#!/bin/bash #QB64 Installer -- Shell Script -- Matt Kilgore 2013 #Version 4 -- April 4, 2013 #Compiles: # GL : .978 # SDL: .954 #This checks the currently installed packages for the one's QB64 needs #And runs the package manager to install them if that is the case pkg_install() { #Search packages_to_install= for pkg in $pkg_list; do if [ -z "$(echo "$installed_packages" | grep $pkg)" ]; then packages_to_install="$packages_to_install $pkg" fi done if [ -n "$packages_to_install" ]; then echo "Installing required packages. If Prompted to, please enter your password" $installer_command $packages_to_install fi } #Set this to 1 to make it download everything DOWNLOAD= #Set this to 1 to compile SDL instead (Only works if DOWNLOAD=1) SDL= #Make sure we're not running as root if [ $EUID == "0" ]; then echo "You are trying to run this script as root. This is highly unrecommended." echo "This script will prompt you for your sudo password if needed to install packages." exit 1 fi if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "1" ]; then #Various URL's for downloads QB64_URL="http://www.qb64.net/qb64v0978-lnx.tar.gz" QB64_SDL_URL="http://www.qb64.net/qb64v0954-lnx.tar.gz" QB64_ICON_URL="http://www.qb64.net/qb64icon32.png" #Name for download QB64 QB64_ZIP_NAME=qb64.tar.gz #Will be downloaded to current directory QB64_ICON_PATH="." GET_WGET="wget" else GET_WGET= #Path to Icon #Relative Path to icon -- Don't include beginning or trailing '/' QB64_ICON_PATH="internal/source" fi #Name of the Icon picture QB64_ICON_NAME="qb64icon32.png" DISTRO= if [ -f ./qb64 ] && [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "1" ]; then echo "Removing old QB64 files in preperation for installing new version..." rm ./qb64 rm -fr ./internal echo "Done. Installing QB64 now." fi lsb_command=`which lsb_release 2> /dev/null` if [ -z "$lsb_command" ]; then lsb_command=`which lsb_release 2> /dev/null` fi #Outputs from lsb_command: #Arch Linux = arch #Debian = debian #Fedora = Fedora #KUbuntu = ubuntu #LUbuntu = ubuntu #Linux Mint = linuxmint #Ubuntu = ubuntu #Slackware = slackware #XUbuntu = ubuntu #Zorin = Zorin if [ -n "$lsb_command" ]; then DISTRO=`$lsb_command -si | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` elif [ -e /etc/arch-release ]; then DISTRO=arch elif [ -e /etc/debian_version ] || [ -e /etc/debian_release ]; then DISTRO=debian elif [ -e /etc/fedora-release ]; then DISTRO=fedora elif [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then DISTRO=redhat elif [ -e /etc/centos-release ]; then DISTRO=centos fi #Find and install packages if [ "$DISTRO" == "arch" ]; then echo "ArchLinux detected." if [ "$SDL" == "1" ]; then pkg_list="gcc sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_net sdl_ttf $GET_WGET" else pkg_list="gcc $GET_WGET" fi installed_packages=`pacman -Q` installer_command="sudo pacman -S " pkg_install elif [ "$DISTRO" == "linuxmint" ] || [ "$DISTRO" == "ubuntu" ] || [ "$DISTRO" == "debian" ] || [ "$DISTRO" == "zorin" ]; then echo "Debian based distro detected." if [ "$SDL" == "1" ]; then pkg_list="g++ libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl1.2-dev $GET_WGET" else pkg_list="g++ mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libasound2-dev $GET_WGET" fi installed_packages=`dpkg -l` installer_command="sudo apt-get -y install " pkg_install elif [ "$DISTRO" == "fedora" ] || [ "$DISTRO" == "redhat" ] || [ "$DISTRO" == "centos" ]; then echo "Fedora/Redhat based distro detected." if [ "$SDL" == "1" ]; then pkg_list="gcc-c++ SDL-devel SDL_image-devel SDL_mixer-devel SDL_net-devel SDL_ttf-devel $GET_WGET" else pkg_list="gcc-c++ mesa-libGLU-devel alsa-lib-devel $GET_WGET" fi installed_packages=`yum list installed` installer_command="sudo yum install " pkg_install elif [ -z "$DISTRO" ]; then echo "Unable to detect distro, skipping package installation" echo "Please be aware that for QB64 to compile, you will need the following installed:" echo " OpenGL developement libraries" echo " ALSA development libraries" echo " GNU C++ Compiler (g++)" fi if [ "$DOWNLOAD" == "1" ]; then echo "Downloading QB64..." if [ "$SDL" == "1" ]; then wget $QB64_SDL_URL -O $QB64_ZIP_NAME else wget $QB64_URL -O $QB64_ZIP_NAME fi if [ ! -f $QB64_ICON_NAME ]; then echo "Grabbing QB64 Icon..." wget $QB64_ICON_URL fi echo "Uncompressing to directory..." #strip-components=1 removes the leading ./qb64 directory from the archive tar --strip-components=1 -zxvf $QB64_ZIP_NAME >/dev/null fi echo "Compiling and installing QB64..." if [ "$SDL" == "1" ]; then ### SDL Installation process cp ./internal/source/* ./internal/temp/ cd ./internal/c g++ -c -w -Wall libqbx.cpp -o libqbx_lnx.o `sdl-config --cflags` g++ -w libqbx_lnx.o qbx.cpp `sdl-config --cflags --libs` -lSDL_mixer -lSDL_ttf -lSDL_net -lSDL_image -lX11 -o ../../qb64 cd ../.. else ### GL installation process find . -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \; find . -type f -iname "*.a" -exec rm -f {} \; find . -type f -iname "*.o" -exec rm -f {} \; rm ./internal/temp/* echo "Building library 'LibQB'" cd internal/c/libqb/os/lnx rm -f libqb_setup.o ./setup_build.sh cd ../../../../.. echo "Building library 'FreeType'" cd internal/c/parts/video/font/ttf/os/lnx rm -f src.o ./setup_build.sh cd ../../../../../../../.. echo "Building library 'Core:FreeGLUT'" cd internal/c/parts/core/os/lnx rm -f src.a ./setup_build.sh cd ../../../../../.. echo "Building 'QB64'" cp -r ./internal/source/* ./internal/temp/ cd internal/c g++ -w qbx.cpp libqb/os/lnx/libqb_setup.o parts/video/font/ttf/os/lnx/src.o parts/core/os/lnx/src.a -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lpthread -ldl -lrt -D FREEGLUT_STATIC -o ../../qb64 cd ../.. fi if [ -e "./qb64" ]; then echo "Done compiling!!" echo "Creating ./run_qb64.sh script..." _pwd=`pwd` echo "#!/bin/sh" > ./run_qb64.sh echo "cd $_pwd" >> ./run_qb64.sh echo "./qb64 &" >> ./run_qb64.sh chmod +x ./run_qb64.sh #chmod -R 777 ./ echo "Adding QB64 menu entry..." cat > ~/.local/share/applications/qb64.desktop <