CHDIR ".\programs\samples\pete\booger" REM REM REM REALiTY Software REM REM BOOGER and the Martians REM REM REM Coded By M.Ware REM REM REM SWFX & GIF Routines used (Thanks dudes !!) REM REM All other coding by REALiTY Software REM REM REM REM This is the 1st game from REALiTY Software REM soon to be one of many ,i already have another BOOGER REM game in the pipeline and have began work on it REM hopefully it wont be too long coming. REM REM BOOGER and the Martians was written in QB4.5 on a 133Mhz REM Pentium but should run on anything Pentium even 486 im not REM sure about 386's etc maybe you could EMAIL me about how REM it works on another machine ? REM REM Anyone out there who knows how to program music ,mail me please REM i havent dabbled in it yet but someone who knows can save a REM lot of time !. REM REM Hope you enjoy the GAME sorry there are not many REMARKS but hey REM thats one of the joys of programming !. REM REM Best of luck .......................... REM REM P.S Maybe someone would like to join forces and make a really REM really really good game ??? REM REM EMail me on : REM REM As Booger would say L8rs DUDES !!! REM -Set Up Those Variables- DEFINT A-Z RANDOMIZE TIMER DIM SHARED c$(8) 'FM register information for 9 channels c$(0) = "&hB0&h20&h23&h40&h43&h60&h63&h80&h83&hA0&HBD&HC0&HE0&HE3&hB0" c$(1) = "&hB1&h21&h24&h41&h44&h61&h64&h81&h84&hA1&HBD&HC1&HE1&HE4&hB1" c$(2) = "&hB2&h22&h25&h42&h45&h62&h65&h82&h85&hA2&HBD&HC2&HE2&HE5&hB2" c$(3) = "&hB3&h28&h2B&h48&h4B&h68&h6B&h88&h8B&hA3&HBD&HC3&HE8&HEB&hB3" c$(4) = "&hB4&h29&h2C&h49&h4C&h69&h6C&h89&h8C&hA4&HBD&HC4&HE9&HEC&hB4" c$(5) = "&hB5&h2A&h2D&h4A&h4D&h6A&h6D&h8A&h8D&hA5&HBD&HC5&HEA&HED&hB5" c$(6) = "&hB6&h30&h33&h50&h53&h70&h73&h90&h93&hA6&HBD&HC6&HF0&HF3&hB6" c$(7) = "&hB7&h31&h34&h51&h54&h71&h74&h91&h94&hA7&HBD&HC7&HF1&HF4&hB7" c$(8) = "&hB8&h32&h35&h52&h55&h72&h75&h92&h95&hA8&HBD&HC8&HF2&HF5&hB8" DIM sfx$(25) OPEN ".\data\noise.set" FOR INPUT AS #1 FOR fxnum% = 0 TO 25 INPUT #1, sfx$(fxnum%) NEXT CLOSE #1 DIM Prefix(4095), Suffix(4095), OutStack(4095), shiftout%(8) DIM Ybase AS LONG, powersof2(11) AS LONG, WorkCode AS LONG graphics = 39 DIM grid(10, 10) DIM sprite(74, 40) DIM spriteback(74, 40) DIM spritemask(74, 40) DIM default(74): frame = 0 DIM greenback(74) DIM greenmask(74) DIM greensprite(74) aliens = 50 DIM alienx!(aliens): DIM alieny!(aliens) DIM alienmove(aliens): DIM aliengrap(aliens) DIM alienspeed!(aliens) DIM floor(8) DIM scroller(1000) DIM comment$(10) DIM word$(32) comment$(1) = "Wake up dude!" comment$(2) = "Are You Asleep Again!" comment$(3) = "Were sposed to save the world!" comment$(4) = "I need a LEAK !!" comment$(5) = "G E T A M O V E O N" comment$(6) = "I'm the one in danger !!!!" comment$(7) = "Stop thinking and play !" comment$(8) = "The Bikes Overheating !!!" comment$(9) = "PHHURRRP oops ,sorry!" comment$(10) = "Fffarrt ,slipped out!" word$(1) = "Easy Street Dude !!!" leveltoo = 1 sndon = 1 size = 74 level = 1 SCREEN 13: CLS: GOSUB grabsprites REM -Main Prog Starts Here !!!