RANDOMIZE TIMER a = INT(RND * 50) CLS PRINT "This is a guessing game between the numbers 0 and 50." PRINT "I will tell you if you are higher orlower." PRINT "Now lets begin!" PRINT "type 999 to end (just in case...)" WHILE iput <> a INPUT "Type in a number please. ", iput IF iput = 999 GOTO loser IF iput < a THEN PRINT "You are below sea level (that means you're too low!)" IF iput > a THEN PRINT "You are burning in the sun! (That means too high!)" WEND PRINT "Great job! You got it! The number was "; a END loser: PRINT "The number was "; a PRINT "Come back and play again soon! :-)" PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT "(C) 2004 John Mendoza" PRINT "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED" END