/* ** Changes for the 1.4 release are commented. You can do ** a search for "1.4" and merge them into your own replay ** code. ** ** Changes for 1.5 are marked also. ** ** ... as are those for 1.6 ** ** ... and for 1.8 */ #include "hvl_replay.h" #include #include #include #include #define WHITENOISELEN (0x280 * 3) #define WO_LOWPASSES 0 #define WO_TRIANGLE_04 (WO_LOWPASSES + ((0xfc + 0xfc + 0x80 * 0x1f + 0x80 + 3 * 0x280) * 31)) #define WO_TRIANGLE_08 (WO_TRIANGLE_04 + 0x04) #define WO_TRIANGLE_10 (WO_TRIANGLE_08 + 0x08) #define WO_TRIANGLE_20 (WO_TRIANGLE_10 + 0x10) #define WO_TRIANGLE_40 (WO_TRIANGLE_20 + 0x20) #define WO_TRIANGLE_80 (WO_TRIANGLE_40 + 0x40) #define WO_SAWTOOTH_04 (WO_TRIANGLE_80 + 0x80) #define WO_SAWTOOTH_08 (WO_SAWTOOTH_04 + 0x04) #define WO_SAWTOOTH_10 (WO_SAWTOOTH_08 + 0x08) #define WO_SAWTOOTH_20 (WO_SAWTOOTH_10 + 0x10) #define WO_SAWTOOTH_40 (WO_SAWTOOTH_20 + 0x20) #define WO_SAWTOOTH_80 (WO_SAWTOOTH_40 + 0x40) #define WO_SQUARES (WO_SAWTOOTH_80 + 0x80) #define WO_WHITENOISE (WO_SQUARES + (0x80 * 0x20)) #define WO_HIGHPASSES (WO_WHITENOISE + WHITENOISELEN) #define WAVES_SIZE (WO_HIGHPASSES + ((0xfc + 0xfc + 0x80 * 0x1f + 0x80 + 3 * 0x280) * 31)) const uint16 lentab[45] = {3, 7, 0xf, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 3, 7, 0xf, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, (0x280 * 3) - 1}; const int16 vib_tab[64] = {0, 24, 49, 74, 97, 120, 141, 161, 180, 197, 212, 224, 235, 244, 250, 253, 255, 253, 250, 244, 235, 224, 212, 197, 180, 161, 141, 120, 97, 74, 49, 24, 0, -24, -49, -74, -97, -120, -141, -161, -180, -197, -212, -224, -235, -244, -250, -253, -255, -253, -250, -244, -235, -224, -212, -197, -180, -161, -141, -120, -97, -74, -49, -24}; const uint16 period_tab[61] = {0x0000, 0x0D60, 0x0CA0, 0x0BE8, 0x0B40, 0x0A98, 0x0A00, 0x0970, 0x08E8, 0x0868, 0x07F0, 0x0780, 0x0714, 0x06B0, 0x0650, 0x05F4, 0x05A0, 0x054C, 0x0500, 0x04B8, 0x0474, 0x0434, 0x03F8, 0x03C0, 0x038A, 0x0358, 0x0328, 0x02FA, 0x02D0, 0x02A6, 0x0280, 0x025C, 0x023A, 0x021A, 0x01FC, 0x01E0, 0x01C5, 0x01AC, 0x0194, 0x017D, 0x0168, 0x0153, 0x0140, 0x012E, 0x011D, 0x010D, 0x00FE, 0x00F0, 0x00E2, 0x00D6, 0x00CA, 0x00BE, 0x00B4, 0x00AA, 0x00A0, 0x0097, 0x008F, 0x0087, 0x007F, 0x0078, 0x0071}; const int32 stereopan_left[5] = {128, 96, 64, 32, 0}; const int32 stereopan_right[5] = {128, 160, 193, 225, 255}; const int16 filter_thing[2790] = { -1161, -4413, -7161, -13094, 635, 13255, 2189, 6401, 9041, 16130, 13460, 5360, 6349, 12699, 19049, 25398, 30464, 32512, 32512, 32515, 31625, 29756, 27158, 24060, 20667, 17156, 13970, 11375, 9263, 7543, 6142, 5002, 4074, 3318, 2702, 2178, 1755, 1415, 1141, 909, 716, 563, 444, 331, -665, -2082, -6170, -9235, -13622, 12545, 9617, 3951, 8345, 11246, 18486, 6917, 3848, 8635, 17271, 25907, 32163, 32512, 32455, 30734, 27424, 23137, 18397, 13869, 10429, 7843, 5897, 4435, 3335, 2507, 1885, 1389, 1023, 720, 530, 353, 260, 173, 96, 32, -18, -55, -79, -92, -95, -838, -3229, -7298, -12386, -7107, 13946, 6501, 5970, 9133, 14947, 16881, 6081, 3048, 10921, 21843, 31371, 32512, 32068, 28864, 23686, 17672, 12233, 8469, 5862, 4058, 2809, 1944, 1346, 900, 601, 371, 223, 137, 64, 7, -34, -58, -69, -70, -63, -52, -39, -26, -14, -5, 4984, -4476, -8102, -14892, 2894, 12723, 4883, 8010, 9750, 17887, 11790, 5099, 2520, 13207, 26415, 32512, 32457, 28690, 22093, 14665, 9312, 5913, 3754, 2384, 1513, 911, 548, 330, 143, 3, -86, -130, -139, -125, -97, -65, -35, -11, 6, 15, 19, 19, 16, 12, 8, 6877, -5755, -9129, -15709, 9705, 10893, 4157, 9882, 10897, 19236, 8153, 4285, 2149, 15493, 30618, 32512, 30220, 22942, 14203, 8241, 4781, 2774, 1609, 933, 501, 220, 81, 35, 2, -18, -26, -25, -20, -13, -7, -1, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, -1, 2431, -6956, -10698, -14594, 12720, 8980, 3714, 10892, 12622, 19554, 6915, 3745, 1872, 17779, 32512, 32622, 26286, 16302, 8605, 4542, 2397, 1265, 599, 283, 45, -92, -141, -131, -93, -49, -14, 8, 18, 18, 14, 8, 3, 0, -2, -3, -2, -2, -1, 0, 0, -3654, -8008, -12743, -11088, 13625, 7342, 3330, 11330, 14859, 18769, 6484, 3319, 1660, 20065, 32512, 30699, 21108, 10616, 5075, 2425, 1159, 477, 196, 1, -93, -109, -82, -44, -12, 7, 14, 13, 9, 4, 0, -2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -7765, -8867, -14957, -5862, 13550, 6139, 2988, 11284, 17054, 16602, 6017, 2979, 1489, 22351, 32512, 28083, 15576, 6708, 2888, 1243, 535, 188, 32, -47, -64, -47, -22, -3, 7, 8, 5, 3, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -9079, -9532, -16960, -335, 13001, 5333, 2704, 11192, 18742, 13697, 5457, 2703, 1351, 24637, 32512, 24556, 10851, 4185, 1614, 622, 184, 15, -57, -59, -34, -9, 5, 8, 6, 2, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -8576, -10043, -18551, 4372, 12190, 4809, 2472, 11230, 19803, 11170, 4953, 2473, 1236, 26923, 32512, 20567, 7430, 2550, 875, 212, 51, -30, -43, -25, -6, 3, 5, 3, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6960, -10485, -19740, 7864, 11223, 4449, 2279, 11623, 20380, 9488, 4553, 2280, 1140, 29209, 31829, 16235, 4924, 1493, 452, 86, -7, -32, -20, -5, 2, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4739, -10974, -19831, 10240, 10190, 4169, 2114, 12524, 20649, 8531, 4226, 2114, 1057, 31495, 29672, 11916, 3168, 841, 121, 17, -22, -18, -5, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2333, -11641, -19288, 11765, 9175, 3923, 1971, 13889, 20646, 8007, 3942, 1971, 985, 32512, 27426, 8446, 1949, 449, 45, -11, -16, -5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, -12616, -17971, 12690, 8247, 3693, 1846, 15662, 20271, 7658, 3692, 1846, 923, 32512, 25132, 6284, 1245, 246, -71, -78, -17, 8, 7, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2232, -14001, -15234, 13198, 7447, 3478, 1736, 17409, 19411, 7332, 3472, 1736, 868, 32512, 22545, 4352, 731, 18, -117, -40, 8, 9, 2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4197, -15836, -11480, 13408, 6791, 3281, 1639, 19224, 18074, 6978, 3276, 1639, 819, 32512, 19657, 2706, 380, -148, -86, 2, 13, 3, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5863, -17878, -9460, 13389, 6270, 3104, 1551, 20996, 16431, 6616, 3102, 1551, 776, 32512, 16633, 1921, 221, -95, -39, 5, 5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7180, -20270, -6194, 13181, 5866, 2946, 1473, 22548, 14746, 6273, 2946, 1473, 737, 32512, 13621, 1263, 116, -53, -15, 4, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8117, -21129, -2795, 12809, 5550, 2804, 1402, 23717, 13326, 5962, 2804, 1402, 701, 32512, 10687, 776, -56, -56, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8560, -19953, 508, 12299, 5295, 2675, 1337, 25109, 12263, 5684, 2675, 1338, 669, 32512, 7905, 433, -36, -22, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8488, -18731, 3672, 11679, 5080, 2558, 1279, 26855, 11480, 5434, 2557, 1279, 639, 32512, 5357, 212, -95, 0, 4, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7977, -24055, 6537, 10986, 4883, 2450, 1225, 28611, 10918, 5206, 2450, 1225, 612, 32512, 3131, 83, -35, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7088, -30584, 9054, 10265, 4696, 2351, 1176, 28707, 10494, 4996, 2351, 1175, 588, 32512, 1920, -155, -13, 4, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5952, -32627, 11249, 9564, 4519, 2260, 1130, 28678, 10113, 4803, 2260, 1130, 565, 32512, 1059, -73, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4629, -32753, 13199, 8934, 4351, 2175, 1088, 28446, 9775, 4623, 2175, 1087, 544, 32512, 434, -22, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3132, -32768, 15225, 8430, 4194, 2097, 1049, 30732, 9439, 4456, 2097, 1049, 524, 32512, 75, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1345, -32768, 16765, 8107, 4048, 2025, 1012, 32512, 9112, 4302, 2025, 1012, 506, 32385, 392, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -706, -32768, 17879, 8005, 3913, 1956, 978, 32512, 8843, 4157, 1957, 978, 489, 31184, 1671, 122, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3050, -32768, 18923, 8163, 3799, 1893, 946, 32512, 8613, 4022, 1893, 945, 473, 29903, 3074, 316, 52, 11, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5812, -32768, 19851, 8626, 3739, 1833, 917, 32512, 7982, 3889, 1833, 916, 459, 28541, 4567, 731, 206, 66, 23, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -9235, -32768, 20587, 9408, 3841, 1784, 889, 32512, 6486, 3688, 1776, 889, 447, 27099, 6112, 1379, 313, 135, 65, 33, 17, 7, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -12713, 