- mainstart: jpdet = 9 look1 = 0 lives = 3 SCREEN 13: CLS GOSUB titlescreen CLS restart: CLS GOSUB loadlevel ' Gets level data from disc PALETTE: CLS REM -Draw Level Contents- FOR ground = 200 TO 40 STEP -50 FOR layer = 1 TO 8 LINE (1, ground - layer)-(319, ground - layer), floor(9 - layer) NEXT layer NEXT ground moving! = 0: movingy! = 0 counter = 0: movgot = 0: movgot1 = 3 FOR howmany = 1 TO 50 IF alienx!(howmany) <> 0 AND alienmove(howmany) = 0 THEN PUT (alienx!(howmany), alieny!(howmany)), sprite(size, aliengrap(howmany)), PSET NEXT howmany REM -Okey Here Goes the main Routine !!!(HELP)- gx! = 4: gy! = 32: anim = 0: jump = 0 GET (gx!, gy!)-(gx! + 10, gy! + 10), greenback() REM snd = 19: GOSUB snd mainloop: counter = counter + 1: IF counter = 50 THEN counter = 0 WAIT &H3DA, 8 PUT (gx!, gy!), greenback(), PSET gx! = gx! + moving! gy! = gy! + movingy! IF POINT(gx! + 10, gy! + 10 + movingy!) = 0 AND POINT(gx!, gy! + 10 + movingy!) = 0 THEN movingy! = movingy! + .125 IF POINT(gx! + 9, gy! + 9 + movingy!) = land AND POINT(gx!, gy! + 9 + movingy!) = land THEN movingy! = 0: jump = 0 IF POINT(gx! - 3, gy! + 4) = land THEN jpdet = 9: GOSUB missit IF passd <> 0 THEN GOTO missit IF POINT(gx! - 3, gy! + 4) <> 0 OR POINT(gx! - movgot1, gy! + 9) <> 0 THEN GOSUB dead IF POINT(gx! + 11, gy! + 4) <> 0 OR POINT(gx! + movgot, gy! + jpdet) <> 0 THEN GOSUB dead IF POINT(gx! + 4, gy! + 9) <> 0 THEN GOSUB dead missit: IF POINT(gx! + 5, gy! - 2) <> 0 THEN a$ = "DEFAULT": GOSUB dead IF gx! > 305 AND gy! > 162 THEN GOTO leveldone IF gx! > 305 THEN gx! = 4: gy! = gy! + 50 GET (gx!, gy!)-(gx! + 10, gy! + 10), greenback() PUT (gx!, gy!), greenmask(), AND PUT (gx!, gy!), sprite(size, anim), OR IF counter > 25 THEN frame = 1 ELSE frame = 0 GOSUB alienmove a$ = INKEY$ a$ = LCASE$(a$) IF a$ = "x" AND moving! < 2 THEN moving! = moving! + .5 IF a$ = "z" AND moving! > 0 THEN moving! = moving! - .25 IF a$ = " " AND jump <> 1 THEN jump = 1: jpdet = 4: movingy! = -1.8 IF a$ = "q" THEN END IF a$ = "s" THEN sndon = sndon + 1: IF sndon > 1 THEN sndon = 0 IF moving! <> 0 THEN IF anim1 = INT(5 / moving!) THEN anim = anim + 1: IF anim > 1 THEN anim = 0 IF moving! <> 0 THEN movgot1 = -3: movgot = 0: look1 = 0: anim1 = anim1 + 1: IF anim1 > INT(5 / moving!) THEN anim1 = 0: snd = 5: GOSUB snd IF jump = 1 THEN jpdet = 4: anim = 11 IF jump = 0 THEN jpdet = 9 IF moving! = 0 AND look1 = 0 THEN anim = 0: look1 = 1 IF moving! = 0 AND jump = 1 THEN anim = 0 IF moving! = 0 THEN tick = tick + 1: IF tick = 35 THEN tick = 0: snd = 5: GOSUB snd IF moving! = 0 AND look = 950 THEN anim = 10: snd = 7: GOSUB snd: COLOR 15: t$ = comment$(INT(RND(1) * 9) + 1): v = 1: GOSUB centre IF moving! = 0 THEN movgot1 = 4: movgot = 12 IF look = 1290 THEN look1 = 0: anim = 0: v = 1: t$ = " ": look = 0: GOSUB centre look = look + 1: IF look = 1300 THEN look = 0 GOTO mainloop REM -Routine for alien movement- alienmove: FOR howmany = 1 TO 50 GET (0, 0)-(10, 9), default() IF alienmove(howmany) = 0 THEN GOTO skip PUT (alienx!(howmany), alieny!(howmany)), default(), PSET IF alienmove(howmany) = 1 THEN GOTO vert IF alienx!(howmany) < 10 OR alienx!(howmany) > 300 THEN alienspeed!(howmany) = -alienspeed!(howmany) IF POINT(alienx!