The '''SGN''' function returns the sign of a number value. {{PageSyntax}} :: sign% = SGN(value) * Returns -1 when a sign is negative, 0 when a value is zero, or 1 when a value is positive. * Function is used to store the original sign of a number. * '''QB64''' allows programs to return only [[_UNSIGNED]] variable values using a [[_DEFINE]] statement. ''Example:'' Checking and changing negative values to positive ones. {{CodeStart}} n = -100 {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} {{Cl|SGN}}(n) = -1 THEN n = {{Cl|ABS}}(n) PRINT n '' '' {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} 100 {{OutputEnd}} ''See also:'' * [[ABS]] * [[_DEFINE]], [[_UNSIGNED]] * [[Mathematical Operations]] {{PageNavigation}} <