1188, 1318, -1178, -4304, -26320, -14931, -1716, -1486, 2494, 3611, 22275, 27450, -31839, -29668, -26258, -21608, -15880, -9560, -3211, 3138, 9369, 15281, 20717, 25571, 29774, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32748, 32600, 32750, 32566, 32659, 32730, 8886, 1762, 506, -1665, -12112, -24641, -8513, -2224, 247, 3288, 9926, 25787, 28909, -31048, -27034, -20726, -12532, -3896, 4733, 13043, 20568, 27010, 32215, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32762, 32696, 32647, 32512, 32665, 32512, 32587, 32638, 32669, 32681, 32679, 32667, 32648, 32624, 32598, 6183, 2141, -630, -2674, -21856, -18306, -5711, -2161, 2207, 4247, 17616, 26475, 29719, -30017, -23596, -13741, -2819, 8029, 18049, 26470, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32738, 32663, 32612, 32756, 32549, 32602, 32629, 32636, 32628, 32610, 32588, 32564, 32542, 32524, 32510, 32500, 32494, 32492, 3604, 2248, -1495, -5612, -26800, -13545, -4745, -1390, 3443, 6973, 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32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 8759, -10456, -10591, -6766, -3638, -1835, -917, 24058, 32600, 32512, 30934, 31850, 32309, 32512, 32512, 32729, 32591, 32537, 32520, 32514, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 32510, 6811, -13156, -9045, -5965, -3421, -1776, -890, 31582, 32246, 32512, 30988, 31878, 32324, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32628, 32573, 32541, 32526, 32518, 32514, 32513, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 32512, 4835}; int8 waves[WAVES_SIZE]; uint32 panning_left[256], panning_right[256]; void hvl_GenPanningTables(void) { uint32 i; float64 aa, ab; // Sine based panning table aa = (3.14159265f * 2.0f) / 4.0f; // Quarter of the way through the sinewave == top peak ab = 0.0f; // Start of the climb from zero for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { panning_left[i] = (uint32)(sin(aa) * 255.0f); panning_right[i] = (uint32)(sin(ab) * 255.0f); aa += (3.14159265 * 2.0f / 4.0f) / 256.0f; ab += (3.14159265 * 2.0f / 4.0f) / 256.0f; } panning_left[255] = 0; panning_right[0] = 0; } void hvl_GenSawtooth(int8 *buf, uint32 len) { uint32 i; int32 val, add; add = 256 / (len - 1); val = -128; for (i = 0; i < len; i++, val += add) *buf++ = (int8)val; } void hvl_GenTriangle(int8 *buf, uint32 len) { uint32 i; int32 d2, d5, d1, d4; int32 val; int8 *buf2; d2 = len; d5 = len >> 2; d1 = 128 / d5; d4 = -(d2 >> 1); val = 0; for (i = 0; i < d5; i++) { *buf++ = val; val += d1; } *buf++ = 0x7f; if (d5 != 1) { val = 128; for (i = 0; i < d5 - 1; i++) { val -= d1; *buf++ = val; } } buf2 = buf + d4; for (i = 0; i < d5 * 2; i++) { int8 c; c = *buf2++; if (c == 0x7f) c = 0x80; else c = -c; *buf++ = c; } } void hvl_GenSquare(int8 *buf) { uint32 i, j; for (i = 1; i <= 0x20; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (0x40 - i) * 2; j++) *buf++ = 0x80; for (j = 0; j < i * 2; j++) *buf++ = 0x7f; } } static inline int32 clipshifted8(int32 in) { int16 top = (int16)(in >> 16); if (top > 127) in = 127 << 16; else if (top < -128) in = -(128 << 16); return in; } void hvl_GenFilterWaves(const int8 *buf, int8 *lowbuf, int8 *highbuf) { const int16 *mid_table = &filter_thing[0]; const int16 *low_table = &filter_thing[1395]; int32 freq; int32 i; for (i = 0, freq = 25; i < 31; i++, freq += 9) { uint32 wv; const int8 *a0 = buf; for (wv = 0; wv < 6 + 6 + 0x20 + 1; wv++) { int32 in, fre, high, mid, low; uint32 j; mid = *mid_table++ << 8; low = *low_table++ << 8; for (j = 0; j <= lentab[wv]; j++) { in = a0[j] << 16; high = clipshifted8(in - mid - low); fre = (high >> 8) * freq; mid = clipshifted8(mid + fre); fre = (mid >> 8) * freq; low = clipshifted8(low + fre); *highbuf++ = high >> 16; *lowbuf++ = low >> 16; } a0 += lentab[wv] + 1; } } } void hvl_GenWhiteNoise(int8 *buf, uint32 len) { uint32 ays; ays = 0x41595321; do { uint16 ax, bx; int8 s; s = ays; if (ays & 0x100) { s = 0x7f; if (ays & 0x8000) s = 0x80; } *buf++ = s; len--; ays = (ays >> 5) | (ays << 27); ays = (ays & 0xffffff00) | ((ays & 0xff) ^ 0x9a); bx = ays; ays = (ays << 2) | (ays >> 30); ax = ays; bx += ax; ax ^= bx; ays = (ays & 0xffff0000) | ax; ays = (ays >> 3) | (ays << 29); } while (len); } void hvl_GenTables(void) { hvl_GenPanningTables(); hvl_GenSawtooth(&waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_04], 0x04); hvl_GenSawtooth(&waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_08], 0x08); hvl_GenSawtooth(&waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_10], 0x10); hvl_GenSawtooth(&waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_20], 0x20); hvl_GenSawtooth(&waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_40], 0x40); hvl_GenSawtooth(&waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_80], 0x80); hvl_GenTriangle(&waves[WO_TRIANGLE_04], 0x04); hvl_GenTriangle(&waves[WO_TRIANGLE_08], 0x08); hvl_GenTriangle(&waves[WO_TRIANGLE_10], 0x10); hvl_GenTriangle(&waves[WO_TRIANGLE_20], 0x20); hvl_GenTriangle(&waves[WO_TRIANGLE_40], 0x40); hvl_GenTriangle(&waves[WO_TRIANGLE_80], 0x80); hvl_GenSquare(&waves[WO_SQUARES]); hvl_GenWhiteNoise(&waves[WO_WHITENOISE], WHITENOISELEN); hvl_GenFilterWaves(&waves[WO_TRIANGLE_04], &waves[WO_LOWPASSES], &waves[WO_HIGHPASSES]); } /* ** Waves */ void hvl_reset_some_stuff(struct hvl_tune *ht) { uint32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Delta = 1; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_OverrideTranspose = 1000; // 1.5 ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SamplePos = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Track = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Transpose = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NextTrack = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NextTranspose = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_ADSRVolume = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_InstrPeriod = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackPeriod = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VibratoPeriod = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NoteMaxVolume = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PerfSubVolume = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackMasterVolume = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NewWaveform = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Waveform = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PlantSquare = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PlantPeriod = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_IgnoreSquare = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackOn = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FixedNote = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VolumeSlideUp = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VolumeSlideDown = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_HardCut = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_HardCutRelease = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_HardCutReleaseF = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodSlideSpeed = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodSlidePeriod = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodSlideLimit = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodSlideOn = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodSlideWithLimit = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PeriodPerfSlideOn = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VibratoDelay = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VibratoCurrent = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VibratoDepth = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VibratoSpeed = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareOn = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareInit = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareLowerLimit = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareUpperLimit = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquarePos = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareSign = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareSlidingIn = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareReverse = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterOn = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterInit = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterLowerLimit = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterUpperLimit = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterPos = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterSign = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterSpeed = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterSlidingIn = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_IgnoreFilter = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PerfCurrent = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PerfSpeed = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_WaveLength = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NoteDelayOn = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NoteCutOn = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_AudioPeriod = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_AudioVolume = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceVolume = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoicePeriod = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceNum = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_WNRandom = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareWait = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_FilterWait = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PerfWait = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NoteDelayWait = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NoteCutWait = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PerfList = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingSamplePos = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingDelta = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingPlantPeriod = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingAudioPeriod = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingNewWaveform = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingWaveform = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingFixedPeriod = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingBasePeriod = 0; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingMixSource = NULL; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingAudioSource = NULL; memset(&ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SquareTempBuffer, 0, 0x80); memset(&ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_ADSR, 0, sizeof(struct hvl_envelope)); memset(&ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceBuffer, 0, 0x281); memset(&ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingVoiceBuffer, 0, 0x281); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++) { ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_WNRandom = 0x280; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceNum = i; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackMasterVolume = 0x40; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackOn = 1; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_MixSource = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceBuffer; } } BOOL hvl_InitSubsong(struct hvl_tune *ht, uint32 nr) { uint32 PosNr, i; if (nr > ht->ht_SubsongNr) return FALSE; ht->ht_SongNum = nr; PosNr = 0; if (nr) PosNr = ht->ht_Subsongs[nr - 1]; ht->ht_PosNr = PosNr; ht->ht_PosJump = 0; ht->ht_PatternBreak = 0; ht->ht_NoteNr = 0; ht->ht_PosJumpNote = 0; ht->ht_Tempo = 6; ht->ht_StepWaitFrames = 0; ht->ht_GetNewPosition = 1; ht->ht_SongEndReached = 0; ht->ht_PlayingTime = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i += 4) { ht->ht_Voices[i + 0].vc_Pan = ht->ht_defpanleft; ht->ht_Voices[i + 0].vc_SetPan = ht->ht_defpanleft; // 1.4 ht->ht_Voices[i + 0].vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[ht->ht_defpanleft]; ht->ht_Voices[i + 0].vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[ht->ht_defpanleft]; ht->ht_Voices[i + 1].vc_Pan = ht->ht_defpanright; ht->ht_Voices[i + 1].vc_SetPan = ht->ht_defpanright; // 1.4 ht->ht_Voices[i + 1].vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[ht->ht_defpanright]; ht->ht_Voices[i + 1].vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[ht->ht_defpanright]; ht->ht_Voices[i + 2].vc_Pan = ht->ht_defpanright; ht->ht_Voices[i + 2].vc_SetPan = ht->ht_defpanright; // 1.4 ht->ht_Voices[i + 2].vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[ht->ht_defpanright]; ht->ht_Voices[i + 2].vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[ht->ht_defpanright]; ht->ht_Voices[i + 3].vc_Pan = ht->ht_defpanleft; ht->ht_Voices[i + 3].vc_SetPan = ht->ht_defpanleft; // 1.4 ht->ht_Voices[i + 3].vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[ht->ht_defpanleft]; ht->ht_Voices[i + 3].vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[ht->ht_defpanleft]; } hvl_reset_some_stuff(ht); return TRUE; } void hvl_InitReplayer(void) { hvl_GenTables(); } struct hvl_tune *hvl_load_ahx(const uint8 *buf, uint32 buflen, uint32 defstereo, uint32 freq) { const uint8 *bptr; const TEXT *nptr; uint32 i, j, k, l, posn, insn, ssn, hs, trkn, trkl; struct hvl_tune *ht; struct hvl_plsentry *ple; const int32 defgain[] = {71, 72, 76, 85, 100}; posn = ((buf[6] & 0x0f) << 8) | buf[7]; insn = buf[12]; ssn = buf[13]; trkl = buf[10]; trkn = buf[11]; hs = sizeof(struct hvl_tune); hs += sizeof(struct hvl_position) * posn; hs += sizeof(struct hvl_instrument) * (insn + 1); hs += sizeof(uint16) * ssn; // Calculate the size of all instrument PList buffers bptr = &buf[14]; bptr += ssn * 2; // Skip past the subsong list bptr += posn * 4 * 2; // Skip past the positions bptr += trkn * trkl * 3; if ((buf[6] & 0x80) == 0) bptr += trkl * 3; // *NOW* we can finally calculate PList space for (i = 1; i <= insn; i++) { hs += bptr[21] * sizeof(struct hvl_plsentry); bptr += 22 + bptr[21] * 4; } ht = malloc(hs); if (!ht) { // printf("Out of memory!\n"); return NULL; } ht->ht_Frequency = freq; ht->ht_FreqF = (float64)freq; ht->ht_Positions = (struct hvl_position *)(&ht[1]); ht->ht_Instruments = (struct hvl_instrument *)(&ht->ht_Positions[posn]); ht->ht_Subsongs = (uint16 *)(&ht->ht_Instruments[(insn + 1)]); ple = (struct hvl_plsentry *)(&ht->ht_Subsongs[ssn]); ht->ht_WaveformTab[0] = &waves[WO_TRIANGLE_04]; ht->ht_WaveformTab[1] = &waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_04]; ht->ht_WaveformTab[3] = &waves[WO_WHITENOISE]; ht->ht_Channels = 4; ht->ht_PositionNr = posn; ht->ht_Restart = (buf[8] << 8) | buf[9]; ht->ht_SpeedMultiplier = ((buf[6] >> 5) & 3) + 1; ht->ht_TrackLength = trkl; ht->ht_TrackNr = trkn; ht->ht_InstrumentNr = insn; ht->ht_SubsongNr = ssn; ht->ht_defstereo = defstereo; ht->ht_defpanleft = stereopan_left[ht->ht_defstereo]; ht->ht_defpanright = stereopan_right[ht->ht_defstereo]; ht->ht_mixgain = (defgain[ht->ht_defstereo] * 256) / 100; if (ht->ht_Restart >= ht->ht_PositionNr) ht->ht_Restart = ht->ht_PositionNr - 1; // Do some validation if ((ht->ht_PositionNr > 1000) || (ht->ht_TrackLength > 64) || (ht->ht_InstrumentNr > 64)) { // printf("%d,%d,%d\n", ht->ht_PositionNr, ht->ht_TrackLength, ht->ht_InstrumentNr); free(ht); // printf("Invalid file.\n"); return NULL; } strncpy(ht->ht_Name, (TEXT *)&buf[(buf[4] << 8) | buf[5]], 127); ht->ht_Name[127] = '\0'; nptr = (TEXT *)&buf[((buf[4] << 8) | buf[5]) + strlen(ht->ht_Name) + 1]; bptr = &buf[14]; // Subsongs for (i = 0; i < ht->ht_SubsongNr; i++) { ht->ht_Subsongs[i] = (bptr[0] << 8) | bptr[1]; if (ht->ht_Subsongs[i] >= ht->ht_PositionNr) ht->ht_Subsongs[i] = 0; bptr += 2; } // Position list for (i = 0; i < ht->ht_PositionNr; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { ht->ht_Positions[i].pos_Track[j] = *bptr++; ht->ht_Positions[i].pos_Transpose[j] = *(int8 *)bptr++; } } // Tracks for (i = 0; i <= ht->ht_TrackNr; i++) { if (((buf[6] & 0x80) == 0x80) && (i == 0)) { for (j = 0; j < ht->ht_TrackLength; j++) { ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Note = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Instrument = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FX = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXParam = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXb = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXbParam = 0; } continue; } for (j = 0; j < ht->ht_TrackLength; j++) { ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Note = (bptr[0] >> 2) & 0x3f; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Instrument = ((bptr[0] & 0x3) << 4) | (bptr[1] >> 4); ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FX = bptr[1] & 