(howmany) - 2, alieny!(howmany) + 4) <> 0 OR POINT(alienx!(howmany) + 12, alieny!(howmany) + 4) <> 0 THEN alienspeed!(howmany) = -alienspeed!(howmany): GOTO turned IF POINT(alienx!(howmany) - 2, alieny!(howmany) + 9) <> 0 OR POINT(alienx!(howmany) + 12, alieny!(howmany) + 9) <> 0 THEN alienspeed!(howmany) = -alienspeed!(howmany) turned: alienx!(howmany) = alienx!(howmany) + alienspeed!(howmany) GOTO placealien vert: alieny!(howmany) = alieny!(howmany) - alienspeed!(howmany) IF POINT(alienx!(howmany) + 4, alieny!(howmany) - 1) <> 0 OR POINT(alienx!(howmany) + 4, alieny!(howmany) + 10) <> 0 THEN alienspeed!(howmany) = -alienspeed!(howmany) placealien: PUT (alienx!(howmany), alieny!(howmany)), spritemask(size, aliengrap(howmany)), AND PUT (alienx!(howmany), alieny!(howmany)), sprite(size, aliengrap(howmany) + frame), OR skip: NEXT howmany RETURN dead: PUT (gx!, gy!), sprite(size, 21) snd = 4 GOSUB snd GOSUB delay GOSUB delay IF lives = 0 THEN GOSUB completedead pic$ = ".\data\crashed1.bgr" IF lives > 1 THEN pic$ = ".\data\crashed.bgr" GOSUB picture GOSUB keypress lives = lives - 1: IF lives > -1 THEN GOTO restart completedead: pic$ = ".\data\totalled.bgr" GOSUB picture GOSUB keypress GOTO mainstart gamecomplete: CLS pic$ = ".\data\COMPLETE.bgr" GOSUB picture GOSUB keypress level = 1 GOSUB mainstart titlescreen: pic$ = ".\data\title.bgr": GOSUB picture GOSUB delay pic$ = ".\data\title1.bgr": GOSUB picture snd = 24 GOSUB snd GOSUB keypress pic$ = ".\data\title2.bgr": GOSUB picture GOSUB keypress pic$ = ".\data\title3.bgr": GOSUB picture GOSUB keypress pic$ = ".\data\title4.bgr": GOSUB picture snd = 25: GOSUB snd x$ = " Right ,now dude ,this is the idea ,i've got this plan !!! ..... Firstly il'e get the Harley out of the garage ,won't go anywhere quick " x$ = x$ + "on a pair of legs !! ,then what ,well lets get to the mothership i thinks and sort the main geezer out ,that bit you can leave to me but i need" x$ = x$ + " your elp getting there !,basically we start at the top and the idea is to get to the bottom and onto the next street but just in case we meet" x$ = x$ + " any Alien dudes i guess we ortta dodge em if poss i don't want to total my bike !, and we don't know what else to expect ,so only one way to find out" x$ = x$ + " and thats to GO FOR IT !!! , OK,OK just in case i thinks the Harley will be alright for a couple of smashes ,maybe 4 i think ,but best none eh ,just hope" x$ = x$ + " it's enuff to get us through the 30 streets !! ,and also finally" x$ = x$ + " THE DUDE (almighty) said that the 'S' key will turn the sound on and off and 'Q' during the game will Quit and most finally if you want to get into the game" x$ = x$ + " quick and the delays between screens and when we crash etc are toooo looonnnggg just hit the SPACEBAR !! L8rs Dude ! " scroll = LEN(x$) DO COLOR 37: v = 23: t$ = word$(level): GOSUB centre FOR r = 1 TO scroll COLOR 9: LOCATE 19, 37: PRINT MID$(x$, r, 1) IF MID$(x$, r, 1) <> " " THEN snd = 18: GOSUB snd FOR left = 1 TO 8 GET (80, 144)-(300, 152), scroller() PUT (79, 144), scroller(), PSET WAIT &H3DA, 8 a$ = INKEY$ a$ = LCASE$(a$) IF a$ = "x" AND word$(level + 1) <> "" THEN level = level + 1: v = 23: t$ = " ": GOSUB centre IF a$ = "z" AND level > 1 THEN level = level - 1: v = 23: t$ = " ": GOSUB centre IF a$ = "z" OR a$ = "x" THEN v = 23: t$ = word$(level): GOSUB centre IF a$ = " " THEN GOTO doit IF a$ = "q" THEN END NEXT left NEXT r LOOP doit: snd = 25 GOSUB snd PALETTE RETURN leveldone: pic$ = ".