$CHECKING:OFF SUB vwatch (linenumber AS LONG) STATIC AS LONG ide, breakpointCount, timeout, startLevel, lastLine STATIC AS _BYTE pauseMode, stepOver, bypass STATIC buffer$, endc$ DIM AS LONG i DIM start!, temp$, cmd$, value$, k& DECLARE LIBRARY SUB vwatch_stoptimers ALIAS stop_timers SUB vwatch_starttimers ALIAS start_timers END DECLARE IF bypass THEN EXIT SUB IF ide = 0 THEN timeout = 10 endc$ = "" 'initial setup GOSUB Connect 'send this binary's path/exe name cmd$ = "me:" + COMMAND$(0) GOSUB SendCommand DO GOSUB GetCommand SELECT CASE cmd$ CASE "vwatch" IF value$ <> "ok" THEN CLOSE #ide bypass = -1 EXIT SUB END IF CASE "line count" REDIM vwatch_breakpoints(CVL(value$)) AS _BYTE CASE "breakpoint count" breakpointCount = CVL(value$) CASE "breakpoint list" IF LEN(value$) \ 4 <> breakpointCount THEN cmd$ = "error" GOSUB SendCommand CLOSE #ide bypass = -1 EXIT SUB END IF FOR i = 1 TO breakpointCount temp$ = MID$(value$, i * 4 - 3, 4) vwatch_breakpoints(CVL(temp$)) = -1 NEXT CASE "run" IF vwatch_breakpoints(linenumber) THEN EXIT DO pauseMode = 0 EXIT SUB CASE "break" pauseMode = -1 EXIT DO END SELECT LOOP END IF IF linenumber = lastLine THEN EXIT SUB lastLine = linenumber IF linenumber = 0 THEN cmd$ = "quit" GOSUB SendCommand CLOSE #ide bypass = -1 ide = 0 EXIT SUB END IF GOSUB GetCommand SELECT CASE cmd$ CASE "break" pauseMode = -1 stepOver = 0 cmd$ = "" CASE "set breakpoint" vwatch_breakpoints(CVL(value$)) = -1 CASE "clear breakpoint" vwatch_breakpoints(CVL(value$)) = 0 CASE "clear all breakpoints" REDIM vwatch_breakpoints(UBOUND(vwatch_breakpoints)) AS _BYTE END SELECT IF stepOver = -1 AND vwatch_sublevel > startLevel AND vwatch_breakpoints(linenumber) = 0 THEN EXIT SUB ELSEIF stepOver = -1 AND vwatch_sublevel = startLevel THEN stepOver = 0 pauseMode = -1 END IF IF vwatch_breakpoints(linenumber) = 0 AND pauseMode = 0 THEN EXIT SUB END IF vwatch_stoptimers cmd$ = "line number:" IF vwatch_breakpoints(linenumber) THEN cmd$ = "breakpoint:" cmd$ = cmd$ + MKL$(linenumber) GOSUB SendCommand DO 'main loop SELECT CASE cmd$ CASE "run" pauseMode = 0 stepOver = 0 vwatch_starttimers EXIT SUB CASE "step" pauseMode = -1 stepOver = 0 vwatch_starttimers EXIT SUB CASE "step over" pauseMode = -1 stepOver = -1 startLevel = vwatch_sublevel vwatch_starttimers EXIT SUB CASE "free" CLOSE #ide ide = 0 bypass = -1 vwatch_starttimers EXIT SUB CASE "set breakpoint" vwatch_breakpoints(CVL(value$)) = -1 CASE "clear breakpoint" vwatch_breakpoints(CVL(value$)) = 0 CASE "clear all breakpoints" REDIM vwatch_breakpoints(UBOUND(vwatch_breakpoints)) AS _BYTE END SELECT GOSUB GetCommand _LIMIT 100 LOOP vwatch_starttimers EXIT SUB Connect: start! = TIMER DO k& = _KEYHIT ide = _OPENCLIENT("TCP/IP:9000:localhost") _LIMIT 30 LOOP UNTIL k& = 27 OR ide <> 0 OR TIMER - start! > timeout IF ide = 0 THEN bypass = -1: EXIT SUB RETURN GetCommand: GET #ide, , temp$ buffer$ = buffer$ + temp$ IF INSTR(buffer$, endc$) THEN cmd$ = LEFT$(buffer$, INSTR(buffer$, endc$) - 1) buffer$ = MID$(buffer$, INSTR(buffer$, endc$) + LEN(endc$)) IF INSTR(cmd$, ":") THEN value$ = MID$(cmd$, INSTR(cmd$, ":") + 1) cmd$ = LEFT$(cmd$, INSTR(cmd$, ":") - 1) END IF ELSE cmd$ = "": value$ = "" END IF RETURN SendCommand: cmd$ = cmd$ + endc$ PUT #ide, , cmd$ RETURN END SUB