0xf; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXParam = bptr[2]; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXb = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXbParam = 0; bptr += 3; } } // Instruments for (i = 1; i <= ht->ht_InstrumentNr; i++) { if (nptr < (TEXT *)(buf + buflen)) { strncpy(ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Name, nptr, 127); ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Name[127] = '\0'; nptr += strlen(nptr) + 1; } else { ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Name[0] = 0; } ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Volume = bptr[0]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterSpeed = ((bptr[1] >> 3) & 0x1f) | ((bptr[12] >> 2) & 0x20); ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_WaveLength = bptr[1] & 0x07; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.aFrames = bptr[2]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.aVolume = bptr[3]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.dFrames = bptr[4]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.dVolume = bptr[5]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.sFrames = bptr[6]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.rFrames = bptr[7]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.rVolume = bptr[8]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterLowerLimit = bptr[12] & 0x7f; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoDelay = bptr[13]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_HardCutReleaseFrames = (bptr[14] >> 4) & 0x07; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_HardCutRelease = bptr[14] & 0x80 ? 1 : 0; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoDepth = bptr[14] & 0x0f; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoSpeed = bptr[15]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareLowerLimit = bptr[16]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareUpperLimit = bptr[17]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareSpeed = bptr[18]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterUpperLimit = bptr[19] & 0x3f; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Speed = bptr[20]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Length = bptr[21]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries = ple; ple += bptr[21]; bptr += 22; for (j = 0; j < ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Length; j++) { k = (bptr[0] >> 5) & 7; if (k == 6) k = 12; if (k == 7) k = 15; l = (bptr[0] >> 2) & 7; if (l == 6) l = 12; if (l == 7) l = 15; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FX[1] = k; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FX[0] = l; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Waveform = ((bptr[0] << 1) & 6) | (bptr[1] >> 7); ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Fixed = (bptr[1] >> 6) & 1; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Note = bptr[1] & 0x3f; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FXParam[0] = bptr[2]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FXParam[1] = bptr[3]; // 1.6: Strip "toggle filter" commands if the module is // version 0 (pre-filters). This is what AHX also does. if ((buf[3] == 0) && (l == 4) && ((bptr[2] & 0xf0) != 0)) ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FXParam[0] &= 0x0f; if ((buf[3] == 0) && (k == 4) && ((bptr[3] & 0xf0) != 0)) ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FXParam[1] &= 0x0f; // 1.8 bptr += 4; } } hvl_InitSubsong(ht, 0); return ht; } struct hvl_tune *hvl_load_hvl(const uint8 *buf, uint32 buflen, uint32 defstereo, uint32 freq) { const uint8 *bptr; const TEXT *nptr; uint32 i, j, posn, insn, ssn, chnn, hs, trkl, trkn; struct hvl_tune *ht; struct hvl_plsentry *ple; posn = ((buf[6] & 0x0f) << 8) | buf[7]; insn = buf[12]; ssn = buf[13]; chnn = (buf[8] >> 2) + 4; trkl = buf[10]; trkn = buf[11]; hs = sizeof(struct hvl_tune); hs += sizeof(struct hvl_position) * posn; hs += sizeof(struct hvl_instrument) * (insn + 1); hs += sizeof(uint16) * ssn; // Calculate the size of all instrument PList buffers bptr = &buf[16]; bptr += ssn * 2; // Skip past the subsong list bptr += posn * chnn * 2; // Skip past the positions // Skip past the tracks // 1.4: Fixed two really stupid bugs that cancelled each other // out if the module had a blank first track (which is how // come they were missed. for (i = ((buf[6] & 0x80) == 0x80) ? 1 : 0; i <= trkn; i++) for (j = 0; j < trkl; j++) { if (bptr[0] == 0x3f) { bptr++; continue; } bptr += 5; } // *NOW* we can finally calculate PList space for (i = 1; i <= insn; i++) { hs += bptr[21] * sizeof(struct hvl_plsentry); bptr += 22 + bptr[21] * 5; } ht = malloc(hs); if (!ht) { // printf("Out of memory!\n"); return NULL; } ht->ht_Version = buf[3]; // 1.5 ht->ht_Frequency = freq; ht->ht_FreqF = (float64)freq; ht->ht_Positions = (struct hvl_position *)(&ht[1]); ht->ht_Instruments = (struct hvl_instrument *)(&ht->ht_Positions[posn]); ht->ht_Subsongs = (uint16 *)(&ht->ht_Instruments[(insn + 1)]); ple = (struct hvl_plsentry *)(&ht->ht_Subsongs[ssn]); ht->ht_WaveformTab[0] = &waves[WO_TRIANGLE_04]; ht->ht_WaveformTab[1] = &waves[WO_SAWTOOTH_04]; ht->ht_WaveformTab[3] = &waves[WO_WHITENOISE]; ht->ht_PositionNr = posn; ht->ht_Channels = (buf[8] >> 2) + 4; ht->ht_Restart = ((buf[8] & 3) << 8) | buf[9]; ht->ht_SpeedMultiplier = ((buf[6] >> 5) & 3) + 1; ht->ht_TrackLength = buf[10]; ht->ht_TrackNr = buf[11]; ht->ht_InstrumentNr = insn; ht->ht_SubsongNr = ssn; ht->ht_mixgain = (buf[14] << 8) / 100; ht->ht_defstereo = buf[15]; ht->ht_defpanleft = stereopan_left[ht->ht_defstereo]; ht->ht_defpanright = stereopan_right[ht->ht_defstereo]; if (ht->ht_Restart >= ht->ht_PositionNr) ht->ht_Restart = ht->ht_PositionNr - 1; // Do some validation if ((ht->ht_PositionNr > 1000) || (ht->ht_TrackLength > 64) || (ht->ht_InstrumentNr > 64)) { // printf("%d,%d,%d\n", ht->ht_PositionNr, ht->ht_TrackLength, ht->ht_InstrumentNr); free(ht); // printf("Invalid file.\n"); return NULL; } strncpy(ht->ht_Name, (TEXT *)&buf[(buf[4] << 8) | buf[5]], 127); ht->ht_Name[127] = '\0'; nptr = (TEXT *)&buf[((buf[4] << 8) | buf[5]) + strlen(ht->ht_Name) + 1]; bptr = &buf[16]; // Subsongs for (i = 0; i < ht->ht_SubsongNr; i++) { ht->ht_Subsongs[i] = (bptr[0] << 8) | bptr[1]; bptr += 2; } // Position list for (i = 0; i < ht->ht_PositionNr; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ht->ht_Channels; j++) { ht->ht_Positions[i].pos_Track[j] = *bptr++; ht->ht_Positions[i].pos_Transpose[j] = *(int8 *)bptr++; } } // Tracks for (i = 0; i <= ht->ht_TrackNr; i++) { if (((buf[6] & 0x80) == 0x80) && (i == 0)) { for (j = 0; j < ht->ht_TrackLength; j++) { ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Note = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Instrument = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FX = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXParam = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXb = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXbParam = 0; } continue; } for (j = 0; j < ht->ht_TrackLength; j++) { if (bptr[0] == 0x3f) { ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Note = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Instrument = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FX = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXParam = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXb = 0; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXbParam = 0; bptr++; continue; } ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Note = bptr[0]; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_Instrument = bptr[1]; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FX = bptr[2] >> 4; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXParam = bptr[3]; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXb = bptr[2] & 0xf; ht->ht_Tracks[i][j].stp_FXbParam = bptr[4]; bptr += 5; } } // Instruments for (i = 1; i <= ht->ht_InstrumentNr; i++) { if (nptr < (TEXT *)(buf + buflen)) { strncpy(ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Name, nptr, 127); ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Name[127] = '\0'; nptr += strlen(nptr) + 1; } else { ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Name[0] = 0; } ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Volume = bptr[0]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterSpeed = ((bptr[1] >> 3) & 0x1f) | ((bptr[12] >> 2) & 0x20); ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_WaveLength = bptr[1] & 0x07; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.aFrames = bptr[2]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.aVolume = bptr[3]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.dFrames = bptr[4]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.dVolume = bptr[5]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.sFrames = bptr[6]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.rFrames = bptr[7]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_Envelope.rVolume = bptr[8]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterLowerLimit = bptr[12] & 0x7f; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoDelay = bptr[13]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_HardCutReleaseFrames = (bptr[14] >> 4) & 0x07; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_HardCutRelease = bptr[14] & 0x80 ? 