'''VARPTR$''' is a memory function that returns a [[STRING]] representation of a variable's memory address value for use in a [[DRAW]] or [[PLAY]] statement. {{PageSyntax}} :: string_value$ = VARPTR$(''variable'') * Can use any [[STRING|string]] or numerical variable reference '''existing''' in memory. * If the parameter value is from an array it must be dimensioned already. Cannot use fixed length string arrays. * When using '''numerical''' ''variable'' values in [[DRAW]] strings, use an = sign after the function letter. "TA=" + VARPTR$(''variable%'') * Always use variable X as in "X" + VARPTR$(''string_variable$'') to [[DRAW]] or [[PLAY]] another [[STRING]] value. * DRAW relative Moves use a + or - before the equal sign. EX: DRAW "M+=" + VARPTR$(x%) + ",-=" + VARPTR$(y%) ''Example 1:'' How VARPTR$ reads consecutive values from memory. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN}} 2 {{Cl|CLS}} WIND$ = "r10 d7 l10 u7 br20" 'create draw string to be read by function ROW$ = "x"+{{Cl|VARPTR$}}(WIND$)+"x"+{{Cl|VARPTR$}}(WIND$)+"x"+{{Cl|VARPTR$}}(WIND$)+" x"+{{Cl|VARPTR$}}(WIND$)+"bl80 bd11" {{Cl|LINE}} (100, 50)-(200, 160), , B {{Cl|DRAW}} "bm 115,52" {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} I = 1 {{Cl|TO}} 10 {{Cl|DRAW}} "x" + {{Cl|VARPTR$}}(ROW$) {{Cl|NEXT}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} :''NOTE:'' '''GWBasic''' allows '''semicolons''' to be used in the ROW$ definition, but Qbasic and '''QB64''' MUST use '''+''' concatenation. ''Example 2:'' Using the function to change a Turn Angle value using DRAW. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN}} 12 'Demonstrates how string DRAW angles are used with TA {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} i = 0 {{Cl|TO}} 360 {{Cl|STEP}} 30 'mark clock hours every 30 degrees angle$ = {{Cl|STR$}}(i) 'change degree value i to a string {{Cl|PSET}} (175, 250), 6 'clock center {{Cl|DRAW}} "TA" + angle$ + "BU100" 'add string angle to Turn Angle and draw blind up {{Cl|CIRCLE}} {{Cl|STEP}}(0, 0), 5, 12 'place a circle at end of Up line {{Cl|DRAW}} "P9, 12" {{Cl|_DELAY}} .5 {{Cl|NEXT}} 'Demonstrates how VARPTR$ is used with TA= {{Cl|DO}}: sec$ = {{Cl|RIGHT$}}({{Cl|TIME$}}, 2) 'get current second value from time degree = {{Cl|VAL}}(sec$) * -6 'use a negative value to Turn Angle clockwise {{Cl|PSET}} (175, 250), 9 'clock center {{Cl|DRAW}} "TA=" + {{Cl|VARPTR$}}(degree) + "U90" 'VARPTR$ value requires = in DRAW {{Cl|DO}}: {{Cl|_LIMIT}} 30: {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|RIGHT$}}({{Cl|TIME$}}, 2) <> sec$ 'loop until seconds value changes {{Cl|IF}} {{Cl|INKEY$}} <> "" {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|EXIT DO}} {{Cl|PSET}} (175, 250), 0 {{Cl|DRAW}} "TA=" + {{Cl|VARPTR$}}(degree) + "U90" 'erase previous second hand draw {{Cl|LOOP}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} :''Explanation:'' When the VARPTR$ value is used in DRAW, '''=''' MUST be used to pass the value to the draw! Negative Turn Angle values move clockwise and each second moves the hand 6 degrees. '''TA''' uses actual degree angles starting at 0 or noon. ''Example 3:'' Comparing DRAW moves using VARPTR$ and [[STR$]] values. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|SCREEN}} 12 {{Cl|PSET}} (200, 200), 12 {{Cl|CIRCLE}} {{Cl|STEP}}(0, 0), 5, 10 A = 100: B = 100 {{Cl|DRAW}} "M+=" + {{Cl|VARPTR$}}(A) + ",-=" + {{Cl|VARPTR$}}(B) {{Cl|PSET}} (400, 400), 10 {{Cl|CIRCLE}} {{Cl|STEP}}(0, 0), 5, 12 C = 100: D = -100 {{Cl|DRAW}} "M+" + {{Cl|STR$}}(C) + "," + {{Cl|STR$}}(D) 'must add + for positive relative moves {{Cl|END}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} : ''Explanation:'' A negative STR$ value will move the DRAW relatively where VARPTR$ won't without the sign before the equal. ''See also:'' * [[VARPTR]], [[STR$]] * [[DRAW]], [[PLAY]] {{PageNavigation}} <