\data\doneit.bgr": GOSUB picture GOSUB delay GOSUB delay level = level + 1 GOTO restart keypress: a$ = INKEY$ IF a$ = " " THEN RETURN GOTO keypress delay: FOR r = 1 TO 300 FOR rr = 1 TO 20000 NEXT rr NEXT r RETURN centre: place = INT(40 - LEN(t$)) / 2 place = place LOCATE v, place: PRINT t$ RETURN REM -Sound Routine (Thanks DUDE!) snd: IF sndon = 0 THEN RETURN sfxnum% = snd chan% = VAL(MID$(sfx$(sfxnum%), 61, 4)) FOR in = 1 TO 60 STEP 4 reg$ = MID$(c$(chan%), in, 4): reg% = VAL(reg$) dat$ = MID$(sfx$(sfxnum%), in, 4): dat% = VAL(dat$) OUT &H388, reg%: FOR d% = 1 TO 6: b% = INP(&H388): NEXT OUT &H389, dat%: FOR d% = 1 TO 35: b% = INP(&H388): NEXT NEXT RETURN REM -Level Loader- loadlevel: IF level = 31 THEN GOSUB gamecomplete pic$ = ".\data\loading.bgr": GOSUB picture GOSUB delay lev$ = STR$(level) + ".lev": lev$ = RIGHT$(lev$, LEN(lev$) - 1) OPEN ".\levels\" + lev$ FOR INPUT AS #1 INPUT #1, levelname$ t$ = levelname$: word$(level) = t$: v = 5: COLOR 155: GOSUB centre GOSUB delay: GOSUB delay FOR r = 1 TO aliens INPUT #1, alienx!(r) INPUT #1, alieny!(r) INPUT #1, alienmove(r) INPUT #1, aliengrap(r) INPUT #1, alienspeed!(r) IF alienmove(r) = 1 THEN alieny!(r) = alieny!(r) - 2 IF alienmove(r) <> 1 THEN alieny!(r) = alieny!(r) - 1 aliengrap(r) = aliengrap(r) - 1 NEXT r FOR r = 1 TO 8 INPUT #1, floor(r) NEXT r CLOSE #1 land = floor(1) RETURN REM -Routine to load and grab all sprite/mask etc data- grabsprites: FOR howmany = 1 TO graphics fa$ = STR$(howmany) + ".spr" fb$ = RIGHT$(fa$, LEN(fa$) - 1) f$ = ".\data\" + fb$ OPEN f$ FOR INPUT AS #1 FOR x = 1 TO 10 FOR Y = 1 TO 10 INPUT #1, grid(x, Y): PSET (x, Y), grid(x, Y) NEXT Y NEXT x CLOSE #1 GET (1, 1)-(10, 10), sprite(size, spriteno) IF howmany = 1 THEN GET (1, 1)-(10, 10), greensprite() FOR x = 1 TO 10 FOR Y = 1 TO 10 IF POINT(x, Y) = 0 THEN PSET (x, Y), 255 NEXT Y NEXT x GET (1, 1)-(10, 10), spritemask(size, spriteno) IF howmany = 1 THEN GET (1, 1)-(10, 10), greenmask() spriteno = spriteno + 1 NEXT howmany CLS RETURN REM -Routine to load pics (Thanks DUDE !) picture: FOR a% = 0 TO 7: shiftout%(8 - a%) = 2 ^ a%: NEXT a% FOR a% = 0 TO 11: powersof2(a%) = 2 ^ a%: NEXT a% OPEN pic$ FOR BINARY AS #1 pic$ = " ": GET #1, , pic$ GET #1, , TotalX: GET #1, , TotalY: GOSUB GetByte NumColors = 2 ^ ((a% AND 7) + 1): nopalette = (a% AND 128) = 0 GOSUB GetByte: Background = a% GOSUB GetByte: IF a% <> 0 THEN PRINT "Bad screen descriptor.": END IF nopalette = 0 THEN p$ = SPACE$(NumColors * 3): GET #1, , p$ DO GOSUB GetByte IF a% = 44 THEN EXIT DO ELSEIF a% <> 33 THEN PRINT "Unknown extension type.": END END IF GOSUB GetByte DO: GOSUB GetByte: pic$ = SPACE$(a%): GET #1, , pic$: LOOP UNTIL a% = 0 LOOP GET #1, , XStart: GET #1, , YStart: GET #1, , XLength: GET #1, , YLength XEnd = XStart + XLength: YEnd = YStart + YLength: GOSUB GetByte IF a% AND 128 THEN PRINT "Can't handle local colormaps.": END Interlaced = a% AND 64: PassNumber = 0: PassStep = 8 GOSUB GetByte ClearCode = 2 ^ a% EOSCode = ClearCode + 1 FirstCode = ClearCode + 2: NextCode = FirstCode StartCodeSize = a% + 1: CodeSize = StartCodeSize StartMaxCode = 2 ^ (a% + 1) - 1: MaxCode = StartMaxCode BitsIn = 0: BlockSize = 0: BlockPointer = 1 x% = XStart: Y% = YStart: Ybase = Y% * 320& SCREEN 13: DEF SEG = &HA000 IF nopalette = 0 THEN OUT &H3C7, 0: OUT &H3C8, 0 FOR a% = 1 TO NumColors * 3: OUT &H3C9, ASC(MID$(p$, a%, 1)) \ 4: NEXT a% END IF LINE (0, 0)-(319, 199), Background, BF DO GOSUB GetCode IF Code <> EOSCode THEN IF Code = ClearCode THEN NextCode = FirstCode CodeSize = StartCodeSize MaxCode = StartMaxCode GOSUB GetCode CurCode = Code: LastCode = Code: LastPixel = Code IF x% < 320 THEN POKE x% + Ybase, LastPixel x% = x% + 1: IF x% = XEnd THEN GOSUB NextScanLine ELSE CurCode = Code: StackPointer = 0 IF Code > NextCode THEN EXIT DO IF Code = NextCode THEN CurCode = LastCode OutStack(StackPointer) = LastPixel StackPointer = StackPointer + 1 END IF DO WHILE CurCode >= FirstCode OutStack(StackPointer) = Suffix(CurCode) StackPointer = StackPointer + 1 CurCode = Prefix(CurCode) LOOP LastPixel = CurCode IF x% < 320 THEN POKE x% + Ybase, LastPixel x% = x% + 1: IF x% = XEnd THEN GOSUB NextScanLine FOR a% = StackPointer - 1 TO 0 STEP -1 IF x% < 320 THEN POKE x% + Ybase, OutStack(a%) x% = x% + 1: IF x% = XEnd THEN GOSUB NextScanLine NEXT a% IF NextCode < 4096 THEN Prefix(NextCode) = LastCode Suffix(NextCode) = LastPixel NextCode = NextCode + 1 IF NextCode > MaxCode AND CodeSize < 12 THEN CodeSize = CodeSize + 1 MaxCode = MaxCode * 2 + 1 END IF END IF LastCode = Code END IF END IF LOOP UNTIL doneflag OR Code = EOSCode CLOSE #1 doneflag = 0 RETURN GetByte: pic$ = " ": GET #1, , pic$: a% = ASC(pic$): RETURN NextScanLine: IF Interlaced THEN Y% = Y% + PassStep IF Y% >= YEnd THEN PassNumber = PassNumber + 1 SELECT CASE PassNumber CASE 1: Y% = 4: PassStep = 8 CASE 2: Y% = 2: PassStep = 4 CASE 3: Y% = 1: PassStep = 2 END SELECT END IF ELSE Y% = Y% + 1 END IF x% = XStart: Ybase = Y% * 320&: doneflag = Y% > 199 RETURN GetCode: IF BitsIn = 0 THEN GOSUB ReadBufferedByte: LastChar = a%: BitsIn = 8 WorkCode = LastChar \ shiftout%(BitsIn) DO WHILE CodeSize > BitsIn GOSUB ReadBufferedByte: LastChar = a% WorkCode = WorkCode OR LastChar * powersof2(BitsIn) BitsIn = BitsIn + 8 LOOP BitsIn = BitsIn - CodeSize Code = WorkCode AND MaxCode RETURN ReadBufferedByte: IF BlockPointer > BlockSize THEN GOSUB GetByte: BlockSize = a% pic$ = SPACE$(BlockSize): GET #1, , pic$ BlockPointer = 1 END IF a% = ASC(MID$(pic$, BlockPointer, 1)): BlockPointer = BlockPointer + 1 RETURN REM - I Guess this is the end (FOR NOW!) SUB playsfx (sfx$) chan = VAL(MID$(sfx$, 61, 4)) FOR in = 1 TO 60 STEP 4 reg$ = MID$(c$(chan), in, 4): reg = VAL(reg$) dat$ = MID$(sfx$, in, 4): dat = VAL(dat$) OUT &H388, reg: FOR i1 = 1 TO 6: p = INP(&H388): NEXT OUT &H389, dat: FOR i1 = 1 TO 35: p = INP(&H388): NEXT NEXT END SUB