1 : 0; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoDepth = bptr[14] & 0x0f; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_VibratoSpeed = bptr[15]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareLowerLimit = bptr[16]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareUpperLimit = bptr[17]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_SquareSpeed = bptr[18]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_FilterUpperLimit = bptr[19] & 0x3f; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Speed = bptr[20]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Length = bptr[21]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries = ple; ple += bptr[21]; bptr += 22; for (j = 0; j < ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Length; j++) { ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FX[0] = bptr[0] & 0xf; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FX[1] = (bptr[1] >> 3) & 0xf; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Waveform = bptr[1] & 7; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Fixed = (bptr[2] >> 6) & 1; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_Note = bptr[2] & 0x3f; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FXParam[0] = bptr[3]; ht->ht_Instruments[i].ins_PList.pls_Entries[j].ple_FXParam[1] = bptr[4]; bptr += 5; } } hvl_InitSubsong(ht, 0); return ht; } struct hvl_tune *hvl_ParseTune(const uint8 *buf, uint32 buflen, uint32 freq, uint32 defstereo) { struct hvl_tune *ht = NULL; if ((buf[0] == 'T') && (buf[1] == 'H') && (buf[2] == 'X') && (buf[3] < 3)) { ht = hvl_load_ahx(buf, buflen, defstereo, freq); } else if ((buf[0] == 'H') && (buf[1] == 'V') && (buf[2] == 'L') && (buf[3] < 2)) { ht = hvl_load_hvl(buf, buflen, defstereo, freq); } else { // printf("Invalid file.\n"); } return ht; } struct hvl_tune *hvl_LoadTune(const TEXT *name, uint32 freq, uint32 defstereo) { struct hvl_tune *ht = NULL; uint8 *buf; uint32 buflen; FILE *fh; fh = fopen(name, "rb"); if (!fh) { // printf("Can't open file\n"); return NULL; } fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); buflen = ftell(fh); fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = malloc(buflen); if (!buf) { fclose(fh); // printf("Out of memory!\n"); return NULL; } if (fread(buf, 1, buflen, fh) != buflen) { fclose(fh); free(buf); // printf("Unable to read from file!\n"); return NULL; } fclose(fh); ht = hvl_ParseTune(buf, buflen, freq, defstereo); free(buf); return ht; } void hvl_FreeTune(struct hvl_tune *ht) { if (!ht) return; free(ht); } void hvl_process_stepfx_1(struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice, int32 FX, int32 FXParam) { switch (FX) { case 0x0: // Position Jump HI if (((FXParam & 0x0f) > 0) && ((FXParam & 0x0f) <= 9)) ht->ht_PosJump = FXParam & 0xf; break; case 0x5: // Volume Slide + Tone Portamento case 0xa: // Volume Slide voice->vc_VolumeSlideDown = FXParam & 0x0f; voice->vc_VolumeSlideUp = FXParam >> 4; break; case 0x7: // Panning if (FXParam > 127) FXParam -= 256; voice->vc_Pan = (FXParam + 128); voice->vc_SetPan = (FXParam + 128); // 1.4 voice->vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[voice->vc_Pan]; voice->vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[voice->vc_Pan]; break; case 0xb: // Position jump ht->ht_PosJump = ht->ht_PosJump * 100 + (FXParam & 0x0f) + (FXParam >> 4) * 10; ht->ht_PatternBreak = 1; if (ht->ht_PosJump <= ht->ht_PosNr) ht->ht_SongEndReached = 1; break; case 0xd: // Pattern break ht->ht_PosJump = ht->ht_PosNr + 1; ht->ht_PosJumpNote = (FXParam & 0x0f) + (FXParam >> 4) * 10; ht->ht_PatternBreak = 1; if (ht->ht_PosJumpNote > ht->ht_TrackLength) ht->ht_PosJumpNote = 0; break; case 0xe: // Extended commands switch (FXParam >> 4) { case 0xc: // Note cut if ((FXParam & 0x0f) < ht->ht_Tempo) { voice->vc_NoteCutWait = FXParam & 0x0f; if (voice->vc_NoteCutWait) { voice->vc_NoteCutOn = 1; voice->vc_HardCutRelease = 0; } } break; // 1.6: 0xd case removed } break; case 0xf: // Speed ht->ht_Tempo = FXParam; if (FXParam == 0) ht->ht_SongEndReached = 1; break; } } void hvl_process_stepfx_2(const struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice, int32 FX, int32 FXParam, int32 *Note) { switch (FX) { case 0x9: // Set squarewave offset voice->vc_SquarePos = FXParam >> (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength); // voice->vc_PlantSquare = 1; voice->vc_IgnoreSquare = 1; break; case 0x3: // Tone portamento if (FXParam != 0) voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed = FXParam; case 0x5: // Tone portamento + volume slide if (*Note) { int32 new, diff; new = period_tab[*Note]; diff = period_tab[voice->vc_TrackPeriod]; diff -= new; new = diff + voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod; if (new) voice->vc_PeriodSlideLimit = -diff; } voice->vc_PeriodSlideOn = 1; voice->vc_PeriodSlideWithLimit = 1; *Note = 0; break; } } void hvl_process_stepfx_3(struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice, int32 FX, int32 FXParam) { int32 i; switch (FX) { case 0x01: // Portamento up (period slide down) voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed = -FXParam; voice->vc_PeriodSlideOn = 1; voice->vc_PeriodSlideWithLimit = 0; break; case 0x02: // Portamento down voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed = FXParam; voice->vc_PeriodSlideOn = 1; voice->vc_PeriodSlideWithLimit = 0; break; case 0x04: // Filter override if ((FXParam == 0) || (FXParam == 0x40)) break; if (FXParam < 0x40) { voice->vc_IgnoreFilter = FXParam; break; } if (FXParam > 0x7f) break; voice->vc_FilterPos = FXParam - 0x40; break; case 0x0c: // Volume FXParam &= 0xff; if (FXParam <= 0x40) { voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = FXParam; break; } if ((FXParam -= 0x50) < 0) break; // 1.6 if (FXParam <= 0x40) { for (i = 0; i < ht->ht_Channels; i++) ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_TrackMasterVolume = FXParam; break; } if ((FXParam -= 0xa0 - 0x50) < 0) break; // 1.6 if (FXParam <= 0x40) voice->vc_TrackMasterVolume = FXParam; break; case 0xe: // Extended commands; switch (FXParam >> 4) { case 0x1: // Fineslide up voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod -= (FXParam & 0x0f); // 1.8 voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1; break; case 0x2: // Fineslide down voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod += (FXParam & 0x0f); // 1.8 voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1; break; case 0x4: // Vibrato control voice->vc_VibratoDepth = FXParam & 0x0f; break; case 0x0a: // Fine volume up voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume += FXParam & 0x0f; if (voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume > 0x40) voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = 0x40; break; case 0x0b: // Fine volume down voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume -= FXParam & 0x0f; if (voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume < 0) voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = 0; break; case 0x0f: // Misc flags (1.5) if (ht->ht_Version < 1) break; switch (FXParam & 0xf) { case 1: voice->vc_OverrideTranspose = voice->vc_Transpose; break; } break; } break; } } void hvl_process_step(struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice) { int32 Note, Instr, donenotedel; const struct hvl_step *Step; if (voice->vc_TrackOn == 0) return; voice->vc_VolumeSlideUp = voice->vc_VolumeSlideDown = 