest-type from a space MID$(Map$(y + yd), x + xd + 1, 1) = " " NumPlaced = NumPlaced + 1 END IF IF (NumPlaced = NumCrates) THEN Won = 1 ELSE ' We're moving the crate onto a blank space MID$(Map$(y + yd + yd), x + xd + xd + 1, 1) = CharCrate$ PUT ((x + xd + xd - 1) * 11 + OFSX, (y + yd + yd - 1) * 11 + OFSY), Graphics((POSCRATE - 1) * 80 + 1), PSET NumPushes = NumPushes + 1: GOSUB ShowNumPushes ' If we're moving a crate off of a destination block IF character$ = CharCrateAtDest$ THEN MID$(Map$(y + yd), x + xd + 1, 1) = CharDest$ NumPlaced = NumPlaced - 1 ELSE ' we're moving a crate off of a space MID$(Map$(y + yd), x + xd + 1, 1) = " " END IF END IF END IF DrawHero: ' Erase our hero PUT ((x - 1) * 11 + OFSX, (y - 1) * 11 + OFSY), Graphics(((INSTR(GameData$, MID$(Map$(y), x + 1, 1))) - 1) * 80 + 1), PSET ' Update hero's location IF (graphicsOffset <> -1) THEN x = x + xd y = y + yd END IF ' Update NumMoves counter IF NOT (xd = 0 AND yd = 0) THEN NumMoves = NumMoves + 1: GOSUB ShowNumMoves ' Re-draw our hero graphicsOffset = 0 IF (xd = 0 AND yd = 1) THEN graphicsOffset = 1 IF (xd = -1 AND yd = 0) THEN graphicsOffset = 2 IF (xd = 0 AND yd = -1) THEN graphicsOffset = 3 PUT ((x - 1) * 11 + OFSX, (y - 1) * 11 + OFSY), Graphics((POSHERO + graphicsOffset - 1) * 80 + 1), PSET GOTO MainLoop SaveGame: GOSUB InputFileName IF filename$ <> "" THEN filename$ = filename$ + ".sok" OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, Level CLOSE LOCATE 19, 1: PRINT "File "; filename$; " saved ..."; SLEEP 1 GOSUB Drawlevel END IF GOSUB Drawlevel RETURN LoadGame: GOSUB InputFileName IF filename$ <> "" THEN filename$ = filename$ + ".sok" Level = 0 ' The following error handler is used to determine if a given file ' exists. ON ERROR GOTO NoFile OPEN filename$ FOR INPUT AS #1 ' If file exists: IF filename$ <> "" THEN INPUT #1, Level CLOSE GOSUB LoadLevel END IF END IF ' Disable the error handler ON ERROR GOTO 0 GOSUB Drawlevel RETURN NoFile: LOCATE 19, 1: PRINT "File not found! Press a key ..."; ' Set filename$ to "" so that we know the file doesn't exist filename$ = "" ' Clear keyboard buffer and wait for keypress WHILE INKEY$ <> "": WEND WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND ' Go back to the line after the error occured RESUME NEXT ' Routine to allow user to enter a string of length at most 8 for ' getting filenames InputFileName: COLOR 15 xval = 17 filename$ = "" LOCATE 19, 1: PRINT "Enter filename: _"; EnternameLoop: s$ = INKEY$ IF s$ = "" THEN GOTO EnternameLoop ' Escape IF s$ = CHR$(27) THEN filename$ = "": GOTO sReturn ' Enter IF s$ = CHR$(13) THEN GOTO sReturn ' Backspace IF filename$ <> "" AND s$ = CHR$(8) THEN filename$ = LEFT$(filename$, LEN(filename$) - 1) LOCATE 19, xval: PRINT filename$ + "_ "; END IF IF s$ < "0" THEN GOTO EnternameLoop IF s$ > "9" THEN IF s$ < "A" THEN GOTO EnternameLoop IF s$ > "Z" THEN IF s$ < "a" OR s$ > "z" THEN GOTO EnternameLoop END IF END IF IF LEN(filename$) = 8 THEN GOTO EnternameLoop filename$ = filename$ + s$ LOCATE 19, xval: PRINT filename$ + "_ "; GOTO EnternameLoop sReturn: RETURN ' Loads levels from the file as it needs them because all the levels ' in memory at once might place a bit of strain on QBasic :-) LoadLevel: x = 0 y = 0 xd = 0 yd = 0 NumCrates = 0 NumDestinations = 0 NumPlaced = 0 NumMoves = 0 NumPushes = 0 Won = 0 ' Blank out the strings FOR i = 0 TO MAXY + 1 TempMap$(i) = STRING$(MAXX + 2, " ") Map$(i) = STRING$(MAXX + 2, " ") NEXT i OPEN LEVELFILENAME FOR INPUT AS #1 LINE INPUT #1, f$ LevelString$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(STR$(Level))) ' Read until we find the string corresponding to the current Level number WHILE (f$ <> LevelString$) AND NOT EOF(1) LINE INPUT #1, f$ WEND ' If we didn't find it, something