DIM points(5) FromWhere = 63 SCREEN 13 green = 0 blue = 0 red = 0 FOR a = 1 TO 63 * 2 IF red < 63 THEN IF blue <> 1 THEN red = red + 1 green = green + 1 ELSE red = red - 1 green = green - 1 END IF ELSE blue = 1 red = red - 1 END IF PALETTE a, red + green * 256 + blue * 65536 NEXT FOR a = 63 * 2 TO 254 PALETTE a, 0 + 0 * 256 + 0 * 65536 NEXT colors = 60 FOR a = 1 TO 50 colors = colors + 1 CIRCLE (38, 40), (a), colors NEXT colors = 60 FOR a = 1 TO 50 colors = colors + 1 CIRCLE (39, 40), (a), colors NEXT colors = 63 FOR a = 1 TO 15 colors = colors + 1 CIRCLE (39, 40), (a), colors NEXT PALETTE 255, 63 + 63 * 256 + 63 * 65536 PALETTE 254, 0 + 0 * 256 + 63 * 65536 sen = 255 DO PSET (100, 105), sen PSET (200, 150), sen GOSUB colors PSET (120, 45), sen PSET (280, 20), sen GOSUB colors PSET (10, 170), sen GOSUB colors PSET (245, 100), sen GOSUB colors PSET (290, 150), sen GOSUB colors PSET (130, 160), sen GOSUB colors PSET (15, 90), sen PSET (233, 50), sen GOSUB colors LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" GOSUB BigEnding END colors: SELECT CASE sen CASE 255 sen = 63 CASE 63 sen = 254 CASE 254 sen = 255 END SELECT RETURN END BigEnding: FOR a = 256 TO 0 STEP -1 PALETTE a, 0 + 0 * 256 + 0 * 65536 NEXT END