0; Step = &ht->ht_Tracks[ht->ht_Positions[ht->ht_PosNr].pos_Track[voice->vc_VoiceNum]][ht->ht_NoteNr]; Note = Step->stp_Note; Instr = Step->stp_Instrument; // --------- 1.6: from here -------------- donenotedel = 0; // Do notedelay here if (((Step->stp_FX & 0xf) == 0xe) && ((Step->stp_FXParam & 0xf0) == 0xd0)) { if (voice->vc_NoteDelayOn) { voice->vc_NoteDelayOn = 0; donenotedel = 1; } else { if ((Step->stp_FXParam & 0x0f) < ht->ht_Tempo) { voice->vc_NoteDelayWait = Step->stp_FXParam & 0x0f; if (voice->vc_NoteDelayWait) { voice->vc_NoteDelayOn = 1; return; } } } } if ((donenotedel == 0) && ((Step->stp_FXb & 0xf) == 0xe) && ((Step->stp_FXbParam & 0xf0) == 0xd0)) { if (voice->vc_NoteDelayOn) { voice->vc_NoteDelayOn = 0; } else { if ((Step->stp_FXbParam & 0x0f) < ht->ht_Tempo) { voice->vc_NoteDelayWait = Step->stp_FXbParam & 0x0f; if (voice->vc_NoteDelayWait) { voice->vc_NoteDelayOn = 1; return; } } } } // --------- 1.6: to here -------------- if (Note) voice->vc_OverrideTranspose = 1000; // 1.5 hvl_process_stepfx_1(ht, voice, Step->stp_FX & 0xf, Step->stp_FXParam); hvl_process_stepfx_1(ht, voice, Step->stp_FXb & 0xf, Step->stp_FXbParam); if ((Instr) && (Instr <= ht->ht_InstrumentNr)) { struct hvl_instrument *Ins; int16 SquareLower, SquareUpper, d6, d3, d4; /* 1.4: Reset panning to last set position */ voice->vc_Pan = voice->vc_SetPan; voice->vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[voice->vc_Pan]; voice->vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[voice->vc_Pan]; voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed = voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod = voice->vc_PeriodSlideLimit = 0; voice->vc_PerfSubVolume = 0x40; voice->vc_ADSRVolume = 0; voice->vc_Instrument = Ins = &ht->ht_Instruments[Instr]; voice->vc_SamplePos = 0; voice->vc_ADSR.aFrames = Ins->ins_Envelope.aFrames; voice->vc_ADSR.aVolume = voice->vc_ADSR.aFrames ? Ins->ins_Envelope.aVolume * 256 / voice->vc_ADSR.aFrames : Ins->ins_Envelope.aVolume * 256; // XXX voice->vc_ADSR.dFrames = Ins->ins_Envelope.dFrames; voice->vc_ADSR.dVolume = voice->vc_ADSR.dFrames ? (Ins->ins_Envelope.dVolume - Ins->ins_Envelope.aVolume) * 256 / voice->vc_ADSR.dFrames : Ins->ins_Envelope.dVolume * 256; // XXX voice->vc_ADSR.sFrames = Ins->ins_Envelope.sFrames; voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames = Ins->ins_Envelope.rFrames; voice->vc_ADSR.rVolume = voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames ? (Ins->ins_Envelope.rVolume - Ins->ins_Envelope.dVolume) * 256 / voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames : Ins->ins_Envelope.rVolume * 256; // XXX voice->vc_WaveLength = Ins->ins_WaveLength; voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = Ins->ins_Volume; voice->vc_VibratoCurrent = 0; voice->vc_VibratoDelay = Ins->ins_VibratoDelay; voice->vc_VibratoDepth = Ins->ins_VibratoDepth; voice->vc_VibratoSpeed = Ins->ins_VibratoSpeed; voice->vc_VibratoPeriod = 0; voice->vc_HardCutRelease = Ins->ins_HardCutRelease; voice->vc_HardCut = Ins->ins_HardCutReleaseFrames; voice->vc_IgnoreSquare = voice->vc_SquareSlidingIn = 0; voice->vc_SquareWait = voice->vc_SquareOn = 0; SquareLower = Ins->ins_SquareLowerLimit >> (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength); SquareUpper = Ins->ins_SquareUpperLimit >> (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength); if (SquareUpper < SquareLower) { int16 t = SquareUpper; SquareUpper = SquareLower; SquareLower = t; } voice->vc_SquareUpperLimit = SquareUpper; voice->vc_SquareLowerLimit = SquareLower; voice->vc_IgnoreFilter = voice->vc_FilterWait = voice->vc_FilterOn = 0; voice->vc_FilterSlidingIn = 0; d6 = Ins->ins_FilterSpeed; d3 = Ins->ins_FilterLowerLimit; d4 = Ins->ins_FilterUpperLimit; if (d3 & 0x80) d6 |= 0x20; if (d4 & 0x80) d6 |= 0x40; voice->vc_FilterSpeed = d6; d3 &= ~0x80; d4 &= ~0x80; if (d3 > d4) { int16 t = d3; d3 = d4; d4 = t; } voice->vc_FilterUpperLimit = d4; voice->vc_FilterLowerLimit = d3; voice->vc_FilterPos = 32; voice->vc_PerfWait = voice->vc_PerfCurrent = 0; voice->vc_PerfSpeed = Ins->ins_PList.pls_Speed; voice->vc_PerfList = &voice->vc_Instrument->ins_PList; voice->vc_RingMixSource = NULL; // No ring modulation voice->vc_RingSamplePos = 0; voice->vc_RingPlantPeriod = 0; voice->vc_RingNewWaveform = 0; } voice->vc_PeriodSlideOn = 0; hvl_process_stepfx_2(ht, voice, Step->stp_FX & 0xf, Step->stp_FXParam, &Note); hvl_process_stepfx_2(ht, voice, Step->stp_FXb & 0xf, Step->stp_FXbParam, &Note); if (Note) { voice->vc_TrackPeriod = Note; voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1; } hvl_process_stepfx_3(ht, voice, Step->stp_FX & 0xf, Step->stp_FXParam); hvl_process_stepfx_3(ht, voice, Step->stp_FXb & 0xf, Step->stp_FXbParam); } void hvl_plist_command_parse(const struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice, int32 FX, int32 FXParam) { switch (FX) { case 0: if ((FXParam > 0) && (FXParam < 0x40)) { if (voice->vc_IgnoreFilter) { voice->vc_FilterPos = voice->vc_IgnoreFilter; voice->vc_IgnoreFilter = 0; } else { voice->vc_FilterPos = FXParam; } voice->vc_NewWaveform = 1; } break; case 1: voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed = FXParam; voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideOn = 1; break; case 2: voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed = -FXParam; voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideOn = 1; break; case 3: if (voice->vc_IgnoreSquare == 0) voice->vc_SquarePos = FXParam >> (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength); else voice->vc_IgnoreSquare = 0; break; case 4: if (FXParam == 0) { voice->vc_SquareInit = (voice->vc_SquareOn ^= 1); voice->vc_SquareSign = 1; } else { if (FXParam & 0x0f) { voice->vc_SquareInit = (voice->vc_SquareOn ^= 1); voice->vc_SquareSign = 1; if ((FXParam & 0x0f) == 0x0f) voice->vc_SquareSign = -1; } if (FXParam & 0xf0) { voice->vc_FilterInit = (voice->vc_FilterOn ^= 1); voice->vc_FilterSign = 1; if ((FXParam & 0xf0) == 0xf0) voice->vc_FilterSign = -1; } } break; case 5: voice->vc_PerfCurrent = FXParam; break; case 7: // Ring modulate with triangle if ((FXParam >= 1) && (FXParam <= 0x3C)) { voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = FXParam; voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 1; } else if ((FXParam >= 0x81) && (FXParam <= 0xBC)) { voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = FXParam - 0x80; voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 0; } else { voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = 0; voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 0; voice->vc_RingNewWaveform = 0; voice->vc_RingAudioSource = NULL; // turn it off voice->vc_RingMixSource = NULL; break; } voice->vc_RingWaveform = 0; voice->vc_RingNewWaveform = 1; voice->vc_RingPlantPeriod = 1; break; case 8: // Ring modulate with sawtooth if ((FXParam >= 1) && (FXParam <= 0x3C)) { voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = FXParam; voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 1; } else if ((FXParam >= 0x81) && (FXParam <= 0xBC)) { voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = FXParam - 0x80; voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 0; } else { voice->vc_RingBasePeriod = 0; voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod = 0; voice->vc_RingNewWaveform = 0; voice->vc_RingAudioSource = NULL; voice->vc_RingMixSource = NULL; break; } voice->vc_RingWaveform = 1; voice->vc_RingNewWaveform = 1; voice->vc_RingPlantPeriod = 1; break; /* New in HivelyTracker 1.4 */ case 9: if (FXParam > 127) FXParam -= 256; voice->vc_Pan = (FXParam + 128); voice->vc_PanMultLeft = panning_left[voice->vc_Pan]; voice->vc_PanMultRight = panning_right[voice->vc_Pan]; break; case 12: if (FXParam <= 0x40) { voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = FXParam; break; } if ((FXParam -= 0x50) < 0) break; if (FXParam <= 0x40) { voice->vc_PerfSubVolume = FXParam; break; } if ((FXParam -= 0xa0 - 0x50) < 0) break; if (FXParam <= 0x40) voice->vc_TrackMasterVolume = FXParam; break; case 15: voice->vc_PerfSpeed = voice->vc_PerfWait = FXParam; break; } } void hvl_process_frame(struct hvl_tune *ht, struct hvl_voice *voice) { static const uint8 Offsets[] = {0x00, 0x04, 0x04 + 0x08, 0x04 + 0x08 + 0x10, 0x04 + 0x08 + 0x10 + 0x20, 0x04 + 0x08 + 0x10 + 0x20 + 0x40}; if (voice->vc_TrackOn == 0) return; if (voice->vc_NoteDelayOn) { if (voice->vc_NoteDelayWait <= 