went wrong IF f$ <> LevelString$ THEN CLOSE: GOTO lReturn ' Read in the level LINE INPUT #1, f$ count = 1 WHILE f$ <> "~" TempMap$(count) = " " + f$ LINE INPUT #1, f$ count = count + 1 WEND CLOSE ' Centre the level vertically ' Adding 0.5 and doing an integer divide effectively rounds upwards extra = ((MAXY - count) + .5) \ 2 FOR i = count TO 1 STEP -1 TempMap$(i + extra) = TempMap$(i) NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO extra TempMap$(i) = STRING$(MAXX + 2, " ") NEXT i FOR i = count + extra TO MAXY TempMap$(i) = STRING$(MAXX + 2, " ") NEXT i ' Black out the area outside of the playing arena FOR i = 1 TO MAXX + 2 c = 0 ch$ = MID$(TempMap$(c), i, 1) WHILE ((ch$ = " ") OR (ch$ = "%")) AND (c <= MAXY) MID$(TempMap$(c), i, 1) = "%" c = c + 1 ch$ = MID$(TempMap$(c), i, 1) WEND c = MAXY + 1 ch$ = MID$(TempMap$(c), i, 1) WHILE ((ch$ = " ") OR (ch$ = "%")) AND (c >= 1) MID$(TempMap$(c), i, 1) = "%" c = c - 1 ch$ = MID$(TempMap$(c), i, 1) WEND NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO MAXY + 1 c = 1 ch$ = MID$(TempMap$(i), c, 1) WHILE ((ch$ = " ") OR (ch$ = "%")) AND (c <= MAXX + 1) MID$(TempMap$(i), c, 1) = "%" c = c + 1 ch$ = MID$(TempMap$(i), c, 1) WEND c = MAXX + 2 ch$ = MID$(TempMap$(i), c, 1) WHILE ((ch$ = " ") OR (ch$ = "%")) AND (c >= 2) MID$(TempMap$(i), c, 1) = "%" c = c - 1 ch$ = MID$(TempMap$(i), c, 1) WEND NEXT i ' Interpret the raw data and convert to our own format FOR i = 1 TO MAXY Map$(i) = TempMap$(i) FOR j = 2 TO MAXX + 1 IF (MID$(Map$(i), j, 1) = "@") THEN MID$(Map$(i), j, 1) = " " x = j - 1 y = i END IF IF (MID$(Map$(i), j, 1) = "$") THEN MID$(Map$(i), j, 1) = CharCrate$ NumCrates = NumCrates + 1 END IF IF (MID$(Map$(i), j, 1) = "*") THEN MID$(Map$(i), j, 1) = CharCrateAtDest$ NumCrates = NumCrates + 1 NumDestinations = NumDestinations + 1 NumPlaced = NumPlaced + 1 END IF IF (MID$(Map$(i), j, 1) = ".") THEN MID$(Map$(i), j, 1) = CharDest$ NumDestinations = NumDestinations + 1 END IF ' This is used when the walls look different depending on what walls ' are adjacent to them, e.g. ³,Å,¿, etc. ' A binary code is used XXXX where each of the four digits corresponds ' to above, right-of, below, and left-of. This will generate a number ' from 0 to 15 that is used as the offset into GameData$ to determine ' the character used. IF (MID$(Map$(i), j, 1) = "#") THEN code = 0 IF (MID$(TempMap$(i - 1), j, 1) = "#") THEN code = code + 1 IF (MID$(TempMap$(i), j + 1, 1) = "#") THEN code = code + 2 IF (MID$(TempMap$(i + 1), j, 1) = "#") THEN code = code + 4 IF (MID$(TempMap$(i), j - 1, 1) = "#") THEN code = code + 8 MID$(Map$(i), j, 1) = MID$(GameData$, code + 1, 1) END IF NEXT j NEXT i ' If the level is impossible, generate an error message. IF NumCrates < NumDestinations THEN SCREEN 0: WIDTH 80, 25 COLOR 15, 0: CLS PRINT "Error: Level"; Level; "impossible!" PRINT "Did you fiddle with the level file?" PRINT "Is the level file there?" PRINT "If this wasn't your fault please contact me." PRINT GOTO ContactMessage END IF lReturn: RETURN Drawlevel: 'COLOR 10, 0: CLS LINE (0, 0)-(319, 199), 7, BF DrawBox 0, 0, 319, 199, 15, 8, -1 ' Entire screen DrawBox 5, 5, 226, 193, 0, 15, 0 ' Game play arena DrawBox 232, 5, 316, 193, 15, 8, -1 ' Info area DrawBox 240, 13, 308, 26, 4, 12, 0 ' Title DrawBox 234, 35, 314, 58, 8, 15, 0 ' Level number DrawBox 234, 67, 314, 106, 8, 15, 0 ' Moves/pushes DrawBox 234, 115, 314, 188, 8, 15, 0 ' Keys LINE (238, 164)-(310, 164), 13 COLOR 12 LOCATE 3, 32: PRINT "Sokoban"; COLOR 11 LOCATE 6, 32: PRINT "Level:"; COLOR 9 LOCATE 10, 32: PRINT "Moves:"; COLOR 10 LOCATE 12, 32: PRINT "Pushes:"; GOSUB ShowNumMoves GOSUB ShowNumPushes GOSUB ShowLevel COLOR 14 LOCATE 16, 31: PRINT "R :Reset"; LOCATE 17, 31: PRINT "L :Load"; LOCATE 18, 31: PRINT "S :Save"; LOCATE 19, 31: PRINT "A :About"; LOCATE 20, 31: PRINT "Esc:Quit"; LOCATE 22, 31 COLOR 12: PRINT "D"; COLOR 14: PRINT "J"; LOCATE 23, 31 COLOR 10: PRINT "S"; COLOR 11: PRINT "o"; COLOR 9: PRINT "f"; COLOR 13: PRINT "t"; COLOR 12: PRINT "w"; COLOR 14: PRINT "a"; COLOR 10: PRINT "r"; COLOR 11: PRINT "e"; COLOR 15 ' Draw the playing arena FOR i = 1 TO MAXY FOR j = 2 TO MAXX + 1 ' Ignore "%" signs - they indicate pure black background IF MID$(Map$(i), j, 1) <> "%" THEN PUT ((j - 2) * 11 + OFSX, (i - 1) * 11 + OFSY), Graphics((INSTR(GameData$, MID$(Map$(i), j, 1)) - 1) * 80 + 1), PSET END IF NEXT j NEXT i ' Draw the hero, taking into account the direction he's facing graphicsOffset = 0 IF (xd = 0 AND yd = 1) THEN graphicsOffset = 1 IF (xd = -1 AND yd = 0) THEN graphicsOffset = 2 IF (xd = 0 AND yd = -1) THEN graphicsOffset = 3 PUT ((x - 1) * 11 + OFSX, (y - 1) * 11 + OFSY), Graphics((POSHERO + graphicsOffset - 1) * 80 + 1), PSET RETURN ShowLevel: COLOR 11 LOCATE 7, 32: PRINT Level; RETURN ShowNumMoves: COLOR 9 LOCATE 11, 32: PRINT NumMoves; RETURN ShowNumPushes: COLOR 10 LOCATE 13, 32: PRINT NumPushes; RETURN About: COLOR 15 LOCATE 1, 1 LOCATE 5, 3: PRINT "ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ" LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý þ VGA Sokoban v1.0 þ Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý DJ Software 1997 Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý (C) David Joffe Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý Whipped up in a few hours Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý for the Net Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "Ý Þ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 LOCATE , 3: PRINT "ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ";: COLOR 8: PRINT "Û": COLOR 15 COLOR 8 LOCATE , 4: PRINT "ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ"; WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND ' Restore the contents of the screen GOSUB Drawlevel RETURN EndGame: SCREEN 0: WIDTH 80, 25 COLOR 15, 0: CLS PRINT "*Sniff* .. I hate goodbyes .. *sob* ..." PRINT PRINT "Feedback (and bug reports :) welcome!" PRINT GOTO ContactMessage FinishedGame: WIDTH 80, 25 COLOR 15, 0: CLS PRINT "You finished the game. Yay!" PRINT "I suppose you were expecting something more spectacular then? You must be" PRINT "quite disappointed! :-)" PRINT PRINT "Actually, I would love to know if anyone actually *did* get this far (with-" PRINT "out cheating, of course), so let me know!" PRINT GOTO ContactMessage ContactMessage: PRINT "Try e-mail me (David Joffe) at ";: COLOR 14: PRINT "";: COLOR 15: PRINT "; if that's become out-" PRINT "dated, have a look at:" COLOR 14 PRINT "" COLOR 15 PRINT PRINT "I have other stuff at the above URL, with source code etc, so check it out!" PRINT PRINT "Also, if you make any new levels, I'd love to see them! Maybe I'll add them" PRINT "to the game for for a future re-release/re-write, in which case I'll give" PRINT "you appropriate credit; I'll give each level a 'Creator' field." PRINT PRINT "The 90 default levels in this version I got from XSokoban, a version of" PRINT "Sokoban for the X Window System." PRINT PRINT "Cheers from everyone here (just me :) at "; COLOR 12: PRINT "-+ D"; COLOR 14: PRINT "J"; PRINT " "; COLOR 10: PRINT "S"; COLOR 11: PRINT "o"; COLOR 9: PRINT "f"; COLOR 13: PRINT "t"; COLOR 12: PRINT "w"; COLOR 14: PRINT "a"; COLOR 10: PRINT "r"; COLOR 11: PRINT "e +-" COLOR 15 PRINT PRINT " - David Joffe" END GraphicsData: '0 DATA 15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 '1 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 15,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,07,00 DATA 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