$Bucket = "qb64" $Timestamp = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss") $Filename = "qb64_development_win-${Env:PLATFORM}.7z" # Ideally this would change the directory name to have useful information, but Windows gives an error # "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.", so this feature # is disabled until someone can work out a better way. # $Dirname = "qb64_${Timestamp}_$($Env:GITHUB_SHA.substring(0,7))_win-${Env:PLATFORM}" # Rename-Item qb64 $Dirname $Dirname = "qb64" Set-Location .. 7z a "-xr@${Dirname}\.ci\common-exclusion.list" "-xr@${Dirname}\.ci\win-exclusion.list" $Filename $Dirname aws --endpoint-url ${Env:S3_ENDPOINT} s3api put-object --bucket ${Bucket} --body $Filename --acl public-read --key development-builds/$Filename