0) hvl_process_step(ht, voice); else voice->vc_NoteDelayWait--; } if (voice->vc_HardCut) { int32 nextinst; if (ht->ht_NoteNr + 1 < ht->ht_TrackLength) nextinst = ht->ht_Tracks[voice->vc_Track][ht->ht_NoteNr + 1].stp_Instrument; else nextinst = ht->ht_Tracks[voice->vc_NextTrack][0].stp_Instrument; if (nextinst) { int32 d1; d1 = ht->ht_Tempo - voice->vc_HardCut; if (d1 < 0) d1 = 0; if (!voice->vc_NoteCutOn) { voice->vc_NoteCutOn = 1; voice->vc_NoteCutWait = d1; voice->vc_HardCutReleaseF = -(d1 - ht->ht_Tempo); } else { voice->vc_HardCut = 0; } } } if (voice->vc_NoteCutOn) { if (voice->vc_NoteCutWait <= 0) { voice->vc_NoteCutOn = 0; if (voice->vc_HardCutRelease) { voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames = voice->vc_HardCutReleaseF; voice->vc_ADSR.rVolume = 0; if (voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames > 0) voice->vc_ADSR.rVolume = -(voice->vc_ADSRVolume - (voice->vc_Instrument->ins_Envelope.rVolume << 8)) / voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames; voice->vc_ADSR.aFrames = voice->vc_ADSR.dFrames = voice->vc_ADSR.sFrames = 0; } else { voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = 0; } } else { voice->vc_NoteCutWait--; } } // ADSR envelope if (voice->vc_ADSR.aFrames) { voice->vc_ADSRVolume += voice->vc_ADSR.aVolume; if (--voice->vc_ADSR.aFrames <= 0) voice->vc_ADSRVolume = voice->vc_Instrument->ins_Envelope.aVolume << 8; } else if (voice->vc_ADSR.dFrames) { voice->vc_ADSRVolume += voice->vc_ADSR.dVolume; if (--voice->vc_ADSR.dFrames <= 0) voice->vc_ADSRVolume = voice->vc_Instrument->ins_Envelope.dVolume << 8; } else if (voice->vc_ADSR.sFrames) { voice->vc_ADSR.sFrames--; } else if (voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames) { voice->vc_ADSRVolume += voice->vc_ADSR.rVolume; if (--voice->vc_ADSR.rFrames <= 0) voice->vc_ADSRVolume = voice->vc_Instrument->ins_Envelope.rVolume << 8; } // VolumeSlide voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume + voice->vc_VolumeSlideUp - voice->vc_VolumeSlideDown; if (voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume < 0) voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = 0; else if (voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume > 0x40) voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume = 0x40; // Portamento if (voice->vc_PeriodSlideOn) { if (voice->vc_PeriodSlideWithLimit) { int32 d0, d2; d0 = voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod - voice->vc_PeriodSlideLimit; d2 = voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed; if (d0 > 0) d2 = -d2; if (d0) { int32 d3; d3 = (d0 + d2) ^ d0; if (d3 >= 0) d0 = voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod + d2; else d0 = voice->vc_PeriodSlideLimit; voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod = d0; voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1; } } else { voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod += voice->vc_PeriodSlideSpeed; voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1; } } // Vibrato if (voice->vc_VibratoDepth) { if (voice->vc_VibratoDelay <= 0) { voice->vc_VibratoPeriod = (vib_tab[voice->vc_VibratoCurrent] * voice->vc_VibratoDepth) >> 7; voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1; voice->vc_VibratoCurrent = (voice->vc_VibratoCurrent + voice->vc_VibratoSpeed) & 0x3f; } else { voice->vc_VibratoDelay--; } } // PList if (voice->vc_PerfList != 0) { if (voice->vc_Instrument && voice->vc_PerfCurrent < voice->vc_Instrument->ins_PList.pls_Length) { int signedOverflow = (voice->vc_PerfWait == 128); voice->vc_PerfWait--; if (signedOverflow || (int8)voice->vc_PerfWait <= 0) { uint32 i; int32 cur; cur = voice->vc_PerfCurrent++; voice->vc_PerfWait = voice->vc_PerfSpeed; if (voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_Waveform) { voice->vc_Waveform = voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_Waveform - 1; voice->vc_NewWaveform = 1; voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed = voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod = 0; } // Holdwave voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideOn = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) hvl_plist_command_parse(ht, voice, voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_FX[i] & 0xff, voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_FXParam[i] & 0xff); // GetNote if (voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_Note) { voice->vc_InstrPeriod = voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_Note; voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1; voice->vc_FixedNote = voice->vc_PerfList->pls_Entries[cur].ple_Fixed; } } } else { if (voice->vc_PerfWait) voice->vc_PerfWait--; else voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed = 0; } } // PerfPortamento if (voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideOn) { voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod -= voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlideSpeed; if (voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod) voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 1; } if (voice->vc_Waveform == 3 - 1 && voice->vc_SquareOn) { if (--voice->vc_SquareWait <= 0) { int32 d1, d2, d3; d1 = voice->vc_SquareLowerLimit; d2 = voice->vc_SquareUpperLimit; d3 = voice->vc_SquarePos; if (voice->vc_SquareInit) { voice->vc_SquareInit = 0; if (d3 <= d1) { voice->vc_SquareSlidingIn = 1; voice->vc_SquareSign = 1; } else if (d3 >= d2) { voice->vc_SquareSlidingIn = 1; voice->vc_SquareSign = -1; } } // NoSquareInit if (d1 == d3 || d2 == d3) { if (voice->vc_SquareSlidingIn) voice->vc_SquareSlidingIn = 0; else voice->vc_SquareSign = -voice->vc_SquareSign; } d3 += voice->vc_SquareSign; voice->vc_SquarePos = d3; voice->vc_PlantSquare = 1; voice->vc_SquareWait = voice->vc_Instrument->ins_SquareSpeed; } } if (voice->vc_FilterOn && --voice->vc_FilterWait <= 0) { uint32 i, FMax; int32 d1, d2, d3; d1 = voice->vc_FilterLowerLimit; d2 = voice->vc_FilterUpperLimit; d3 = voice->vc_FilterPos; if (voice->vc_FilterInit) { voice->vc_FilterInit = 0; if (d3 <= d1) { voice->vc_FilterSlidingIn = 1; voice->vc_FilterSign = 1; } else if (d3 >= d2) { voice->vc_FilterSlidingIn = 1; voice->vc_FilterSign = -1; } } // NoFilterInit FMax = (voice->vc_FilterSpeed < 4) ? (5 - voice->vc_FilterSpeed) : 1; for (i = 0; i < FMax; i++) { if ((d1 == d3) || (d2 == d3)) { if (voice->vc_FilterSlidingIn) voice->vc_FilterSlidingIn = 0; else voice->vc_FilterSign = -voice->vc_FilterSign; } d3 += voice->vc_FilterSign; } if (d3 < 1) d3 = 1; if (d3 > 63) d3 = 63; voice->vc_FilterPos = d3; voice->vc_NewWaveform = 1; voice->vc_FilterWait = voice->vc_FilterSpeed - 3; if (voice->vc_FilterWait < 1) voice->vc_FilterWait = 1; } if (voice->vc_Waveform == 3 - 1 || voice->vc_PlantSquare) { // CalcSquare uint32 i; int32 Delta; const int8 *SquarePtr; int32 X; SquarePtr = &waves[WO_SQUARES + (voice->vc_FilterPos - 0x20) * (0xfc + 0xfc + 0x80 * 0x1f + 0x80 + 0x280 * 3)]; X = voice->vc_SquarePos << (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength); if (X > 0x20) { X = 0x40 - X; voice->vc_SquareReverse = 1; } // OkDownSquare if (X > 0) SquarePtr += (X - 1) << 7; Delta = 32 >> voice->vc_WaveLength; ht->ht_WaveformTab[2] = voice->vc_SquareTempBuffer; for (i = 0; i < (1 << voice->vc_WaveLength) * 4; i++) { voice->vc_SquareTempBuffer[i] = *SquarePtr; SquarePtr += Delta; } voice->vc_NewWaveform = 1; voice->vc_Waveform = 3 - 1; voice->vc_PlantSquare = 0; } if (voice->vc_Waveform == 4 - 1) voice->vc_NewWaveform = 1; if (voice->vc_RingNewWaveform) { const int8 *rasrc; if (voice->vc_RingWaveform > 1) voice->vc_RingWaveform = 1; rasrc = ht->ht_WaveformTab[voice->vc_RingWaveform]; rasrc += Offsets[voice->vc_WaveLength]; voice->vc_RingAudioSource = rasrc; } if (voice->vc_NewWaveform) { const int8 *AudioSource; AudioSource = ht->ht_WaveformTab[voice->vc_Waveform]; if (voice->vc_Waveform != 3 - 1) AudioSource += (voice->vc_FilterPos - 0x20) * (0xfc + 0xfc + 0x80 * 0x1f + 0x80 + 0x280 * 3); if (voice->vc_Waveform < 3 - 1) { // GetWLWaveformlor2 AudioSource += Offsets[voice->vc_WaveLength]; } if (voice->vc_Waveform == 4 - 1) { // AddRandomMoving AudioSource += (voice->vc_WNRandom & (2 * 0x280 - 1)) & ~1; // GoOnRandom voice->vc_WNRandom += 2239384; voice->vc_WNRandom = ((((voice->vc_WNRandom >> 8) | (voice->vc_WNRandom << 24)) + 782323) ^ 75) - 6735; } voice->vc_AudioSource = AudioSource; } // Ring modulation period calculation if (voice->vc_RingAudioSource) { voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = voice->vc_RingBasePeriod; if (!(voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod)) { if (voice->vc_OverrideTranspose != 1000) // 1.5 voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod += voice->vc_OverrideTranspose + voice->vc_TrackPeriod - 1; else voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod += voice->vc_Transpose + voice->vc_TrackPeriod - 1; } if (voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod > 5 * 12) voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = 5 * 12; if (voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod < 0) voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = 0; voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = period_tab[voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod]; if (!(voice->vc_RingFixedPeriod)) voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod += voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod; voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod += voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod + voice->vc_VibratoPeriod; if (voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod > 0x0d60) voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = 0x0d60; if (voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod < 0x0071) voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod = 0x0071; } // Normal period calculation voice->vc_AudioPeriod = voice->vc_InstrPeriod; if (!(voice->vc_FixedNote)) { if (voice->vc_OverrideTranspose != 1000) // 1.5 voice->vc_AudioPeriod += voice->vc_OverrideTranspose + voice->vc_TrackPeriod - 1; else voice->vc_AudioPeriod += voice->vc_Transpose + voice->vc_TrackPeriod - 1; } if (voice->vc_AudioPeriod > 5 * 12) voice->vc_AudioPeriod = 5 * 12; if (voice->vc_AudioPeriod < 0) voice->vc_AudioPeriod = 0; voice->vc_AudioPeriod = period_tab[voice->vc_AudioPeriod]; if (!(voice->vc_FixedNote)) voice->vc_AudioPeriod += voice->vc_PeriodSlidePeriod; voice->vc_AudioPeriod += voice->vc_PeriodPerfSlidePeriod + voice->vc_VibratoPeriod; if (voice->vc_AudioPeriod > 0x0d60) voice->vc_AudioPeriod = 0x0d60; if (voice->vc_AudioPeriod < 0x0071) voice->vc_AudioPeriod = 0x0071; voice->vc_AudioVolume = (((((((voice->vc_ADSRVolume >> 8) * voice->vc_NoteMaxVolume) >> 6) * voice->vc_PerfSubVolume) >> 6) * voice->vc_TrackMasterVolume) >> 6); } void hvl_set_audio(struct hvl_voice *voice, float64 freqf) { if (voice->vc_TrackOn == 0) { voice->vc_VoiceVolume = 0; return; } voice->vc_VoiceVolume = voice->vc_AudioVolume; if (voice->vc_PlantPeriod) { float64 freq2; uint32 delta; voice->vc_PlantPeriod = 0; voice->vc_VoicePeriod = voice->vc_AudioPeriod; freq2 = Period2Freq(voice->vc_AudioPeriod); delta = (uint32)(freq2 / freqf); if (delta > (0x280 << 16)) delta -= (0x280 << 16); if (delta == 0) delta = 1; voice->vc_Delta = delta; } if (voice->vc_NewWaveform) { const int8 *src; src = voice->vc_AudioSource; if (voice->vc_Waveform == 4 - 1) { memcpy(&voice->vc_VoiceBuffer[0], src, 0x280); } else { uint32 i, WaveLoops; WaveLoops = (1 << (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength)) * 5; for (i = 0; i < WaveLoops; i++) memcpy(&voice->vc_VoiceBuffer[i * 4 * (1 << voice->vc_WaveLength)], src, 4 * (1 << voice->vc_WaveLength)); } voice->vc_VoiceBuffer[0x280] = voice->vc_VoiceBuffer[0]; voice->vc_MixSource = voice->vc_VoiceBuffer; } /* Ring Modulation */ if (voice->vc_RingPlantPeriod) { float64 freq2; uint32 delta; voice->vc_RingPlantPeriod = 0; freq2 = Period2Freq(voice->vc_RingAudioPeriod); delta = (uint32)(freq2 / freqf); if (delta > (0x280 << 16)) delta -= (0x280 << 16); if (delta == 0) delta = 1; voice->vc_RingDelta = delta; } if (voice->vc_RingNewWaveform) { const int8 *src; uint32 i, WaveLoops; src = voice->vc_RingAudioSource; WaveLoops = (1 << (5 - voice->vc_WaveLength)) * 5; for (i = 0; i < WaveLoops; i++) memcpy(&voice->vc_RingVoiceBuffer[i * 4 * (1 << voice->vc_WaveLength)], src, 4 * (1 << voice->vc_WaveLength)); voice->vc_RingVoiceBuffer[0x280] = voice->vc_RingVoiceBuffer[0]; voice->vc_RingMixSource = voice->vc_RingVoiceBuffer; } } void hvl_play_irq(struct hvl_tune *ht) { uint32 i; if (ht->ht_StepWaitFrames == 0) { if (ht->ht_GetNewPosition) { int32 nextpos = (ht->ht_PosNr + 1 == ht->ht_PositionNr) ? 0 : (ht->ht_PosNr + 1); for (i = 0; i < ht->ht_Channels; i++) { ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Track = ht->ht_Positions[ht->ht_PosNr].pos_Track[i]; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Transpose = ht->ht_Positions[ht->ht_PosNr].pos_Transpose[i]; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NextTrack = ht->ht_Positions[nextpos].pos_Track[i]; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_NextTranspose = ht->ht_Positions[nextpos].pos_Transpose[i]; } ht->ht_GetNewPosition = 0; } for (i = 0; i < ht->ht_Channels; i++) hvl_process_step(ht, &ht->ht_Voices[i]); ht->ht_StepWaitFrames = ht->ht_Tempo; } for (i = 0; i < ht->ht_Channels; i++) hvl_process_frame(ht, &ht->ht_Voices[i]); ht->ht_PlayingTime++; if (--ht->ht_StepWaitFrames == 0) { if (!ht->ht_PatternBreak) { ht->ht_NoteNr++; if (ht->ht_NoteNr >= ht->ht_TrackLength) { ht->ht_PosJump = ht->ht_PosNr + 1; ht->ht_PosJumpNote = 0; ht->ht_PatternBreak = 1; } } if (ht->ht_PatternBreak) { ht->ht_PatternBreak = 0; ht->ht_PosNr = ht->ht_PosJump; ht->ht_NoteNr = ht->ht_PosJumpNote; if (ht->ht_PosNr == ht->ht_PositionNr) { ht->ht_SongEndReached = 1; ht->ht_PosNr = ht->ht_Restart; } ht->ht_PosJumpNote = 0; ht->ht_PosJump = 0; ht->ht_GetNewPosition = 1; } } for (i = 0; i < ht->ht_Channels; i++) hvl_set_audio(&ht->ht_Voices[i], ht->ht_Frequency); } void hvl_mixchunk(struct hvl_tune *ht, uint32 samples, int8 *buf1, int8 *buf2, int32 bufmod) { const int8 *src[MAX_CHANNELS]; const int8 *rsrc[MAX_CHANNELS]; uint32 delta[MAX_CHANNELS]; uint32 rdelta[MAX_CHANNELS]; int32 vol[MAX_CHANNELS]; uint32 pos[MAX_CHANNELS]; uint32 rpos[MAX_CHANNELS]; uint32 cnt; int32 panl[MAX_CHANNELS]; int32 panr[MAX_CHANNELS]; // uint32 vu[MAX_CHANNELS]; int32 a = 0, b = 0, j; uint32 i, chans, loops; chans = ht->ht_Channels; for (i = 0; i < chans; i++) { delta[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_Delta; vol[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VoiceVolume; pos[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SamplePos; src[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_MixSource; panl[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PanMultLeft; panr[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_PanMultRight; /* Ring Modulation */ rdelta[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingDelta; rpos[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingSamplePos; rsrc[i] = ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingMixSource; // vu[i] = 0; } do { loops = samples; for (i = 0; i < chans; i++) { if (pos[i] >= (0x280 << 16)) pos[i] -= 0x280 << 16; cnt = ((0x280 << 16) - pos[i] - 1) / delta[i] + 1; if (cnt < loops) loops = cnt; if (rsrc[i]) { if (rpos[i] >= (0x280 << 16)) rpos[i] -= 0x280 << 16; cnt = ((0x280 << 16) - rpos[i] - 1) / rdelta[i] + 1; if (cnt < loops) loops = cnt; } } samples -= loops; // Inner loop do { a = 0; b = 0; for (i = 0; i < chans; i++) { if (rsrc[i]) { /* Ring Modulation */ j = ((src[i][pos[i] >> 16] * rsrc[i][rpos[i] >> 16]) >> 7) * vol[i]; rpos[i] += rdelta[i]; } else { j = src[i][pos[i] >> 16] * vol[i]; } // if( abs( j ) > vu[i] ) vu[i] = abs( j ); a += (j * panl[i]) >> 7; b += (j * panr[i]) >> 7; pos[i] += delta[i]; } a = (a * ht->ht_mixgain) >> 8; b = (b * ht->ht_mixgain) >> 8; if (a < -0x8000) a = -0x8000; if (a > 0x7fff) a = 0x7fff; if (b < -0x8000) b = -0x8000; if (b > 0x7fff) b = 0x7fff; *(int16 *)buf1 = a; *(int16 *)buf2 = b; loops--; buf1 += bufmod; buf2 += bufmod; } while (loops > 0); } while (samples > 0); for (i = 0; i < chans; i++) { ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_SamplePos = pos[i]; ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_RingSamplePos = rpos[i]; // ht->ht_Voices[i].vc_VUMeter = vu[i]; } } void hvl_DecodeFrame(struct hvl_tune *ht, int8 *buf1, int8 *buf2, int32 bufmod) { uint32 samples, loops; samples = ht->ht_Frequency / 50 / ht->ht_SpeedMultiplier; loops = ht->ht_SpeedMultiplier; do { hvl_play_irq(ht); hvl_mixchunk(ht, samples, buf1, buf2, bufmod); buf1 += samples * bufmod; buf2 += samples * bufmod; loops--; } while (loops); }